Nacelle Configurations

Nacelle Counts on Starships and Stardrive Vessels:

Their History

By Meteo M. Archon, V+


The Container Transporting Auxiliaries are inflexible, and can't handle very many Warp Configurations,

being almost always confined to two-nacelle configurations, although one of the earliest, smallest

of these, launched in 2179, was a one-nacelle ship.


The Federation has ben more adventurous and experimental in Nacelle Configurations than most other

Star Nations, and while Two-Nacelle Ships are the norm for them, one, three and four nacelle configurations

are quite common. No number higher than four has been attempted, although an experiment with an eight-nacelle

ship attempting speeds of Warp 9.99992 led to disaster, as the test ship caused a subspace tear and exploded.


The Klingons have often stuck to Two and Three-Nacelle Configurations, One-Nacelle sometimes employed on smaller

ships but being typically underpowered, and Four, Five and Six Nacelle Configurations occasionally employed

on Dreadnought and Battleship Classes.


The Romulans rely more than most of the Star Nations on Two-Nacelle Ships, although the occasional design

making use of one, three, four, five, six, seven and eight nacelle configurations appears, being of marginal

interest, but many designers and Senior Commanders quite prefer familiar, reliable designs, excepting the

massive generations of Hullform and increases in tech after the Treaty of Smarba and tech exchange with

the Klingons.


The Kzinti often used two nacelle configurations on large, red wedgeships throughout the 21st and 22nd

Centuries, and when they switched to 0Xe in the 2210s, they developed a vastly different aesthetic of

arious polygonal shapes connected to long, boxy stardrives with forward ventral shuttlebays in the

stardrive, and various drone and phaser towers and rails potruding from the ship, nearly all of which

were three-nacelle configurations, although two and four nacelle configurations have occasionally been

done successfully.


The Gorn often relied on two-nacelle configurations, one and three nacelle configurations being rare,

cumbersome, and unreliable, and four-nacelle configurations being decent, but limited to some

Dreadnoughts, Carriers, Space Control Ships and Battleships due to Mass limitations.


The Tholians didn't care much about varying nacelle configurations, often sticking to one and two nacelle

configurations, three and four nacelle configurations used on some cruisers, dreadnoughts and the Neo-Tholians,

The Neo-Tholians often carrying multiple types of Warp Engine; one in the diamond primary hull, and two

larger ones in the stardrive.


Orions, barring some ancient Orion Space Navy ships from -1X with two nacelles, only operated one-nacelle

ships as part of their early Pirate Fleet until 2249, when the dual-nacelle "OPC Second Nacelle" came online,

and since then, one, two and three nacelle ships have been quite common, with four, five and six nacelle ships

being rarities attempted by ambitious, wealthy cartels and warlords for special purposes.


Hydrans vary number of nacelles wildly on ships, with many designs getting one, two, three and four nacelles,

five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten nacelle designs being rarely attempted, but not completely unknown.


Andromedans almost always use two nacelle ships, although a few rare three and four nacelle designs were witnessed

in some outer Alpha-Beta Quadrant systems and in the Magellanic Clouds in 2301-2302.


Lyrans most often use two and three nacelle ships, sometimes having four, five and six nacelle ships, and once-nacelle

ships being rare and underpowered, which already being a problem with some Lyran ships, was inexcusable, thus limiting

the deployment and lifespan of such ships.


The WYN often use two nacelle ships, although the actual count is often reliant on the Auxiliary or captured/bought/traded

ship they convert, with three and four nacelle ships being sometimes encountered, and less than a hundred operated

single nacelle ships being operated total, with All-New Fish Ship, Auxiliary Ship, and Orion and Orion-inspired

design, two and three nacelle ships have been normal.


The ISC, like the Romulans and Gorn, almost always use two nacelle ships, with one, three and four nacelle ships being

rare, and only employed for an occasional select campaign, possibly in a heavy interdiction or warzone composed of one

or a few especially large Echelons.


The LDR use three nacelle ships somewhat more than most other Star Nations except the Kzinti and Hydrans, with a medium

number of two nacelle ships.


Seltorians often vary wildly between three and four nacelle ships, although since the Booms don't separate, the occasional

two nacelle design has emerged.


Jindarians vary wildly between one, two, three and four nacelle ships.


Vudar often use three nacelle ships, with some uncommon, mediocre one and two nacelle ships being developed.


Paravians almost always used three nacelle ships, any less being to destabilizing for their heavily aerodynamic hulls,

with a few four nacelle command ships being built in significant numbers.


Carnivons almost always use two nacelle ships, one nacelle configurations being limited to only a few gunboat classes,

and three and four nacelle configurations attempted once each, with moderate success, in an attempt to build more

powerful ships to be able to cope with the advancing Kzinti and Lyran fleets.


Ferengi often use one and two nacelle configurations, more than that being almost unheard of, outside of the sometimes

very different looking, and often unique custom commissions done by various wealthy merchants and eccentric Daielvogs.


Cardassians often rely on two, three and four nacelle configurations, with some smaller patrol and shuttle designs

being one nacelle.


The Borg often use a single Transwarp Coil, or "Nacelle" on their ships, and occasionally two to twenty nacelles,

for backup purpose and for additional power.


The Tamarians often use two and four nacelle ships, one and three nacelles being uncommon, but fairly successful.


The Dominion often use two, three, four, five and six nacelle ships, one nacelle designs not employed at all.


The Maquis use stolen and converted ships from the Federation, Bajorans, and a handful of minor nations,

usually being two nacelle ships, with roughly 5-10 percent total being other configurations.


First Federation Ships often use one nacelle configurations on smaller Class I-III ships, larger ships have

wildly varying nacelle types going up to around 250!


Kazon often use one, two, three and four nacelle configurations, nuff'said.


The Voth often use one to twelve nacelle configurations.


Species 8472 ships often use one and two nacelle configurations on over 80% of their ships, and on a handful

of their Carrier, Battleship and Mobile Base designs, they use three and four nacelle configurations.


The Krenim often use four nacelle configurations, sometimes fewer on smaller ships.


Son'a ships almost always use two nacelle configurations, not particularly caring about any others.


Hirogen use one, two, three and four nacelle configurations often, and on a few large classes crewed

by many thousands of friendly hutners form larger clans, use five and six nacelle configurations.


The Swarm often use one nacelle ships, not having much use for larger ships, when they did build larger

ships, two nacelle configurations have been observed by the USS Korolev in 2422, and by the USS Sentinel in 2475.


The Breen often use one, two, three and four nacelle configurations, having little trouble with any of them.


The Centaurians don't use typical Warp Engines, but rather Jumpdrives and Antimatter Reactors.


The Krebiz often employ two nacelle configurations, and one nacelle in some of their larger modules, and as some

modules were designed to be pfs and couriers operating more independently, they are two nacelle.


The Argonians use many different star and caltrop shapes, with from three to seven nacelles in use.