
Compendium of Free Speech Emporium Sites.

By Meteo Archon, Rokuratei 1d6-1, V+

of the First Age, free links provided

Here is a list of these sites, anything figurative/complexly eventful/yummy meat-foods from here or elsewhere that would confuse you - ; compacted, that and any look/process you operate when you use one of these sites, should give you some idea of the complex shit there, although I'm probably my usual asshole self by being so careful; - but then again, this is supposed to be a comphrehensie compendium, so duh.

Anyway, here are the sites:


He is the fairly obvious choice, with some uncommon, niggling at everyday pissblob kind of things. Many of what he has accomplished was unexpectedly Mega-kickass; - Shit, any of that Box Scale, and complex Science/History Megadish thing he's occasionally a help with.


Really opinioned, any what's spookier; - complex/wierd processes and fact/game shit, or the face that when you do this with Maddox, you're going to get a LOT of unintended lessons out of it, especially spooky is when they're what you rarely hearly of elsewhere, and when shit like this is what you'd rather stick with, considering too many unsettling/generic BS alternatives.


Only a few minor slip ups; - later on; earlier, he's just a slightly above normal guy, and he doesn't Really hate Star Trek, he just doesn't give a shit about it, that, and all he puts in one of his show clips, down to the nit-pickiest level, reveals this, take from it what you will; even if it's just Worf getting dumped on, and dealing with it a little differently than usual.

Grade: - B+, early mid years, A- later, like the last five-seven years, sometimes slipping unpredictably into A, and A+ territory, any of this occasionally leads to 2d10 Godfuck Feats.

Link: -; - hia Hate Mail section, and it's gimmick, handles the rest.

Ninja Pirate-

One who I'm roughly equal to. Read Carefully, (as you always Fucking should):


Unnervingly Chaotic and Unlikely, but still 'some' of a boon, in capability. Some weird (even for me) wordplay.


Brace yourself; - some of this is STILL regular opinion, and complex topics complexly.

Grade: B+, his rarest; - best is A-

Link: - Easy; - in this Meta-Compendium and of URL Length

Spiff the Stupendous-

This is a cool, although small site.


Has a straightforward, and Really Non-PC approach to things. Has some rare shit. Calvin and Hobbes, and other link choices.


Obscure, and not a lot of stuff, if you don't like practical, then manage your sequential shit appropriately.

Grade: B+. I'm biased, but not THAT biased.

Link: - Spiff the Stupendous Controls the Universe - Egotistical Cyborg Picture at the top


This is a guy who isn't that great. He was somewhat more relevent in the shitty 2nd Age, Bush-heavy, but after... only Kind of an opinion guy to occasionally go to.


Some extensive blend of opinion/facts, has a good Hate Mail page; - good if you like Extensive Castration, when I had grudge-carrying occasionally tossed around with "Toss Your Brain Around; - Get Serious."


Sometimes kind of... pointless, or makes an occasional gaffe I wouldn't quite accept, but he's good, just at the... Middle end of the thing.

Grade: B

Link: - Another Simple Website URL


This is another short, but sweet guy.

Advantages: Some views from a Young(er) guy, some things he attacks that are unique. Expression on his pages that is a multiplex of Edutainment.

Disadvantages: some confusion, if you aren't up on Satire; - will be more or less one of those subjectively middle people in the universal jockeying Gold-God-42-Diadem.

Grade: B+

Link: - Rick Van Doel

Drunk Guy with a Simple Intermixes *1d6 Term* butt-fuck.

He relies on being Drunk, even more than me.

Advantages: Simple URL, kind of in the middle, AGAIN.

Disadvantages: Kind of in the middle, AGAIN; - covers narrower shit compared to the others.

Grade: B

Link: - Come with me, I have bizarre things to warp your Brain with!!!

Stanley Tuesday-

This is the Brit on the List.

Advantages: Really indirect Satire.

Disadvantages: Really indirect Satire.

Grade: B+

Link: - The Stanley Tuesday Experience

Daniel Isaac-

This is the member of my Species on the list.

Advantages: Comprehensive Logizing, Rare Experiences and Facts - either tends to make you poop hard in uneasy situations, so

this is the Cliff Notes shit you should apply to your Anal Bump.

Disadvantages: Has to be read "Between the Lines" for his subtlely partially disagreeing/disapproving, will hang you comedically, and his also extensive Castration Network of a Hate Mail Page, will get an unexpected member; - you.

Grade: A-

Link: - Daniel Isaac - Masturbate coolly and Sarcasticlly


This is the misc. dude.

Advantages: more or less another Celestial Opinion guy in the middle.

Disadvantages: Probably just not that notable.

Grade: B-

Link: - Misc. Don't Butt-Fuck with me, Anal Fuck-Putz

Misc. Guys:.-

Occasionally relevent, sometimes teaching, but don't really bother; - just to pad out the misc. middle and edges.

Grade: 1d6

Link: - A Bitch