My Psychotic Dreams

Throughout the 2000s, I have had some very psychotic Dreams, and here, I will describe them in full.

1 & 2: The Teletubby Dreams.

In 1999-2000, I dreamed that a Teletubby's Circuitry went haywire and it went bananas, runnint at me, grabbing my nose and pulling, saying "Tear!"

Then, I dreamt that I was in a bookstore or something, and was holding a little Teletubby keychain, and it made different noises when you made contact with it in different ways, and as I squeezed it in the bum/left leg region, it said "Ouch!", and I then, with a streak of malicious glee, kept squeezing it and making it go

"Ouch!" over and over again.

3: Fighting over my Soul

I dreamt I was at some party with people, and one fat woman had "Thally", the name of an Oh! My Goddess Fan Artist and Fanfic Writer who was a short, skinny girl on her shirt, somehow I saw a Minbari Head on a badly drawn toddler-scrawled potato-like body with three legs, and then I was in a glowing room and two women in masks covering their eyes nose and foreheads, one with a halo, the other with devil horns and tail on hers kept reaching for me, and arguing, I had trouble hearing their quarrel, but the Devil-one said "He's Mine!" and as they reached for me, I kept pushing them back.

4: Megalodream

I wandered around, saw various old guys and old women dancing in a hall, then they came out, the women in green leotards with clown pom-poms on them, I then ran out to confront a monster, got comedically angry, sorta like the guy in "Ziddi", Screamed "NO... MEGALO!" and turned into Megaloman and beat him.

5: Ran

I also dreamt that I was in a movie theater when the closing credits of the movie were rolling, and Ran, in her Sexy Rosetta-Sei Leotard, came in hauling trashbags.

6: Gramma's House

I visited Gramma's House, and jus tlived there hermetically, seeing odd, wildly changing buildings, setting, vehicles and different, often autumn setting.

7: You aren't supposed to be here!

I was walking with Belldandy, somehow, and Barry Hayes, the hyperactive long brown-haired surfer-slang using guy in khaki bermuda shorts calling me "Dude" over and over again saying to me "It's all right, Belldandy wouldn't lie to us!"

I said "hey, you aren't supposed to be here!" Then dove to my right, rolling down a leaf, bush and vine covered hill and soon being chased by a Truck with it's brights on.

8: ACParadise

I was with the Ah! My Cosplay Trio ( or go to or go to and look up Raya, Umigoddess and AllieSkuld), and a followed them through a tunnel, and walked into a pool of water on top of a skyscraper.

9: Possession

I was moving neutrally, going on one of my old nomadic migrations with Erik, then we came to a generic-looking white 20th century house with a one-car garage.

Moses was there, running something, and I walked around a couple halls to this long side room, where some blondie was leather-cuffed to some metal table, and she was possessed, her eyes looking like intense, cat-eyes that stabbed my eyes a little bit watching her.

I was only mildly scared looking at her, in a brief stab, but otherwise implacable... Neutral...

10: At Home with Onii-Sama

I Was hanging around at home, watching TV, then met my Linebrother, George Carlin again, who showed me something interesting about Commerce and Moving aroudn in a busy city and seeing and hearing lots of (kinda) interesting stuff, and I got on my knees and called him "Onii-San" in this oddly placated, happy sweet voice, some other people I didn't know went in the house and I tolerated this. I also went in the garage and me and Powell got some soda and enjoyed the sunny weather.

This was my Brother talking to me; - he contacted me in my Sub Surreal Conciousness. We keep in touch, and I was fully aware and functional in the Dream, although THAT was somewhat of an Illusion and All That Jazz.

This, is deconstructionist liver-writhing Demonneedles several multidimensional layers past hitting Mickey six-seven times, past dreary sunny past awkwardly being in jail and cardboard enclosures, so many "no way out" nasty rumors

This is Luna Loud, and her @$^/[-#$@ Honeybuns Traumatic Candy. They are Batshit insane like Geezbat against the Orange Tyrant and Play Rough.

An experience with them is like a day at Sakuracon with some Fanta, Rum and 3 THOUSAND cases of Weinhards.

Go to aszii at Deviantart (Sexual Fetish Site and home of Perverse Desires and Poetic Scrawlings), which doesn't sound like a upfucking damn gerbilscrewing idea of a Fucking name, but then again, kendra sounds like a Klingon Name to Watashi.