Star Trek: The Final Dimension (Post-TNG)

A Time of Legends...

This, is my Post-TNG Series, accomplishing what Gene had specified in obscure data:

1: To surpass even Gene himself

2: To move forward from TNG in timeline

So, this is it, some of my ships come from there, and the timeline is from 2500, right when the 25th Century begins, to 2506, when the Existence War ends, and when the U.S.S Enterprise leaves, under the command of Emily Something, Something, for a new 26-year tour of exploration...

This is a Protoformed version of it on Scifi-Meshes

...Anyway, here's the Series, and many years worth of Post-TNG, Psi-Heavy Trauma'n'Fun. Enjoy!

The Timeline of the Post-TNG Period: the Future's Future's Future's Future's Future!!!

2382: Research engages in Slipdrive

2383: Crippled Romulan Vessel is rescued by the Heavy Explorer Xelissasl - the Romulans sign more extensive treaty with the Federation, and share their (finally declassified) Slipstream Project of the mid to late 2270s,

2383: Scotty intertwines and repairs Reality Firmaments of obscurity and history, and dies soon after; - Geordie Laforge is promoted to Captain, and takes command of the U.S.S Challenger

2385: under the careful guidence of Geordie Laforge and David Gold, the first Slip Drives are successfully tested out, and several other technologies are developed, advancing the Federation into 4Xl - what Picard, Jake Sisko and others saw in visions.

2386: further development into 4Xl, result in improved Com Badges, with increased 15,000 km range, two advanced modes of detection, and with different signal modes and durability

2386-2390: The Galaxy-Class ships are heavily debated, and almost retired, with several bureaucrats and admirals strongly in favour of it, however, it is suggested to keep them around, and have them be a moderate-quantity support ship for the new wave of Heavy Explorers and Cruisers, to make use of the new 4Xl and Slip Drive technology.

2392: Uniforms are updated, to the All Good Things kind.

2402-2406: The new wave of 4Xl vessels like the Farseer and Galileo II Classes are launched, and make use of Low Scale Slip Drive, although still much faster than nearly all warp drives, they are to pave the way for many potential speed and efficiency upgrades, as the full aurapathways of Slipdrive are mapped out.

2412: After several races unsuccessfully rebel, and try to gain Slip Drive technology and gang-overtake several Klingon vessels, due to assistence, and shared tech and secrets form the Federation, the Klingon High Chanceller, Kronirok, a long-time supporter of peaceful Klingon-Federation relations, officially declares that the Klingon Empire will join the federation, and become a major part of it's organization and frontier operations (colony; - and tactical operations)

2414: The Romulan Star Empire, after numerous aid, and exchange of data with the Federation, decide to help their stagnating (resourcefully and politically) Star Empire by joining with the Federation, becoming a prominent guiding force/diplomatic aid with the Federation

At about this time, two dozen hundred holograms, finding of, several thousand repressed holograms on distant Federation and Unaffiliated worlds, and developing on their own, take over six advanced Federation Heavy Explorers, and Heavy and Light Cruisers, and perform acts of terrorism and hijacking on Federation travel paths, sworn to reveal the repression of Holograms, and other hidden wrongs that the Federation has orchestrated.

The Catalyst class is developed to provide more tactical, while other vessels are developed for more exploratory purposes, and the first four vessels are sent to attack the Holograms, to subjugate them, or to force them on a distant world, to keep them far away from the other Federation Races, with their information.

2415: The Holograms publish data and observations on how the Federation has become more militaristic, with more nasty results and dubious plans. along with a few occasional tidbits of dubious federation individual doings to illustrate how the Federation is a declining Hog, on a path of destruction, a downward surving line on a chart, no longer as "Perfect" as they claim to be.

2416: The Holograms set up the Holographic Alliance, and construct a high-tech base on an outer desert world, becoming their own Star Nation, and after hijacking, over two dozen vessels, rescuing over a hundred holograms, and developing over three personnel/ship construction yards.

2418: The Holograms launch the first three Andunax Class Heavy Frigates, used to attack the U.S.S Wesley anand make a formal declaration of condemnation, and listing of what the Federation has done, summed up.

The federation sometimes, failingly, sometimes with success, sends their best Galileo II and farseer-led fleets to exterminate the holograms, some on the federation council making exaggarated claims of the Holograms being sinister, and how viruses have corrupted their programming, a move which, along with a few, dubious, and separated instances, have begun to make a few of the Ambassadors of the Member Races more suspicious.

2419: The Holowar begins, the Federation Tamarians and Cardassians join forces to combat the Hologram Alliance, allied with the Ascorallens, and Jixekins, with some supplies and weapons from the Ordongrone Kingdom, with the Federation moving further into 4Xl/5X, and the Cardassians fielding a wide array of new designs and tech.

2422: After much fighting, and a surprising amount of effort from the Holograms, once thought to be easily crushed, the Federation begins shady dealings, and tramplings, of spirit, secrets, and life, beginning to make the suspicious ones, and more among the Council, and Alpha and Beta Quadrants to doubt the Federation, and plan against them more and more.

2423: The Federation begins to switch fully into 5X, using their own, and studied Borg tech, to develop dozens of refits and new designs, and fleets are sent, decimating more and more of the Hologram Alliance bases and colonies, and hammering the navies of the Ascorallens and Jixekens, neutralizing nearly all of them, leaving a few minor squadrons for short-range system support.

2424: After the Federation forces make deals with, and accidentally cause problems with, prewarp cultures, and continues to hammer the Hologram Alliance, the suspicious members of the council, finally raise a formal inquiry, and investigation, into the Federation Administration and Starfleets dealings, and prepare to take drastic action.

2425: As the Federation begins to look more and more awkward, the Suspicious Resistants declare the "Perfect" Federation, an "Imperfect Fraud", and deep betrayal of the fabric of space-time, and separate, taking the Tamarians, Hassans, and Alderaanians, and combine, into a new Star Nation - the Allied Worlds, and set up an independent, wobbly-temperament neighbor of the diminished, increasingly communistic utopianist once-hopeful unity, now renamed the Coalition, as they make relations, and befriend other small races, and generously giving new supplies and technology to the new post-warp races, to, along with their name, also a symbol of change, make a new, (slightly) more benign image for themselves, and to eventually, one day, regrow the Federation.

2436: The Coalition Scientists, headed by Dr. Kalandra Fielding, work to develop new Holosystems, more sustained, longer Holodeck technology, and faster Slip Drives, Crossing the "Green Bridge Matrix", and attaining more and more frequent Gamma, and Delta Quadrant travels.

2438: The Scientists headed by Dr. Fielding, form a new Institute of technology and education, to ensure further exploration and advancement of Science.

2442: The Fielding Institute heads the "Slip 5-6", and "Limited Reality Travel" projects, among the biggest that the Coalition will undertake.

2445: After five years of development, the Fielding Institute has introduced and mass-produced the first Quantum-Level Control Computers, a newer, vastly more processing and storing system of computers, making the (especially exploration) ships of Starfleet far more capable.

2446: Starfleet begins to aim far more militaristically, although trying to be Exploration-heavy.

2450: Limited travel engages in Vessels specially designed to explore other Realities, some Universes, others strange, colourful different dimensions, wildly varying, often having to be explored or explained to be more than slightly understood.

2460: Inter Reality exploration and expansion, along with more exploration of the Gamma and Delta Quadrants is instituted with the new Spielban Class Heavy Cruiser, the first with a new Dimensional Tugflux Drive, a thing rarely used on Starfleet Vessels, such domain rarely visited until over three hundred years later.

2470: The small, sometimes sold-from trading partners, sometimes constructed from scratch Allied Worlds Navy, gets expanded to medium size, using small numbers of Elite and Highly Advanced vessels and crews, and larger, moderate numbers of less advanced, slow rickety Combat and Non-Combat vessels, some equipped with older, high-speed Warp Drives, and the Allied Worlds Navy is aimed, menacingly at the Coalition, to warn them, and to prepare to intervene in their relations with other nations.

2475: The Allied Worlds expands, meeting, establishing relations with and giving information (and to a sideline, minor degree- propaganda) on the Coalition, the development of Warp and Slip Drive, and constantly make alliances, engaging with two other Star Nations, and having four others join them, as they become a more passive-aggressive, militaristic jack-of-all-trades Republic.

2482: The Coalition develops a new series of Slipships, equipped with Quantum-level Computers, Slip 5 and 6 Drives, and Customizers, a new weapon using Replicator-technology to create many different kinds of Energy Beam and Pulse , Laser; - Phaser, Disruptor, Cutting Beam, etc, to fire out, and perform minor tasks, with the Darkruby Gensigma and Sector Classes performing at the head of this newer development.

2490: The Coalition expands, and Starfleet becomes ever more militaristic, with the Coalition and Allied Worlds having major disputes, sometimes during relations with other Nations, the Allied Worlds guiding them, and performing much exploration and military maneuvers, sometimes used as an onofficial guardian, performing the smackdown on the Coalition, when necessary, and declaring the Coalition, "Unrealistic", and "Idealistticly Stumbling".

2492: The Coalition begins short series of skirmishes with the Allied Worlds, declaring themselves "New Giants", and "Willing to pursue the Free Exploration, and Dreams of the Federation"

2493: Something is reported as going through a newly discovered hole in the Great Barrier, by a Coalition Light Explorer, but due to two or more advanced technologies, little exact data can be gained.

2494: Some outer Coalition Outposts and Colonies are disappearing, some peculiar anomalies, investigated by Starfleet, occasionally discovering strange background readings, missing colonies and planets.

2495: Battles between the Coalition and Allied Worlds continue; - despite fear of the Coalition, of a new phenomenon or problem making their outer worlds and checkpoints disappear.

More outer units disappear, High members of the Fielding Institute and Daystrom Institute study collected data, as well as discovered mutilated, sometimes changed tech, and brainwashed, sometimes brain-damaged colonists and Starfleet Officers.

2496: These disappearences are of the doings of the True Ones, an ancient Star Nation, using highly advanced tech and drugs, and optical illusion and interrogation, to wield power over, and manipulate other races, making them subservient, performing unintentional research and manufacturing for the True Ones, often made to be unaware of their existence, and in some cases, to some different extents, other races, and selected truths, are carefully hidden from them.

The more vicious battles between the Coalition and Allied Worlds are halted when both sides are attacked and warped by the True Ones, with cryptic messages of bold condesension and taken worlds and resources, making them ally, becoming so with the Multieye-Nation Pact, uneasy, but fighting and research-developing together.

2497: Researching on the Darkcrystal Class Heavy Explorer, later renamed the Legend Class, is to incorperate and expand prototype 6Xe technologies, including some of the first Hadron, or "Hedronn" torpedoes, extremely powerful supergenefractice torpedoes that can close Space/Time ruptures that entire vessels of older lineage would be powerless against.

The first Slip 7 Drive is developed, to be used on the Legend and Starborus classes.

The Legends also incorporate widespread Holosystems (HoloSys), including Sickbays and Quarters, and vast networks of cargo holds and replicators, and are intended to be extremely multimission.

2500: As the war against the True Ones falters, with the Coalition and Alliance starting to do mediocre, the Slipship Enterprise, NCC-1701-K, 12th Starship to bear the name, is launched, given to the command of David Alter, a 106-year-old Captain who had been a long-time strong supporter of the Utopianist Movement and Starfleet, who swears to use the Enterprise to explore, and to recruit new people and items to help eliminate the True Ones. January 1st, 2500 (TFD="Episode 1-2: The Next Passage"), XO is a red-haired woman named Emily Robinson, Tac Officer is one of the rare (and long-lost - thought to be extinct) Romulan Fusions of the Klingon Race, - Nonatran, aggressive and fearful of absolute obliteration, Ops Officer is Lieutenant Commander Salute, Descendent of Romans, who, along with his friend, CPO Forrest Hornwald, is into early history, and engages in many different kinds of historical simulations on the Holodeck, Comm Officer is Fo-yu Akim, part Korean/part Tibetan, casual, investigative, Medical Officer is 93-year old Tolustrius Fighorn, an adventurous advocate of traditional exploration, and unofficial adviser to David Alter, Chief Engineer is Koran, Klingon-Human Fusion, and friendly, curious type, Counselor is Dani Farifogland, part Human, part Equilanderian, race and Coalition Colony that lives in a medieval fantasy world of many temporate forest areas, with five other sentient races having developed on there.

February 13th, 2500-

The Enterprise encounters an old hermit in a medium warp-jury rigged ramshackle freighter, who made many scientific notes and home-made star charts, who helped explain the entrance of the True Ones, that they entered a hole in the Great Barrier made by a exiting Borg Scout, on a mission to map the three nearby Galaxies, who makes friendly comments, and unveils a homemade sensor jammer, that hid him from the True Ones Invasion Superfleet, and while the group Koran is supervising engage in studies of the Great Barrier, and various detection/disruption technologies, the Hermit, Adamus Philippodus, watches them, and says that he hopes they don't die, and that he doesn't want to go anywhere outside his familiar little home of handful-secters, on the edge of the galaxy, or to anger the True Ones and bring them down on him.

After narrowly witnessing a small True Ones Scout make some records and transit calculation points for future True Ones travel and networking, it is decided, by Alter, Robinson, and Dani, to capture it, and discover more of the True Ones.

February 15th, 2500-

The Enterprise, cloaked, pursues the True Ones Scout, as it studies, and leaves energy markers, performing scans of the Scout, waiting for it to go into an isolated, tucked away part of the gap, further into the buried side of the Barrier gap, just as the Scout goes into there, performing an inspection of what kept them out of the barrier, erected to keep them out the Milky Way Galaxy, David Alter chooses that moment to attack, and the Enterprise decloaks, cripples the engines and disables the shields and weapons of the scout with three customizer shots - one cutting beam, and two Phased Polaron Beams.

As the True Ones on board are trying to activate Near-Resurrection Gland, two Security parties, led by Nonatran, beam onboard, and hit the True Ones with Phaser Shots, set on Level 4 Stun, knocking them out.

The True Ones are 150 to 195 cm beings, in brown robes and silver crystalline-metal masks, different patterns of colors and lines on them, wielding malleable handles, projecting energy, molded into several dozen different weapon configurations, as well as strong Varon-T Disruptors. The Scout had consoles, using vast amounts of flexibility, similar to federation consoles, silver in appearence, with metallic turquoise screens and triangular and pentagonal buttons, and extremely customizable sensors, better than even Coalition Sensors, the Engineering Section being a short boxlike room, with a pale yellow glowing warp core and numerous monitors and consoles, and a ladder leading up to a catwalk to a second level, with more consoles, the Warp Core capable of speeds of around Warp 9.99996, and the weapons being Antimatter Cannons, fairly standard 5X Capability, and Quantum Torpedoes, similar to what the Federation/Coalition had used for up until the last two decades.

Engineers had discovered all of this, and when the True Ones were taken to Sickbay, Fighorn led the team that would examine them, removing their masks, the True Ones' faces revealed to be smooth, serene glittery green, chalk white and light brown, with small crystallic bone armored fragments on a few locations, and a twinkle on the right cheek, and when Scanners and Holodimensional gigarecordprocessors send many fields and streaks around their bodies', collecting many terabytes of data, the True Ones were revealed to have ten small, boxy kidneys, four hearts, one large, extemely strong purple one, and three smaller, more compact backups, three lungs, two bizarre liver/pancreas combo organs, and some kind of complex organ processing thing, cylindrical, and with blue/black lines, processing numerous minor and toxic gasses.

Fighorn gave his report to the captain, energetic and smiling, and telling him that the six True Ones, appeared to be quite healthy, and that Nonatran's hunch was right; - and that stronger stun settings would be needed to take them down, being quite resilient, and probably not even needing environmental suit, in some situations.

When the True Ones awakened, the Sickbay Holounits were set to simulate a bright temporate meadow, the voice of David Alter asking them who they were, and what they're histories and home government and fleets were. They were confused, asking and resisting, and the holounit environment changed through a dark, stormy crystalline badland, and a strange salty-air clearing, covered in aqua-blue mist, disorienting them more, and the True Ones, not telling, were yelled at by David, who asked them what it was like, to experience the same change of reality, of what they knew and remembered, to be toyed with and controlled, much like the ones they'd subjugated, making them sick and bewildered, until finally, one of them, a young adult female caved in, stepping forward, and telling him that it wasn't viewed as terribly harmful, and that it was shocking, to see that this was what the mind assault prowess of the True Ones was, she gave a few details, on the fleet organization, the admiralty in charge of resources and strategics, and their superior, the head of the subdivisions - Overseer of Existence, after giving that, and a few small True One Homeworld and Biology details, David Alter said, over the comm, that more arrangements would be made, to send the five others to the Brig, and for her to be sent to Guest Quarters X-4B, later to be sent to the Conference Lounge for a discussion with the Senior Officers.

When she went onto the bridge, escorted by Nonatran, and a Lieutenant S.G. Officer, she strolled across the silvery white Bridge, similar to hers, and her Brother's Vlo'Lugflux Class Strike Cruiser, in regallity, artistic beauty, and advanced electronics, the pinnacle of spaceflight, all the way to the doors, going onto a ramp leading to the Conference Lounge, where Alter, Robinson and the other senior officers sitting down, she and Nonatran took seats, and the Officer, Lt. Kundweisen took guard at the doors.

David Alter brought up the hologram of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, with numerous stars covered by the comforting blue and cyan glows of the Coalition and Allied Worlds, and others being taken by the ominous red glow of the True Ones, an artifically, orderly gradual set of lines and subdivisions through the outer edge of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, slowly wedging closer to outer systems, Mk III, with David Alter saying that there was a war plan by the True Ones, and that they seemed to be making bases and worlds and new fleets, situated down the spines of their enemies, and the directly surrounding area seemingly innocent prewarp and interstellar shipping pathes, and how Starfleet kept maintaining feigned innocence, and spying, cloaked with Cruisers and Scouts observing the deceived freighters and True Ones Warships, and Holographically shielded True Ones ships and stations,

appearing to make future plans for movement and development, of new operatives and technologies, bringing up her, the True One, who was now to tell them more about this menace.

She cleared her throat, and then said "I... My name is Elarine, and I am a Third TechSeer, in charge of data-collecting, recently graduated from the Brothheater, to serve the trusted Overlords of the Elemental Rages and Remastered Metal, to take my place as one of the 'senses' of our Military, to help get much information, for tremendous awareness, to coelesce our galaxial plan, to work out domination and order, and to understand what Existence has decreed all to be..."

Science Officer Oscar Alastairs stroked his chin, thinking "Hmm... That would be equivalent to Lieutenant Commander, Science and Upper Technician positions. And It seems these are a bunch of Imperial Expansionists, similar to the Andromedan Invasion of almost two centuries ago, with a flint of theocracy thrown in, there."

Elarine continued. "Our plan was to continue to burrow, to collect and develop, and to set aside Three systems, to set up a new capitol, Base, Construction Yard, and two projects, one a new Superweapon, the other, a new technology, to immobilise, and to ensure then infinite superiority by ours, the Truest ones on the Precipice of the Seen, or the True Ones, or, in our own Old Home Tongue, Yora'arudain."

She looked, confidently, but uncertain at the alien, but similar to her faces, from at least three different species, definitely innocent, like what the Yora'arudain took under their wing, but aware, and innocently concerned, not quite like what the primitives were, or what the Highseers had condemned.

"They gave us official plans, we were to orchestrate much scientific and militaristic expansion, and to help bring about the conquering the main three spheres of the more troublesome of the two young nations; - your Coalition, using an obscure, hard to find route through the center, from here, it is in the center, and through a back non-aligned star system, through some asteroid belts, and dangerous protonebulas and narrow subspace-enhanced corridors, this would enable a potentially crippling and almost invincable series of strikes on Coalition systems, to the Heart of the Coalition itself."

David's eyebrows raised, and he commented. "Well, now we know just what they are planning, and we can stop them, Lieutenant Commander?"

Lieutenant Commander Salute spoke up. "It will be difficult, but I can pinpoint and get us, as well as some Coalition Squadrons into there, some kind of ambush could be made on the True Ones, or more convenient safe routes to perform raids, espionage, or supplie-carrying could be performed, this could be highly useful."

Elarine said "I'm not very high up, but my Commander, a Orlahero, is a mildly prominent trustee of Knowledge and our mostly Technological prowess, and he was told of this, and that plans for three more strikes, and numerous runs, for minerals and detection of other races would be made, along with another strike, to follow up on the one made on your Starbase 215, and to send some spies to two of your outer worlds, and I can help you get to them, and help detect technology and biological tinkering, to halt them, and to guard whoever you have there, who? Any prominent members of your Nation, your Starfleet?"

David gave a small nod. "Yes, three members of the Fielding Institute, and a Senator, Gorshwin Meredith, very jovial, understanding, petitioning for the Coalition to settle their differences with the Allied Worlds, so that more effort could be put into Exploration, I met him twice, once when I was on the Endeaver, a Junior Command Track Officer assigned to work with him on some plans, and when I was a Captain of my second vessel, a slender Heavy Cruiser, he and I have kept in touch for several decades, and he was not only the funniest man I knew, he was the longest-running on the Coalition Supreme Council, with sixteen terms under his belt, truly a gem among the squabbling, and the hopeful."

He continued. "We shall relay this to IntBase Op-1, and await more elaborate instructions from Admiral Richland, and you, Elarine, are to be under light, but still slightly cautious guard, and to act as our Foreign Intelligence and Strategic Adviser, and it is good that you are coming to us with this... But why are you so willing to divulge?"

Elarine thought up. "Well, she said, At first I was confident, to learn, and with my brethren, to expand, but as we continued with the plans for war, I looked, found confusing inconsistencies, both the Yora'Arudain and the younger races they oversaw, tended to get things right, get things wrong, slightly disjointed, yet awkward for me to speak out, well-meaning, and I knew that even with the Overseer of Existence, Something was changed, wrong... And their plans, the Highseers, had more and more to them, suspicious, frightening, even the subtlety, illustrated the horror to me, and itself was more frightening, I began to question, when it would be disapproved of, and I somehow began planning and considering, which seemed impossible for me aboard my responsibility, my charge, when I found you, so I can continue this strange, hardly describable chapter."

She raised her head, looking around at most of the officers, without moving it. "I hope you can more fully accept me. Go ahead and be wary, I can work with you, and will earn your trust."

David nodded. "And Nonatran, Fighorn, what have you observed of the other True Ones?"

Fighorn spoke, his usual tone of energetic and observant. "They were confused, barely able to comprehend their surroundings, and suspicious, except for Elarine, none of them are willing to talk. They seem to be talking, and thinking..."

Nonatran nodded. "And they are mostly silent and brooding, and plotting, they seem to have some plans and methods we still don't know of, and they're likely going to remain non-aggressive, and then make an unexpected move, I will order my guards to be unassuming, and prepare, plan, and ahead-of-time, lay out measures, all in case they try anything."

And Alter said to Salute. "I will send the report and request for orders with Admiral Richland, and give Elarine some entertainment, both on displays and on Holodeck, and escort her back to quarters, Fighorn and you, Salute, along with a Guard, will accompany her, then you can prepare to locate the narrow corridor, and chart a course, with your high Pilot rating, you can compile something, at 2300 hours, I will consult your results. Alastairs, Koran and Fighorn, continue to analyse all that you have compiled on True Ones Tech, Operations and Crew. Dismissed."

They all left, a laughing and commenting Fighorn, Salute and Elarine rendezvousing with a short blond-haired woman, taking over from the other, germanic guard, and they got in the turbolift, taking it to Deck Six, exiting it, and heading down the silvery white, angelic ceremonial passage of Ascension that seemed to be the Corridors on this ship, implying art, philosophic interest, and onward development and inner drive, that this Nation, with it's "Starfleet", seemed to be about, heading towards the front right of the Saucer, towards the lounge and Holodeck.

They go through a natural dance in an ethereal grey-blue nitrogen-argon fog, and grey stone ground, a colourful festival-cafe in 60s' Europe, and a 23rd Century banquet on one of the Moon Colonies, and Elarine noticed sidesteps and drifting into Fantasy, as well as a free gesture and outgoingness... Something which the True Ones didn't really take into consideration, and she was deeply questioning which they had destructive underestimated, or misreacted to... worrying about what they would do, and how they would handle... one unusual action... one unusual thought... When they left the Holodeck, They asked her about it, and she made an descriptive, analogical comment, about such differences, and flights through many different things... Not what they did, despite they're doing so much with many Psychological technologies.

Salute is soon called to the Bridge, and he takes his station, as Alter says there's some kind of nebulous reading a few ly away, so he orders the Enterprise and it's two Kunoichi-Class Heavy Escorts, to escape under cloak, a specially calibrated sensor drone, with help from Elarine, to simulate a True Ones Sensor, Psy-tech and Plasma stream, and they leave, to find some odd signals, one humanoid, and the ruins of some abandoned towns, possibly a freelance colony, or small alien civilization.

They beam downh, and see a hermit, Human or Alpha-Centauran in appearance, ragged white hair, named Elhas, who was hiding, frightened, and acting more paranoid and fanatical, claiming that they will always be there, and that things will never be the same as they were in the old days, and that he must hide, and they ask him, about innocent look of the climate and planet's environment, and some proceeding through rough terrain, with some dareful actions and methods, and he shrieks "No!" and continues to hide, and dart, as the True ones bombard the surface, and they run to coax and elaborate on real dangers and unthreatening things, which he kind of relaxes and understands reactionarily proceedingly, and he acts first overeactingly paranoid, and then dubiously neutral, before he is killed by a energy ball from the True Ones. They escape, sending mixed signals of being killed, and plasmic emissions, the latter confusing the enemy's sensors, before leaving.

February 25th, 2500:

The Enterprise discovers a Class L Planet near a Dark Blue Nebula, and as Salute and Hornwald are watching Elarine explore a grassy Celtic hills outdoor party and crystalline-stone Centauran-Grecian Exhibition, fascinated in various settings and events of Federation Worlds, the Chief Science Officer, the Centauran Lieutenant Commander Centanen Kerian, and an Away Team of Scientists and Security Ensigns, visit, and find some fluctuating readings, alternating between one kind, humanoid, and another, long reptilians on all fours, causing some concern and suspicion, and as Salute and Hornwald are notified of this, Slaute asks Elarine if she knows anything about them, and she says she hasn't, and that they have not yet been discovered by Yoru'eridain scout ships.

The Away Team meets with and interacts with some pale yellow-skinned natives of the planet, friendly, and seemingly ordinary beings, aware of advanced technology and interstellar flight, and yet they don't operate as interstellar beings, a dubious mystery.

They give info and artifacts they've gathered to David Alter and the other Senior Officers in the Conference Lounge Later, and tell them, and Elarine, that the natives, calling themselves, Yraranes, have been living on this world for quite a while, apparently, they have been on this world, translated as "Gem overlooking the Crystallized Sanfs", for around 352 years, and they are curious, but slow in planning and caution, and will elaborately interact with those they encounter, especially the leaders, befpre sharing much of anything.

David nods, then says that he, Salute, Hornwald, Nonatra, Kerian, And then pauses, asking Elarine and Salute if Elarine can or will accompany them, pondering if she will willingly contribute to exploration, and to give input on True One views and actions, and she acknowledges, more or less willing to explore new planets, as she found exploring the homeworlds of Starfleet Personnel, and was willing to tell anything, as she was increasingly fearful and uncertain of the Highseers and Overseer, and doubting their reshaping the Galaxy to be particularly good.

The six of them, with two Scientists, arrive to meet with the Yrearanes, at the opening ceremony of an open-air grand feast, where their chieftain gives a speech, then they eat, some of the food and drink there seemingly from other worlds, collected out of curiosity.

David Alter asks the Chieftain why and how they're doing all of this, and how they seem to know about other worlds, after the Chieftain compares the huge golden sunset to one on Reridan Sigma, and he smiles, and he and David move to a small museum area, containing artifacts from six different worlds.

And he begins to concentrate, and he, and another, light grey, pebble-scaled Reptilian, appear to be there at the same time, and the museum, and a misty, stone-ceremonial hall seem to both exist at the same time.

He explains they were among eight or nine superintelligent races, who as they developed, entered the notice of several ancient, extremely advanced, both in tech and in mind, who were interested in them, and assisted in their development, and as the Yraranes were collaborating with one of them, the Psurarocas, they were cured of some form of dangerous plague growing within them, and as more of other dimensions and the mind were being explored, by both parties, they were mutated, becoming dual entities, with secondary forms adapted to the extradimensional world they used more and more as a periodic base, and the Psurarocas, who soon left them for other Galaxies, Dimensional Planes, and Timelines, after fighting a techno-psi war against the Yoru'Erudain, and driving them out of the Milky Way, and erecting the Energy Barrier at the edge of the Galaxy, to make the psi-warfare and tech of the Yoru'Erudain go haywire, along with some of the other advanced races, and they themselves continued to phase, and explore, collecting data and items, and interacting with many races of varying development, and they settled on their current world, and were eager to rest, and celebrate, undying...

Shocked by this, and thinking of the Yoru'Erudain, Alter began to think, and then talked with him for a while, about some various viewpoints, and stellar region lifespans.

As the Away Team celebrates, and enjoys the sunset, interacting with villagers, and having various meat and sweet morsels, and drinking blue and green liquids, eventually David rejoins, and they return to the ship.

Much of the way through a post-Mission debriefing and log entry, David looks over at Elarine, who, although she was good at hiding emotion, still gave subtle signs of discomfort. "Your kind... They were what led to the ancient war the Clan Chieftain told me about, and this... Mind-War, led to them driven out, and that... Barrier, which numerous vessels from the development of the first Warp Drive onward, have been damaged or destroyed by, and some of them, have had... personnel mutated with Psi-Powers? Become seemingly Gods?"

Elarine finally admitted it. "My people, they were ambitious, they felt it was necessary, to guide and control the Galaxy, that more Order was needed, they were repelled, because despite many real and potential strengths and weaknesses of advanced technology and awareness, the other advanced nations felt anything more than mild, occasional guidence of smaller races was too much, that they were not to be manipulated and utterly effected, and despite some discoveries of locations and science, and being an onward driving force for over a hundred thousand years, the Yoru'Erudain were repelled, and we had to live in darkness, only occasionally visiting clusters of stars, hoping one day to return home, despite experiences and predictions from several highseers and overseers, we were surprised to find a hole... a rich blessed fortune..."

David nodded. "Yes, that that Borg Scout had made that bit of Fortune, and I must say, the ancient races Starfleet has uncovered, the Preservers, the Iconians, the Promellians, and here, we've found one of them, still alive at last, and they're trying to subjugate many, and bring about a fate worse than death."

Elarine acknowledged this, silent and glum. "The usefullness of the highseers' guidence, and our involving little with other species is what made us confident, most of us, such as I, weren't aware much was amiss, we felt destiny and ascension was about to occur, and it seemed to be an artistic and technical life-goal. Your Author Hemingway, with the illustrous history, seemed to have similar notions."

David nodded. "Some, that makes me nervous, Elarine. We need your help, and our Intel and fleets, to stop this, and maybe even enlighten some of your more curious and skeptical people, and get the Allied Worlds to cooperate and coordinate, maybe we can put their and our disagreements aside, and help to balance the Old Federation, and the Galaxy."

Elarine agreed. "I can still assist, and as sickening as this situaton has gradually become, I can face it, and my kind, for good, and for bad, and I will make sure you are the ones to shape your own reef, that is the Galaxy."

March 1st, 2500:

After transmitting data to Starfleet Cryptointelligence, the Enterprise, and it's two Wedge and box Escorts, Kunoichis to the end, examine some ruins on two Planets, believed to be involved, colonies, member worlds or subject races of the Yoru'Erudain, and to pick up anything new of them, colonies or harvesting stations, or any other races, with a few of each, and recording and transmitting data, mostly stone structures with some rare iron tools, appearing, and suggested by Kerian, to point to something bigger unfolding.

They find some True Ones ships near a Mechanics and Seer Station, and leave it, to pick up signals from a planet near a yellow Sulphur Nebula, and when it arrives, Kerian and Salute begin performing at their Science and Ops Stations, detecting a mostly temporate, with some mountains and ragged cliffs, extensive, slightly above Class M Norm vegetative growth, and some Humans and Centaurans on the planet, the signal from an old Omega-C Class Linedot Slipstreamer, and Alter, Salute, Nonatran, one Science, one Medical, and three Security beam down (TNG had 7-pad Transporters; TFD has silvery-white octagonal 8-pad transporters), and they search the area, looking all over, and finding some cockpit and science/communications area, in danger of being swallowed up by moss.

They split up, although don't go very far, and find some ragged survivors, who gave up hope, and wandered, making up, following in insipid beliefs of Fairys and Leprechans, hallucinating them even, and having doubt over any of Starfleet History, assuming it to be myth, and soon, random hallucinations and yellow flashes of True One Acolyte Bombs hit the planet, causing David to command the others to evacuate them to leave, and he'll duck away, and hide. Very soon, after a small complaint form Nonatran, she abruptly cuts off, and they beam away, a slightly muffled, pale echoing sound, ending in echoes, and... ominous silence.

David looks up, then looks around, the sky, turning to night, he shrouded in darkness, and he's looking around, a frantic, light feeling implying spookiness, shocking images, in the back of his mind, and he hears his own furiously beating heart, and then, feeling a weight on his shoulders and ticking clock, he goes on, walking swiftly forward, finally reaching the main ship's ruins, and he's disoriented, getting... the sense... that he's cut off, and he's alone, and he hears many chirping, buzzing, screeching sounds, and seeming mechanical whirrs and screenings, he can't discern many of them, and is afraid that the True Ones are out there, randomly making connections, and attributing things to each environment/rare, bird-or-lizard animal on this planet, using his judgement, and deliberately, stealthily darting from moss-growth to moss-growth, abd being increasingly aware of the tiniest sounds and vision, and he's realizing... Just now... that this COULD, BE, THE END...




HE WAS RUNNING, and moving from place to place, to hide, and to find a hole to duck in...

...In that hole, moss above him, some dew-ey moistures above his head, and he's clenching, looking up, wondering if any of the sights and sounds above him, were from the True Ones, or the Yolu'EraDlean, or any of those unholy enemies of de-recogmonitizations, and his mind began to race... of the many possibilities... of the True Ones, of the potential sniping ultrasonic predators and biting lizards native to this planet, and of how the Enterprise, and it's Escorts, would leave, and he would be alone...

That there would be, probably no more of what his usual, Starfleet, would be...

A Shut off, would be, occurring, where, what once, was what he knew, would be what would never happen again, he would run, and hide, and run, and use his survival training, from Starfleet, yet with special training, become one of the many to use any old random special training, to survive on one particular planet...

...and yet, he would use his training, and few other, almost random recollections, to moor his old Starfleet past, to his newer Hidings, and runnings, on this, his new home world, to remind him, and to convince him, of steely resolve.

His mind wobbled, facing the bizarre prospect, that from then on, that his, was to continue on this seemingly different path, this seemingly different path, this seemingly different life...

...To hang on to his past, and to keep going, as if this were a Holodeck Program, with expanding narrative...

...Oh, please, what is this... (?)

He finally, after the night broke out, and distant sounds of wind and the occasional raindrop, or perhaps some kind of barely humanoid lifeform, chirping in the distance, began to unnervingly, nerovous, about what there could be, and surrealisticly... paradoxically, make his mind almost alight, with both fear, and irritated apprehension, and he looked up, the Giant Moon of the Planet, shining on his face, and hiding from his fears, paradoxically dancing between courageously nobly standing tall for his Traditional Federation Values, and to fear violation, or erasure of his past... Or to potentially assault him, now, to erode what he was established as, what he Stood for.

He stood, for two days, and whittled, pikes and carved knives, moving routinely, harvesting plants, and eloquently whistling and humming and thinking of moments at home, and at Starfleet, dancing, and only mildly aware of either.

...Finally, he comes to something he's only faintly aware of... the Pod, and Science Cylinder, and he ran to it, quickly studying the ins and out, he was remembering random tidbits of Human/Centauran relations of the 22nd Century, and Famous Missions of the 23rd Century, and he, semi-awarenessedly, stumbled towards it, ears and nose, a-flaring, sensing, deeply, and wondering, what was, there?

So much, was deeply poignant, sharp, and he operated the aging LCARS 25.0 Consoles, showing the displays of the vessel's Class, OS boot-up screen, and Scientific Survey of the Planet, and grid-lined model of the planet, with extensive surveys of moss, mushrooms, trees, and other plant-data.

...And he managed to take in the data, and enourmously... switch between Pinball, and Ping-Pong, and absorb, all of the formor building a picture of what he was occasionally tossing around in his head, and he's looking shocked, being struggling, with these two games, jiggling to retain conciousness, and to remember other eras, randomly jumping, from between his academy days, and his earlier assignments, and commands, where he, KIND of, retains memory, of his past, and keeps, improvisingly, mechanically, surviving, ...and working something that's Nature... but at the same time, not Nature, he picks up the Console data, and runs, sensing, and reacting to, data from both his memories, and his reckinging, of the True Ones, both visible, and of his own Imaginings, somehow propelling him...

Guiding him from danger to danger, and making him giddy, from his random Starfleet memories, and making them seem... as if they'd be his hastilly, patchworked life...

...Afraid, and believing in his cobblings, and recalling the... vague... True Ones... or, Yoru'Erudain... of whatever that strange Outer Borders, nuisence, was becoming... And that, as long as, *ha ha*, he kept, darting, from Grassy Cliffside, he would survive, and he would survive, and he would survive, but ever vigiliant... and used to fighting, and fighting...

...He Began listening... Hearing more acute, picking up distant stirrings, different chirpings, and to get mildly timid, and mildly afraid, more acute, and to slowly proceed, to etch his own long, tetchy, black stick, to a sharp point, and to look around, to try and pick up... what his rapid heartbeat, and his mind, were already faintly picking up...

...As the days of pure... recalling was past, and as he was busy harvesting Mushrooms, and tearing strips to make into a makeshift draping for his hill, he began to wander, around what he knew... and what he was deliriously scrambling about... What he remembered, of his recent Command... Or Almost did...

he... already was being afraid, and looking around, acutely aware of the seeming cricket chirpings, and groans of... larger beasts, wandering, somehow accessible, and somehow nervewracking, he wasn't trusting this, and there was the reassuring noise, suddenly, and running around, little to nothing out of the ordinary...? But then, what was, his jumbled, staticly familiar Starfleet past, or...-~?this?

...Then, he saw some quick flicker of movement, and then, running, he saw... walking, bending some, he moved over to a small cliff,and three figures in robes, overseeing a small fire, and soon, he fingered a small round, coin-like device, and he began to shriek, and then, he saw some dangling green and pink flowers, and then he saw the True Ones turning around, serenely, etheraereally, and then, he was, almost snappily, strategically, covered, in a Silvery, sudsy, with vertical-lined field...

...And then, he materialized into the world he knew... and looked around, eyes widening slowly at the surrounding silver-grey field with a few red, blinking lights on the wall of Transporter Room 6.

...The Enterprise.

...He was Home.

...And he was debriefed on a small True Ones Outer Survey, and how they, and He, were left to make the survey, and to examine the rough patterns, of these hostile psy-tech beings, and he responded... that he would have a lot to tell.

...This... was seemingly Standard preparation, and part of past Starfleet Training/Rougher missions.

And, dirorientingly-certain, a strange location of reality...

March 15th, 2500:

As the Enterprise-K, and it's Escorts rejoin clusters of convoys, and the 11th and 15th Rapid-Response Fleets, near Starbase 184, the old Theta-Class with that Designation long retired, and replaced with a new Vedgedadrix-Class, David and Emily receive a coded update on the latest news: Arganaz and Beta Thoridar have been devastated, mild bouts of delirium and unconciousness of thousands of colonists have occurred, and despite the loss of 15 ships, the True Ones Squadron was repelled.

After this, Admiral Branding tells them their new orders are to monitor and guard the U.S.S Coriscan, testing new Wave-Signal Devices, to disrupt and confuse the True Ones, and to render much of their entire arsenal and strategies ineffective.

They arrive, and David exchanges greetings with Captain Melitta Xavius, of the Coriscan, who says that this should be in interesting endeavour.

Salute and Nonatran meet up with Elarine, near the Sidelounge 1, at the Fountain, the multicoloured lights reflecting off of the bones on her skin, and tell her that they're planning to neutralize the True Ones' way of waging war and control, and ask her if when that came, if she would help them, explain the True Ones' berserk need to shape and control, and the state of the Galaxy after they left, as well as to impart Traditional Federation Values, and she lowers her head, then finally saus "...I guess".

She says that she's unsure of how they'll take her as an unofficial ambassador of the Yoru'Erudain, for the Coalition, but she was sure that at least a third of them would trust one of them moving abroad, to experience, and give their people a voice in many alien sectors.

She then tells them of the Ez'Yorazhim, Rainbow Minstrels who once spread tales and song, often cheery, their visions, appearence and sounds subtlely hinting at the future, deeper meanings, and nowhere realms.

Interested, Salute chats with her about them, as they take the turbolift and three sections of corridor to 12-Forward, and Nonatran coolly listens, mildly disapproving of the Yoru'Erudain and their Shaping-Conquering ways, and mildly interested in picking up anything possible, while ordering Aldebaron Whiskey from the Orion Bartender.

They watch the spiral nebula and two Blue Stars from out the three giant windows that make up the front of the Lounge, and then Elarine, after describing how she was studying Sagas of Myth, History and Realms of the Spanning, Stretching World, and how they blended into each other, further and further back, and how She was in a Chorus, as a small child, and was eager to observe, survey, and light the path, signalling the others to arrive, and then turns and asks Nonatran what her childhood was like.

She Responds by saying that she periodically went into some woods, to train in rough conditions, and excelled in sports, doing best in Bloodball, Klin Zha Kinta, and Parrises Squares.

She then says that she was similarly devoted to Security/Tactical Duties, and has developed a strong-silent liking for alcohol, including Aldebaron, Spica, and Romulan drinks.


The Coriscan is visible on the Viewscreen, turning around, to face a small field of meteorites, it's Holomount is activating, shaping the prototype.

David says over the channel. "Good, now activate the Device."

He points to the right of the screen. "Ops, launch a Decoy Drone, have it simulate a TO Flight."

Soon, the Middle Eastern taking Salute's place, shoots a small, Yellow-Silver Cylinder at a wide, rectangular area in front of the Coriscan, and over the Comm, Xavius orders "Fire, device."

The Coriscan fires it's device, a silvery almost Cutting-Beam like weapon, out of the area just above it's Navigational Deflector, which soon aims to hit the Drone, it's apparent TO EW being gradually disrupted, and for a time, this test seems to go fine,

Soon, the young, freckled blonde, says "Sir, picking up something, coming from Starboard, 132 Mark 000."

David looked mildly surprised. "What in Blazes?"

A trio of small, sheet-like shapes streaked into view, and began to strafe the Coriscan.

"Xavius, Shields are up. Preparing Customizers."

David straightened, sitting up a little taller. "Tactical, set Customizers-Polaron Bola, and fire."

The young substitute Officer set several small squares, and then pressed a few rectangles, and soon the Enterprise began to fire three Bola-nets of Blue-Purple-White Energy, knocking two of the shapes off course.

As Nonatran came from the Turbolift, and hastily took the Tactical Station, inputting the same button combination, one button being a different one, near-invisible Neutron blobs, diamond shaped with some slight shimmering, hitting one shape square, and immobolizing it, and after some rapid button presses, some Plasma-Torpedo Type fizzing Red charges hit the Second Shape, blowing it up, the third escaping.

Nonatran pressed medium Yellow and Green buttons, then examined her Sensor Screen. "One Vessel crippled, Captain Alter, Picking up Livmetal Interior, varying Environmental Conditions, Nineteen life-forms, Some kind of Organic-Plasma Hybrid."

"Lock on with Tractor Beam."

Hitting the Channeller, he ordered "Sickbay, prepare to Transport all Lifeforms, on nearby Craft, Set up Holounit One, Prepare to receive Sensor Data."

He then reset it to Coriscan's main channel. "Coriscan, Damage report?"

Chat between Xavius and some unknown thirtysomething, some Engineer, "Oh, Enterprise, we've lost some Ablative Armor, some minor Hull Breaches, and disruption of some Main Power Distribution Lines, the Holo-mount is temporarily offline, the Device is mostly successful, but is in need of repairs, and slightly off in some wavelengths, and has some weaknesses that could be countered, will recommend continued revision and testing."


The Robed, Gaunt Chalk-White Beings awoke in a dark round room of smooth, stone, with some occasional marble and steel wall segments, and asked, dazedly and frightened.

They tried to search, cautious for hidden traps.

After they explore, looking gawky, the Beings serenely gliding, before a subtle, probing, yet leisurely voice saying "Greetings, how are you, on this day? And what is your Mission? Why have you deemed it wise to attack our exploration and testing vessel? What is it's thrumming symbol of eerieness to YOU?!?"

They looked up, agape, The improvised leader asked "Whaa...-!? WHOO, Are you?!?"

The voice answered. "That... Is My Concern. Who are you... That is the QUESTION???"

they looked, both shocked and awed. "We?!? We, ARE the Sentries!!! We, have to fend those third, fourth and sEVenth parties!!!"

"You might, but we Have to stop you, for the Alternative is... terrible... For us or for you. Npw, Explain yourselves."

"What?!? We are not your Slaves ~OR* YOUR pawns!!! Stop leaving us caged up!!!"

"No, You Will not only be enclosed, air being cut off, but you will lead us, now do that, or even with your innocence, you will not make it."

They began to shake, understood. "We, ...NO!!! We, Are, for REAL, and we, at our base on, Jedonad... NO!!!"

They looked on with horror, and realized their mistake, although unsure of how they'd use the knowledge, or where they came from, and that maybe they'd not know.

"well, well... Salute, get a course, we have a new course in there... Let's make it to that backwater rockball, to port, Sigma Theta, over 20 ly away, and Engage."

A interested, emthused voice said "Aye, Sir. Warp 9.2, and engaged."

"And, you... Will not be harmed. Stay here, and lie... You will be tended to and released."


When they got there, they were in a humble, system, a Purple Nebula and some asteroids behind a barron planet and two tiny, slightly oblong moons, sort of like someone else's backyard.

They stood there for a while, and watched the planet, determinedly content and peaceful, Confident of victory.

"Yes, this minor, unimportant thing is what we've come to pan out, Mr. Salute, Ms. Nonatra, stay here, Xevius, and Cooper, report to the bridge, and monitor the planet's Geostructure and location, I will consult a few things on the Holodeck."

Nonatra and Fo-Yu Akim were consulting the Tactical and Exonet Stations, and she turned her head slightly and asked how the monitoring and fleet operations were coming, and he said "So far, smooth operations, and Admiral Haskell's Second Fleet is firing up, making a transitory trip through the Coal Sack and Asteroid Mandala."

"Good, picking up some miscellaneous strewn signals, could be traces of small towns and villages, or some sort of rebel camp or microsteller."

Soon, some life-form and location traces and a warning red light began to pop up on her Centralized Sphere Window of her Tactical Console, and she raises her head, squinting, and telling Emily "It would seem, that we have discovered the enemy."

After studying some assorted mythology from several species, in varying development, who had mistaken some alien races, including some sketchy reports on strange, Green Dragons, and aloof, strangely artistic scupltors, that could have been the True Ones, in a Dusky Canyon, and some musings on 23rd to 25th Century Starfleet Expeditions, by wildly varying personnel.

He arrived, and Nonatran informed him, and Fo-Yu told him of the plans by Admirals Haskell and Korsas for the Second and Fourth Fleets for the divide and conquer of the Occupation Forces in the Argon and Durandal Sectors, one of the stronger Bio and Geo Harvests, and he, hearing of, and occasionally working with them, and Haskell's Close Friend, and formor XO on the Pacific and Adamant, Raymond Xander, and there seems to be some primed comm equipment, and some heavy Power Emissions.

...after asking for Time on the Planet, and getting from Nonatran around an hour before nightfall where the emissions are, he briefly considers, and then orders in a little under 2 hours, Emily, Salute, Nonatran and Koran are to get into red planet desert camauflauge, and perform a covert survey of the area.

Later, they transport down, and move through some metal catwalks and plastic crates, and scan and poke, finding some buildings, and getting past one floating, Monotone Guard, they arrive at a Power Station, and a pair of, seemingly newly erected Ops Buildings, using their Tricorders to send signals to deactivate the Electric Pattern Locks, and open the doors, entering to find some seeming Long-Range, SSX Comm Arrays and Briefing Area, with large Green and Black Screen, and Koran comments on finding the machinery here easy, much like Benzite and Cardassian in Appearence and Function, and he and Nonatran access it, bringing up some data and logs, explaining how these almost energy beings' "new friends", are going to arrive in full, and with their surveys, and interference in some Coalition missions, help disrupt the Starfleet ships in the several sectors, and so their friends would take control of around two dozen and five dozen habitable and uninhabitable worlds, and give them some resources and tech, as well as to treat them as close friends, with some important personnel, True Ones Contacts, Where to strike next, and some new technological outlines, which Koran uploads into the Tricorder, Nonatran periodically checking the door, and Emily browsing the Monitors and Machinery Banks.

Tapping her Comm Badge, she tells Alter that there seems to be some ambitious leaders and elders in these aliens, who are viewing the Yoru'Erudain as mysterious, bird-like "friends", that have suddenly arrived, willing to assist them, and give them gem after gem, of technology and to help them travel, take what they need, and trot the Galaxy, curious and to further their whole lifestyle.

After picking up some more, Nonatran and Salute detect, visually and with Tricorders, Two large parties of the Aliens, and they they'd better leave, and Emily tells this to David, who tells the Transporter Chief, a grizzled old, fat Saurian, to bring them back.

When they return, they have a briefing with the other Senior Officers, and discuss the data, on how they seem to have helped the True Ones find their bearing, to find changes, and work them against the old data they had of the Galaxy, and to spread ovcr 43$ of what they had taken, and their apparent plan was to spy at the major production complex at Gedriosa IV, and soon launch a surprise strike at the Second Fleet, and David Alter said that he would have the Tech areas on the planet below destroyed, and to send a warning to Admiral Haskell, and that Elarine should help Fo-Yu and Salute to work on the Sector Mapping, Coordination between the Fleets and independent Exploratory elements, and locations of some of the True Ones Ships and Bases.

As they do this, a coded warning is sent through to the Second Fleet, and the Enterprise-K and it's Escorts came to help them, and with doctored holographic recording, making it appear as if six of their ships were attacked, some crippled by them, and the Second Fleet decloaking to help fight them off, some of the aliens from Jedakai, raiding Pillakai, are shown this, and fooled into thinking that the Yoru'Erudain are actually dangerous, and convinced, gradually, over the next month, into signing a neutrality treaty with the Coalition.

May 15th, 2500:

Across a seemingly innocent looking Cyberpunk City, some woman in a leather jacket is running, passing by traffic, and getting in the way of abruptly stopping Black Streamlined Car, almost passerby, and seemingly intrudingly surprise, but is Either, what meets the eye?

Soon, even the apparent there, is turned upside down, as some innocent pedestrians and black-clad police and unofficial looking watchers in green/black, occasionally other combinations, run after, and monitor, occasionally checking other people and goals.

She runs through a construction site, up a chain-link fence, and runs through some combination urban center crossroads and small woods, past some houses and working buildings, into a small, snaking side-road, down some circuitry sheds, and foliage, ominous shapes of houses and barely shaped shadows, ambigious in distance and potential menace, leading to and from the imagination...

Another Crossroads, and soon, she runs into some sticky grabbing, adhesive weeds and some bogging filthy water, trying to free her medium-height black booted foot from the snare, jerking up and seeing something she couldn't even quite make out, possibly just sensing from somewhere, and heard something slightly, to dismiss and suspect equally, for any of it, from anywhere...

...When she fell, at this point, it would likely be the final, fatal mistake, from those who clearly were an Enigma, and even in myth, were danger...

...Soon, she saw in the distance, and occasionally imagined/heard straight, medium figures, so much so that it was slightly suspect, were coming... And she looked down, getting her foot free, but slowly, it was slowing down strangely, as if she was deliberately descending into destruction and despair, caught into a web of fear...

Soon, the figures were crying out and running to get her, then she was in some warm embrace, of death or dance, but mostly light...

Numb, and euphorically content, simply aware, she emerged from silvery arching pillars and lines, into a silver round platform, white, circuit-patterned walls with black, occasionally shining lines, in a green-and-black room with liquid crystal looking panels, some blue, centerline-pattern bald being, somehow... Alien, in a light grey and red, with bland yellow undershirt, tapping his... some illegible badge, and talking, a Greetings, and if not her, then who...-?

She watched him, then walked ahead and stepped down some steps and ramp, off of the platform, and soon, a confident man, without the subtle patterns of her species, with neat white hair walked in, and said "Hello, my Runner, I am Captain David Alter, welcome to the Enterprise."

...As she went to greet him, she asked "What is this, and which one are you this time?"

He smiled, clasping his hands in front. "We are on a giant ship, what your stories have illustrated, we, you see, have attained what you have imagined and seen from long ago. Let's go, I'll get you to a specialized procedural place where we can see the light."

They move through the corridor, and pass a few civilian garb beings, and seven uniformed crew-members, mostly of the same species as this strange white-haired man, and they walk to a few silvery-grey doors, which open into a interior circuitry-silverwalled interior of a turbolift, and she looks slightly, but more often imagines, and they arrive on the Bridge, passing a pointed-eared, bulky female at a silver car-grill/horseshoe, into a door, leading to a ramp, and art museum, and then into a curving rectangular room, with a polished black metal table, surrounded by ten light gray chairs, and he took one end, by a rounded-edge rectangular wall display, and she took the chair at the opposite end.

He operated the panel on the table, and the display showed a rotating CGI of her planet.

"This, is your planet, and shows, subtlely, how others view it. Perhaps a little... Artificially, and with little-to-no awareness of the constructs, your people, or up to 80% of the terrain, but any of it, and your imagination, will display, and immortalize your world, and somehow illuminate you when you don't much expect..."

He changes the image, wild changing, yet elusive patterns of red moving descriptions, randomly, blotting, ...occupying, and distorting them.

She squinted, and from multiple angles, held back, carefully asking "what is going on, there?"

He smiled elusive-evidently. "This, is what's happened, and now you are the one who's seeing from a different angle, This, this-is what the blight you're paranoid, worried, afraid of... the thing that could be real, or only in your dreams..."

She began to frieze, but more than the fear, was not uncertainty, but the certaining, the dawning, confirmation from dreams...

"This is indeed... What is the True Enemy, they call themselves... the True ones, a few names of their own, almost-always ancient dialects, they were advanced, and traversed a rainbow of oil-colours, and fantasy, and eventually, became distorted, they became a... drift in dreams, and began to corrupt, now you, seem to have noticed, and have paralleled their presence in shadow and dream... They have noticed, and while you're not a high-priority concern, they view you as a growing blemish... to bump off, to eliminate, and you... neither you or they are totally aware, but you are imaginative, probing, paralleling that which is rarely, if at all, glimpsed, and... Why are you this way, like an on-the-run animal? What else is there?"

She began to ease, cold, stone, somehow eternal... And yet all she was. to calmly, neutrally explain "I have... I'm rejected, have always struggled, my parents and I were poor, and always in danger of drowning, and although, after some struggling, I finally got work at some Tech-forwarding, and although I got a break, I managed to still get uneasy sensations, somehow feeling as if someone was going to wear me down, strike, hunting me, or viewing me as an obstacle, for their sinister hidden views and goals."

David raised an eyebrow and smiled. "I see. And, they have, for long, had universal eyes, not just getting diluted, but how such digressions affect that which they view, how all these multiple variables continue to propagate the problem; - Art becomes doctrine, then Dogma... The swirls go into murk, sometimes even down the drain... However this becomes problematic for you, never let go or lose sight, whether it is in views or your imagination... Sometimes, it is hard and cold, and you are to hold on to that, the last..."

She said "And, ...I know I'm being giddily hasty, but what next, I don't even know more than faint hints, and what's dawning, thanks to your Captain, Strategic Operations thing, what do we do, to stop this?"

He gave a relaxed shifting/shrug. "We are here to stop them, not that this is supposed to help you, or hinder you, but this is the newest foothold, watchtower of the True Ones, we are here to stop it, we are the Coalition, and Centuries ago, after wallowing in Impurity, we have attained perfection, we have built a Navy, strangely familiar with what you know, and we have multiplied, in influence, making, but far more often preserving Art, with our help, you can even avoid more of this elusive, and irritatingness, and select from there, how to live, and we will operate the Transit-Electronics, the Crossroads, for even in Twilight there can be roads, and ways astonishing to traverse and access the skies."

She shrugged, becoming; - normal at last. "This is, interesting, I shall, Exa... I think... This will be interesting, I'll go look."

He nodded, "We will assign you to some Holoquarters, one of my Crew, and a few volunteers will help you, and relax with you, for in the midst of death and plague, there is Oasis, Existence, need not be diminished, to prevent Oblivion."

She smiled, parts of her, somehow... lower down, realised and materialized. "Thank you, I am... Alive."


She, Telas Swanpond, was sent To Holoquarters, by One, with reverted colours from what she'd seen in the Transporter Room, same as the Captain, but somehow, this one was lower down, not much of an obvious one, something else would indicate rank, and she saw a lighter brown carpeted room, and silvery walls, picture of the sea, and a tall, silver pair of boxes, in between, a combination emitter/vent, a Replicator, according to the Ensign, new molecular creation of food? Intrigueing.

Weird, she tried a Moon Airdome, from Copernicus Base, a Tropical Beach, lazed, relaxed tides and calling wildlife, and Satin Rock-Cult Movie Club Hotel Room, then switching into gray-steel teal old-style picture, sorted and practical room, then checked out the replicator, trying some good foods, and some red and golden drinks, of at least three Coalition member worlds, some alcoholic, some non-alcoholic, and began to slip into ecstacy and dooziness, reality, and her relaxed musing dreams beginning to blur... eventually after a period of hours, of which she wasn't much more than semi-profoundedly-dreamt of, she had slowly arose, and walked over to the Desktop Monitor, and begun to research, first an innocuous initial, then began searching minor public celebration and misc. things from the Coalition Races, and then more and more selective entries, prominent individuals, history, old and new ships, and occasional conflict, bobbing and weaving to entries, for and against, due partly to that vague paranoia, and random flights of the imagination, so much merging and fantasiac painting, that was all she knew...

She eventually pieced together an all-around picture of the Coalition, the Federation it mutated from, so much, her past, her mutations, much that was once barely described, was now being more describable, tangible sensation, now that it was all no matter unknown, although a few things about the Holograms, and what led to the Coalition and Allied Worlds was slightly pricklingly odd to her, but her mistrust for Holograms, and lack of more than few casual awarenesses prevented her from perusing that further, soon getting surprised by the door-chimes, and coming to see Salute and Hornwald, who said she should come with them to the Holo-Symphonium to see more of this Starfleet in person, and to try out some new sights and sounds, and to meet another outsider into the Coalition, Elarine.

They took a stroll down a curving corridor, then a turbolift down to the huge core-neighbor, the giant, multi-level Crew Lounge and Holodeck at the Center of the Saucer Section, and when they came to meet Elarine, a bony, rainbow-sparkled bald woman in light brown robes, and one of the symphonic, commanding pins they, in Starfleet wore, called 'Com-Badges', and she smiled, and subtlely, gently told of her people, how they were painting and sculpting, and merging with all existence, and beginning to divulge and digress, and how she had a quiet, understanding of Art, and introverted residents of arcades and saunas, laughing and visiting...

And how she was hoping they could introduce the different viewpoint, and blend, seamingly and suddenly throughout the tapestry, the suspenseful shock and necessary affection, that would change them, and prevent the contamination of the Stellar Tapestry.

They ate, including some interestin things like the Estchaek and Xmras she enjoyed, like Chocolate, and Sundaes with syrup and multiple, subtle, advanced flavors, so much a part of the elements and the organic, and she enjoyed the few music that Salute had played her, and she selected, semi-aware to several, several pieces of music, and things were synth-rhymically normal, serene...

As she and the others got back, after some singing, dancing and a few environmental simulations at the tube of light and air at the center of the room, a major link and distribution, and symbol of people and nightlife, all in one.

She had a little "Good to get to know you, and at least some of this wasn't a total disaster", goodbye dialogue with Salute, and she spent her night normal, now familiar with the Coalition, and spending her time like a normal apartment hanger-outer, of either realm, at long-last...

The next day, she met with Alter, Robinson, and that Doctor Fellow, who all commented on Maypole and Spring Jubilees, Hindu Casual Faiths, and Paths in the road, with numerous conditions and experiences. Then Alter asks Telas where she would like to go next, and she has an idea, where she will go to three of the Earth's more exotic, and prominent cities, and then take up permanent residence, learning to do technical work, with what she's learnt in her old life, as well as what she's picked up in the Library Computer Link, and to join Starfleet as a technician, working in th elower decks, proceeding cautiously in any direction, and still wary, while embracing, all new and unknown, and she tells David this, and the Docter exchanges chit-chat, and gives her some medical lecturing, and orders for a further check-up later on, and David arranges a Conference, where with her help, they locate the main transmission areas, and some areas with infiltrators, and controlled and misguided Oeraliens, and as this arranged Starfleet Strike occurs, The two Kunoichi EAs, dive and swoop in the planet's atmosphere, and send a few spinning Sensor Drones, distorting the True Ones' signals, and Nonatran and some Security in Camauflauge gear and Holo-Camauflauge, attack and misguide the Threat Forces on the Planet, while the Shield and Comm Towers are melted and sliced by two Customizers on Neutron and Cutting Beam Modes.

One True One is left to be found by natives, and one kept for interrogation by Starfleet Intelligence, the others are brought back, to be taken to the Reeducation Camps, the escaping Shuttles and Fighters, are quickly destroyed by Pulse Phaser-set Customizer shots from the Kunoichis.

They have some comment on Sunsets, and Nightlife and stable climate as Telas is about to take the Transporter, with the prisoners, and Transferring Security and a few other personnel to the rendezvousing Miramidas-Class U.S.S Yiden, and she exchanges partying details with Salute and Fighorn, and then Beams off, and David Alter has another conference, where he and his officers go and discuss the sensor and comm data gathered from the True Ones' outpost, and false evidence, and interrogated True Ones, used to inform Starfleet in coded Transmissions, and to help locate nearby True Ones Bases and Fleets, as well as to help coordinate a few nearby Destroyer Squadrons and the 11th Fleet, for another wave of systematic strikes.

August 15th, 2500:

The Enterprise picks up a Meteorhopper, carrying a single occupant: the optimistic Traveller Marcus Holtz, who had been enthusiasticly supporting and working on research into improved technology, further advanced holographic perception of the universe, recreation and extragalactic travel, who had disappeared, when David and Emily asked him what happened to him since his prolific speeches and movement in the 2490s, he responded, saying that he was in another galaxy, and that he had tremendous help from another who had gone through tremendous advances, to the point of making himself a vast entity, even breaking into the sketchy 8Xs Tech Level, and with his help, this entity could make them all-powerful, and never fear, or feel pain again.

David asks him how this could work, when this even goes beyond what they've achieved.

Marcus explained that he made a few attempts at further-Immersion Holodecks, and was attempting a Slip 8 test-flight, when his ship was caught in a dimensional current, and he was rescued by this being of the M-77 Galaxy, Elantos Cobanium, who lived in a mostly barren galaxy, with many rocky asteroid belts and rock worlds, able to see extending across the entire galaxy, and to produce holographic images, sounds, and teleport anywhere, almost godlike, anand who was willing to visit, and interact and assist the Coalition and Allied Worlds, willing to find more beings, to engage in Galactic Symphony, and with his help, they would never have to fear the True Ones again.

David frowns, and says that they don't need special assistance to fend off the True Ones, especially since they've been making great progress in the war, and that they've never had to ask for any help, or new tech before, they've developed with their own hard work, making their own achievements.

Marcus get's rather worked up, and insists that they can work together, to finally reach the edge of existence, and David has Emily get him to some Guest Quarters, and tells him that they'll notify Admiral Taczhii of Starbase 371, and the nearest Allied Worlds Legion Oasis, and request a meeting, and Exotech Outline from him in the next week, and that he should get used to something merely "nearly-perfect".

As he settles down in his quarters, staring at it like a bleary-eyed, blinking merrier, who looked faintly recognited at the comfortable, but somehow smaller, clunky older room, and then after operating a few programs and datafiles on the desktop viewer, and looking out the window, he took out the blue and black shiny diamond-like crystal, and began to give some pressing heat transfer, and a few keywords, and the crystal began to glow.

...Fo-yu Akim and Chitra at the Environmental Controls and Electronics State Displays reported to Nonatran and Alter that there was an energy build-up in the Guest Quarters, David then ordered Emily to go and check it out.

Emily arrived and saw shimmering shiny black cloak, a pale grey-blue, serene, smug face staring out at her, and she asked "What are you doing here, and how did this get past the Transporter Scanners?"

Marcus pointed to it. "The Prince of the Galaxy, he gave me this, he said I should re-activate it, and that way, he'll arrive in this galaxy, and thiss will help become this galaxy-wide communications and sensor network here."

Emily looked rather befuddled as Elantos smiled and held out his hand "I have, for over 1,100 years, been looking forward to this special meeting and mingling with the residents of a new Galaxy, and I will answer your every question, help you with any irritation, and to ensure you never are under threat again. So, your captain will arrange a meeting with others of this Galaxy?"

Emily swallowed, slowly cogitating, thinking that this was, intrinsically, faulty, deep down, and her learning of similar advanced entities being deceitful and and framework of this alien's tech and plan, was something she was going to observe, work out, and tell Alter about, so that they can at least but down limiter blocks, if not halt this...

...Especially since they were already in enough danger with the True Ones. What if this new danger would collapse the Federation, once and for all?

"MAy you bring your Captain down here, and may we exchange Datafiles? I will gladly intermingle honestly, for I only wish to bring good fortune, and make my initial appearence, and interprogressing relations unfold like a golden weave!"

Emily nodded. Then gave a slow, small smile. "I see. This will make a nice report, and the Captain has some Sector Coordination, and talks with the administration, then he will come here, and further your alliance with us, the Alpha Quadrant Powers."

When she got back to the Bridge, she told David, about this, the observed physical capabilities of the device hidden from them, and how she got some dubious notiongs from this entity, and remembered other encounters with such entities, and David nodded, then determined that he would proceed with extreme caution, and tell Admiral Taczhii to prepare for another report from him, and that this entity must be approachd with cautions, and that he and Nonatran would investigate this, and carefully probe for more information from this menace.

While he does this, Salute and Koran beam over to the Meteorhapper, and access the pod's Databanks, uploading sensor data on the things in M-77, and the Pod's logs, into the Tricorder, and as they bring it back to the Enterprise, they find the Pod's going off-course, being buffeted, blanketed in golden energy, and a mostly barren selection of around thirty-sic star systems, with there being a few occasional ruins, and traces of Hadronic Flux, which, with some more extrapolation and more data, from there and from Milky Way History, they conclude that somehow that Elantos must have exterminated several races of 5X/6Xe tech, and that he must be some kind of Dominator.

As David carefully probes, getting more suspicious, and getting more indications of Elanto's rise to power, and his desire to be omnipotent, he gets a transmission from Koran, and leaves, gets the scoop, and then returns, slowly outlining what was found and extrapolated, and Marcus gets increasingly uncomfortable, and then he asks Elantos, if the need for power, to have no one around who could endanger him was causing too much pressure, and that he needed to eliminate them, to have no one around who could manace, or even question, and why he, was being more like the Prince of Darkness, across the Celestial Grid, even to the point of misleading and warping pawns for his twisted game.

At this, Marcus gets spazzy and defensive, David then presses him, telling him that he was trying to hard to go for the next cutting-edge development, getting more stressed and warped by his wife Herianne's death, and that he was trying madly to have Slip 8, or something "minor", out the door before his hundredth Birthday, and that he was happy to just go further, dimly aware of anything peripherial, and to follow Elanto's unquestioningly, that fixated on obtaining the Absolute, that he simply became another who sold his soul to the Prince of Darkness, and that this Prince, albeit Techno-magical, would simply carve up and sterilize this galaxy like he did his peers... and his home...

Marcus began to panic, begging for help, and to silence Alter, before he would give away and distort his plan of Golden Light, and the slightly disturbed, puzzled Elantos, concentrates, sends some bolts through the crystal, and gives Marcus some transfusion into his electrochemical activity, enhancing his strength, some subconcious bolstering, and as David quickly calls for Nonatran, he gets creamed by Marcus, and as Nonatran enters, they both keep hammering, and getting smacked around by Marcus, as Elantos was watching, icily, clearly something going on under the expressionless look on his face, clearly some extensive plan.

And Marcus was cackling, and grappling with David, "No, we aRE THIS close to reaching the end of our Self-Improvement!!!"

After David makes some headway in the wrestling, he gets smacked into a wall, and gets knocked out, Nonatran tried to set her Phaser on Heavy Stun, and her beam hits an energy shield that goes up.

She stares determinedly, as he shrieks with triumph and glee, and he strides toward her, and she somersaults and rolls over to David, and takes his Phaser, sets both quickly to Heavy Disintegrate B, and then as he strides toward her, leering, she fires both, and the shield comes up, gradually falters, and then he opens his mouth wide, beginning to cry as he blows up.

As she then moves, and sets her sight on the holographic figure of Elantos, who gives a devillish grin.

"Do you think that picking a fight will do much to stop us? I had to traverse a rocky slope to attain the peak of existence, and for the power to dwell and see all, to truly become a god, that is what I shall wrap over your folk, like a golden blanket!"

As she suddenly had something deep, and staticy, almost electronic, begin to feed her dark doctrine, and rewrap her mind, he sneered. "Now, when I make you follow my symphony of the night, we will send more messages to your Coalition, to prepare and construct, so that this Galaxy will be molded steel, in an age of gleaming light, for Eternity!"

Then she fires her Phaser at the Crystal, getting faint, getting weak, and soon Koran and Salute arrive, aiming their Phasers, as the Crystal, begins to smoke and melt, and the hologram, and influence transmitted through it, dwindles, until she is unsure of what is of her mind, and what is *him*, and finally all blends into shadow... and silence.

Then, she turns her head to the side, and says "I'm fine, they did not pass Checkpoint 15/O."

Salute scowls, and scans the table. "Light of Jupiter, what is this? Another Threat Profile?"

"...Yes." She said as Koran began to scan it, more literally with his almost inseparable Tricorder.

"This, is most interesting, it seems to be some advanced computing, the Molazarn, the Rulavians and a few rumoured like the Starlax use tremendously miniaturized processing and transmission in these crystals, about x1.15 of our best Quantum Computers, at a minimum, and virtually any Psi-influence willed, Holograms, Sensors, Transporters, all could be operated from one of these, truly one of the uppermost possible developments in technology."

"So long as it doesn't lead to delusions of Godhood." They looked and Nonatran helped up David, recovering quickly, and gazing over the mess.

After they got looked over by Fighorn, and he and David muse, and tell Emily of how is is probably best to change one's goals, and manage developments carefully, to prevent Tomorrow's Expansion from becoming a distorted, technological version of old dogma.

Season 2

January 5th, 2501

At a seminar on a new matter/antimatter power grid, one man on the world of Duainar is listening, but feeling kind of... off. As he takes notes and doodles things, he zones out, and thinks completely differently, in an area black with silver machinery and purple and blue lines, with robed, golden rainbow-shined masks gazing around at holographic projections, and almost glancing at him...

He snaps back to the room, and after the seminar is over, he goes to a secluded desk and shelves in a small, dark room, and eats lunch, bewildered, unable to discern if any of that was real, his imagination, or hallucinations produced by other beings.


Salute and Koran are covert, using some large boxy scanning equipment and talk with each other about some strange energy patterns, almost a painting, or code, that seemingly comes and goes out of nowhere.

As they tuck away the equipment, that gets monitored by the other six members of the surveillance party, they walk through the buildings, going up their ladders and catwalks, and commenting on this planet's promising development, and possibly becoming a target, it's people ambitious, and pushing -2Xl.

The man is leaving work with briefcase, and going home, thinking of his playing, and hanging out, as a chlld and young adult in the main city, and his work going uninterestingly and smoothly, and the visions... seemingly menacing, something barely noticable and describable... but... there...

He sees a few pedestrians, and after walking straight up a Tacoma hill and a few blocks for five minutes, he sees them, subtlely tugging itch at the back of his mind, meet with some... thing dressed like a Wind-Minstrel Monk, wearing a vaguely apale, shining in the sun white light, slightly rainbow colored, Mask...

Something(s) became aware in the lower right background of his mind, he was scared. He silently pursued them, despite the fear, and saw them seemingly strolling, doing a few casual activities, and soon going into a normal looking power plant, and he walked around it for another three minutes, and then finally found a loading bay, and back door, smashed open the rickety, falling down door, and entered, walking casually, yet stealthfully, seeing, and moreso, hearing several occasional workers moving throughout, working on electronics, and the occasional brainwave/richter/Sci-fi EW console with the colourful sand art screen.

He begins to have some water droplet distortion and occasional blurring vision, and starts to panic, he moves behind some crates, and he clutches his temples, moaning, silent dread beginning to peck away at him.

This was the new Era of Conceptual Events...

This was the Beginning of an Invasion, by those barely observable/knowable, in the Spaces Between...

This was the Beginning of the End...

He fell against the crates, and hauled himself along, finally making up a stairway and catwalk, to a balcony, where he jolted, gawking, and exhaling at two black-clad technician-types, with sunshielded roundish hats he'd never seen before, and soon, after talking of... more electronics and scientific operations, they looked at him, then asked "You!! What's the Trouble?" For some reason, one of them, the goateed, light aired-chap mumbled sinister, urgent informance, and the other said "We need to get you out of there, there's variables, of Science, and your Future... We'll get up."

He reluctently, kind-of-getting-it, nodded, smiling, slightly nervous, and the goateed one shot a grappler hook, surfing-Vereclaw (Vere = Grey, sometimes Brown or bland Orange Bearlike Predator = Chief), on metallic rope, he got it, moved efficiently and swiftly,barely having time to process... Made it to the other building's Catwalk, and asked them "Who are you???"

The other, a palefaced, athlete, said "We don't have the position to tell you Everything; - but we are technological mercenaries, and we are here to stop some overly ambitious off-shoots, possibly of your Denaissima Revolutions, and if you give us some data, and work with us, we will neutralize them."

The Man, grudgingly agrees, and when Salute asks him who he is, he says he's "Geyan;Vir", and working on the new reacter, he and his Father and Uncle had been silent, but pivotal for the last thirty years, and after some walking around, and some tech specifications, power distribution pieces, glitches, pathways, and occasional tapping some sort of sentouch(R) hidden Walkie-Talkie, contacting and feedback with more electronics mercenaries in this shadowy team, who together, set up some defenses, a few big strikes, and comments on the supposed offshoot of Psychological Colour-Art Tyrants and Philanthropists his Uncle was involved in it, and his Father strongly disapproved.

He asked Salute about his... hallucinations, and he, struggling, explains tech, deep brainwaves, dimensional waves, and some surreal-effect techs, with some clearly made-up-on-the-spot names, and he came back... Interested. and Curious.

He talked to Koran about the flow and sync, and they gave some bizarre battery development trivia.

And then, he and Salute spy on the strange terrorist workers, and the Phantom Monk, through the window, note their preparations and mild curiocity; - what they are beginning to have dawn on them, as he had had happen to him.

He gets tapped lightly on the shoulder by Salute, who (gently) reminds him to not give out anything on him and the others, except to say they were a technical team sent to prevent sabotage by vandals, and he, in a grunting whisper, agrees.

As the True Ones in the building tried to activate their device, it briefly filled the heads of the populace of the, and a few other cities, with strange, subtle... additions. Sensations, visions, sounds, sometimes dreams, sometimes things that altered their minds, or terrorized them, then... soon this was dispersed, by Koran's team, and their EW Counter-Measures, and Nonatran's team of Security silently and efficiently stormed the building, killing the True Ones, and taking their tech back to the Enterprise, for study by Science/Engineering Personnel.

As Koran, Fo-yu Akim (who helped operate the Comm and Sensor Equipment, as well as to jot down the Accounting and Flag Orders/Regulations), and most of his party packed up and got ready to leave, Geyan and Salute walked out in the Starlight, the Former's semi-awareness of this strange worker, and his intrigue, talked to him, imaginative-themed, about the stars, what could be out there, his Father's willingness to improve on the cities' well-being, and his uncle's dreams of exploring and adventure, and Salute said they both had their successes and failures, and that something descending development, something... in between those two views would work. And that his dreams, while vague and artistic, were to point to true essence and facets of beings, places, and things, that would also help, to become with dreams and time...

Aboard the Enterprise, Abutu, Koran and Emily are watching something in a multi-format polyplayer in a smaller rec-room, and when Nonatran and Salute enter, asking what's on there, Koran says it's a weird, strangely paralleling show, resembling Starfleet's own spirit of Adventure and Exploration, with something like many real and fictional accounts of life in the Triangle, a show called "Koro : - Haryveraira", or "Torres Carlos : - Daring Pirates of the cool air breeze.", about three mercenaries who travel through sectors, exploring and working as freelancers; - overthrowing fantasy and sci-fi empires, the ship they travelled in, Koran determined it to be roughly 0Xl, was an enormous ship, about 150m long, at Class V, is shaped vaguely like a bullet with spoilers and is in good condition. The interior has a retro look to it and is done in colors that remind you of a vampire's lair. It is fairly fast, is fairly sturdy, and is very fuel-efficient.

Salute commented that it looked like some camp 60s' and 70s' Terran Shows, and brought up some obscure soft drinks, and Koran brought up some Purple qoj'bar wine and Gagh, they tossed around playfully off each other, and with some curious musings on fiction-fact blending, and boundaries, Koran and Salute later play a Holodeck Simulation in a Lancaster-Class, the USS Texas, NCC-1252, with two other Lancasters, six Rangers and two Moskvas, smashed two dozen Kzinti and Tazzi ships working a smuggling and mining ring on three Class G and K worlds, and some giant floating asteroids.

David Alter and Fo-Yu Akim give the system and sector reports, in comparison to the war thus far, and the findings and scheme to twist, and test new technologies by the True Ones, Stardate 178014.35

January 23rd. 2501-

Stardate 178038.2

After the Genma Nao System and it's planetoid and asteroid neighbor have collapsed and been subjugated by the True Ones, using it for resource harvesting and for spying, and a possible foothold into the Coalition, and after the USS Eximer is sent to observe it, and four systems near it, finding nothing (although still leaving some in Starfleet Intelligence skeptical), the Enterprise and it's Escorts are sent to check up on, and guard the outer Colony of Kreas, where new Visual and Long-Range Sensor Devices are being worked on, to further the piercing of True Ones Deceptions, and explore further into any and all strange phenomenae.

After explaining this in the Captain's Log, David, Fighorn, Koran, Salute, and two Science Officers beam down, and meet the inventor at a huge, black compass emblem-marble floor, with a elegant, curving staircase upwards, to an upper level, upper and lower with silver consoles, and some red and blue glowing screens with some simple glowing lines and dots, the Inventor revealing his name to be, Benjamin Cochrane.

Salute finds this strange, and tosses it around, asking if he's related to Zephram, and he responds that he had a mixed, Human-Alpha Centauran Heritage, and often spent his life, travelling around, going centuries back, and his parents were only aware of around 12% of his family's past, he himself being strangely neutral, faintly curious, and memorizing over thirty-two different cities and towns on nine different Coalition Worlds.

David goes on a tour of the observatory with Ben, and the others examine the machinery, Koran operating a few of the technical readers, and giving a small boost to power, he and Salute commenting on simple Electrician's and Household Art and Games, and how they can Surge Development in Exploration.

David comments on how his ships will monitor the planet, and be prepared to send decoy sensor signals, as well as disable any intruders for questioning, Ben is heartened by this, and tells him that he was quite willing to reach further than previous inventors and Starfleet Officers, and Ascend to previously unnoticed Concepts and Realms; - to be Bathed in Wonder, and after he shows the focusing cylinder, and some main control equipment, they head back downstairs, to chat with Koran and Salute about the earlier topic, Salute saying he and his sister buils some shiny stickers, prisms, and a few small round pictures in a shoebox with a peep-hole, and a telescope with some Slip-Speedster paintings on the side, and he laughed at this, saying he'll help them all; - old and new, by making it real.

Soon, Nonatran calls in, telling them she picks up some small... spike in readings, near them, possibly mind-implanted infiltrators, and David acknowledges, and says they'll stay a few more hours, and get some security teams down to guard in full, and asking for traces of enemy ships, she says the Archon and Megumi have been mostly doing that work, picking up only faint astronomical signals, and in the distance, a few squadrons of True Ones, path only %15.6 discerned, and that at least two shadier routes have been determined, and will be checked, the system will be checked out in full, at full efficiency.

Later, in the evening, the maid, frequent visitor who's quietly smitten with Ben, walks around looking at some things and reflecting, sometimes having something nagging at her thoughts, runs into Salute, who asks her what she's doing, and she introduces herself as Lenexa, and says she loves Starfleet heroes and techies, and she wants to study, and somehow help Ben with this experiment, and that she has some strange nagging notion, of something she needs to read, or get, and he aska her more, and she can't quite remember, so she and he sit down, he gets up, goes to get some Oolong from the Replicator, and sits down with her, asking How her involvement with Ben went, and she says she was a rural daughter, who eventually, curious about living in the big city, moved soon after hitting 19, aNd she met Ben when he was doing heavy reading, to revise and expand, for more understanding, and some bonus to his universal knowledge, and he and she hit it on great, and she wanted to help him out more, and took minor jobs around his observatory, often too shy to chat about more than the occasional astronomical datum, or his festive activities. Salute tells her about his zeal for the past, and how he was occasionally pondering the future exploration, and had the periodic surreal dream, wondering how the True Ones perceived things, and how he'd try to help either her or Ben out.

As they chat, she's periodically taking out books and reading through them, gradually picking up some things, keeping in mind possible passwords/mechanistic workings/concepts to navigate through, at the back of her mind, without her even noticing, something was probing...

Later, at night, Salute had gone up with Koran to check out some Sensors and the Library Computer, and she was going through a book on super electronics and dimensional percing/probing, and goes over to the main console interface, operating it, and applying "gingeroak", some kind of nostalgic childhood memory of a tree near Ben's old home, and she began to sift through the displays and option menus, examining everything slow and methodically,

Soon, Nonatran runs in and pins her, hissing "I Knew you would be here, and I knew something would be wrong with you, now tell me, what's lurking within you, deep underneath the surface?"

Lenexa gasps, saying "I'm... Not sure... I feel... Dizzy..."

Nonatran Clenches her teeth. "You're a True Ones Sleeper Agent. I'm taking you to Holding."

Dixan, a Deltan Lieutenant S.G enters. "Watch over here. The others will take guard. I'm beaming back up."

She taps her Comm-Badge. "Two to Beam up."

The Blond, Goateed Fat Transporter Chief beamed them up, and as she tossed Lenexa into a Holding Cell, Salute walked in, then, mouth wide open, aghast, he moved to Nonatran's Port. "What Happened?!? Why did you imprison her? She hasn't done anything wrong?"

Nonatran looked scornfully and bored, and moved to her Security Panel. "That's their twisted game, to trick, and misguide you into delirium, Sir. I would suggest being careful, just enjoy her surface mask, and beware of the Bog Hobgoblin that waits beneath."

Salute walked over to the Cell, Forcefield invisible and on, and asked. "Lenexa... What happened to you? What's wrong, why are you here?"

Lenexa felt her temples. "I don't know, I feel funny... something's... Wrong..."

Salute's Mouth fell open. "I'll... Look into this, I'll see if I can help you."

"My Head... Hurts..."

"Oh no, should... Should I get Dr. Fighorn in here?"

"Oh, do that... I... I'm me, I'm here, oh Great Bird... Something's feeling funny..."

"You'll be watched and grilled. We will find and extract info from that sleeper programming, and discover what they hope to uncover."

"Oh, just help me see, and get this done, PLEASE..."

As she gave a low, unhappy squeal, she lowered her head, and felt her face, a migraine forming.

Salute backed up slowly, and went to tell Alter and Fighorn, and Nonatran began asking her her past few days, and strange sensations and directives.

David and Tolustrious arrived, and following Nonatran's rough needling, ask Lenexa how her funny feelings work, get her to say that she has something probing her, pinpointed to her lower right side of her brain, and some images of her parents, some black-suited family and friends at a house party, and some chemicals penetrating, altering parts of her brain, and givine her directives, an artificial set of Programming Routines, all sent from some hidden True Ones near a boxy shack in the outskirts of a town on the planet below, cool dry air, as she was walking to the post office to get some mail for Ben, and to get some exercise.

Tolustrious gets his Medical Tricorder, some Nerve and cerebral drugs hyposprayed into her, to help subdue the programming and to sooth her, and he goes to the Medical Lab to examine his data, while David and Salute continue to question her, Nonatran monitors her, and then goes to the bridge, to run a scan for True Ones vessels, and then, installations, or anything else left behind.

After three hours of intensive scans and cross-checking, Nonatran and Salute find some remnants of a small True of a S'paran-Class Strike Cruiser, possibly still around, with the two Heavy Escorts moving around the planet, soon to check out the rest of the system, to find the wherabouts of the vessel.

Lenexa is recovering, and with some cool, temperate feeling in her brain, she's feeling much better, and Tolustrious and Emily come to ask her more, and she recalls the previous few days, and some strangers in the park, two groups of them, having a casual chat with her, and asking her, after around three minutes of chatting each, about Ben and his research, she didn't reveal a lot, and just gavgge away some of his past and plans, and some of the location of his private home and building, which narrowed down their search. At Fighorn's offer, they go to the Central Lounge, and she has a sundae, telling them that she was offering much to Ben, and helping to explain and spread his plans for multidimensional experimenting, and sometimes seemed to be making headway, and how her life of that entire last year seemed to be progressing so smoothly.

Emily then calls some Transcom Directory on the planet, and asks around,, eventually finding out that a third of the people talked to by Lenexa never existed, and she tells this to Nonatran, who has calculated the flight path, and sent out two Runabouts with the Heavy Escorts, to weed out the intruders, and soon, as they arrive at the lower-right sector to the building, they arrive, and disable the Fighters with eight Customizers, set on Disruptor, and use Neutron Setting Customizers to take out the Engines and Shields of the S'paran, and send over troops, to capture it for study, and Lenexa talked about her relaxed woodland past, and how this capture is leaving her with some mixed, deep down feelings, she and Fighorn keep having Dairy Freeze Stuff, with the Docter having some weed, and subtlely acknowledging her.

March 3rd, 2501:

As Emily, Salute, and Petty Officer Ronald Meslie Wilton, beam down to check on an outpost, they find some totally random forest, which they take to the road, which they, asphalt-sheet metal hybrid, come to a small, boxy-roomy town, which they wander, until they come to the residents, spread out, from one house, where they were situated in First-Contact observation, across six-eight houses, and they sneak around and spend the next hour, hiding in the foliage background back, and peeking in the windows, tough-rugged hiking/tzzinnwww-Walmart Doorslam sound, hybrid, to emphasise the slowly dawning plot ahead, and finally, Salute finds a Woman in the original cabin, still curious despite a little afraid, and motioning Emily and Meslie over, he tells them to watch him, he'll keep testing the cabin, and see if she'll come out, and try sneaking in and contacting her, either.

He comes as she leaves for her fake job, while Emily contacts the Enterprise Computer, getting info, and as he searches through some drawers of clothes and books, and then looks at some Question-Marked papers on the table, seemingly not finding anything curious, even as he was searching by the ? marks, directed, but still teasingly-charged Fears, being his only teaching...

As he leaves, Emily tells him that the Colonist he's looking at, is the Head, barring the occasional feedback from the Quartermaster, and is the head Scientist, and on over Ten different Surveys, Lieutenant Commander Bonnie Abannekbandon, and as he leaves, he is spotted by the returning Bonnie, who barely sees him leave behind the building, she gets a sudden flash, Imagination, or... Fact??? She's confused. And Indoctrined in her "real" job.

As he comes, switching his camaflauge to Dark Grey, like her Sweater and Culotte, barely visible wildly variable, Definitely non-tight shirt, he tries to talk to her, but she resists, and he runs after her, and she's scared, telling him to get away, and he's surprised, not by her actig innocent, but by her bizarre, dual-clashing, mild reactions, and as he keeps grilling her, he finds subtle hints in her confused-insistence on following her job, and "the Way..."

And finds that she's been... Brainwashed... The Standard True Ones Layout...

Later, as the team go back to the ship, and get consulting to David and Tolustrious and Fo-Yu, they confirm his need to find out more, and that Fo-Yu's consulting to Starfleet Intelligence, that the USS Duwellius is on it's way, and it's got possibly an Allied Worlds Utility Squadron nearby, ready to assist.

And he'll come back, although Nonatran insists she'll send a stealth team to prepare to cover him, he'll need it, for a few of the near-certain hidden traps, and David said the Duwellius will send some marines when it comes.

...-Although his need for some kind of back-up *IS* acknowleged, so Chief Petty Officer Horace Lesgrange will come with him, carrying some monitoring equipment, and that night, he and Salute arrive, and they visit the place, seeing, nearly backing-cringing, seein a Streetlight, and seeing a sudden nearly seeing them passerby, and they move cautiously, he doesn't see them, and slowly, near-dramaticly walks out of sight to the right.

They enter, and Horace gets out his Elecsensor, and waves it around, EWs it routinely, and then covers him, getting out his tricorder (both), Salute enters and works the drawers and checks the table, the papers are now thrown away. Bonnie is in her bed thing, having more random recollections, but not at what she is directly thinking, it is something conflicted, and she is frightened, where is the answer??? She is worried about something... bobbing in her conciousness...

As he rummages around in her drawers, he makes a bump, and she hears it as a faint *thump*, and she gets out, sees him, and she gets a sudden image, shocking her and making her begin to tingle-shake, then run...

As she runs out the unlocked by Vibrater Door, Salute slight-gasps and mouth-agape, he runs out, and as he confronts her...

As he tries to tell her who her Survey Team is, and who she is, she begins to passively *uhhh...* him away, and as he confronts her, more of the parallel of who she is combined with the images... makes her, resist strongly, and then run...

And as he chases her, between his talking and noticing, he finds she doesn't want to know who she is, she just wants smug blandness...

She is,... just trying to run away, from what she really *IS!!!*

And, as she's running, He hears some rustling, and then he hears Horace's faint "EY!.--- Get over There, the Mail-Power Distribution!"

Then, He runs toward him, as they run towards it, and as they and her, all subtletly decide to run in zig-zags, and move, some crouching, avoiding the Antimatter Fizzers of the robed figures, they run, and as Salute tells her to keep at it, to stop just wanting straightforward, and what she's just not... Settled with... Horace is running, trying to activate his combadge, already it is only some connecting, maybe getting through... The True Ones' Energy Dampening already taking hold...

As he runs calling "Salute...! I am COMING to HELP-EW-"

Then he is killed by a shot, into his stomach, a burning hole, his guts are fried, and he clutches his stomach, his thinking of living, and his trying to lay in for medical assistence, is already dimming, vaguely... Certain, and hopeless...

He falls to the ground, and dies. AS he's blocking, and kicking away, narrowly escaping two behind, and a third True One, he and he are beginning to tire, when...

Nonatran arrives and kicks the second, then Phasers the two others, saying at him Growl-Pssting: "You, Dorf, get her, I knew they would cut you off."

As she Phasers, barely paying attention to it's setting, and kicks away one more, after the ten another fifteen already running out, they run into some bushes, ans Salute tells her, Bonnie, while stroking her head, and he synces regular facts with past explanations, and her images syncing up, and that and a few barely visible dizzying images of her syncing up, her seeing more.. her need... to accept this unlikely sudden shock, she... kind of agrees, and tells him she doesn't like, and will only partially acquiece to him, telling him she'll have to go with him, she can see that...

As Nonatran Wide-Stuns the remaining, they beam up, and they get to the Briefing Room, and with some consulting, David says that the Allied Worlds Squadron will arrive, and some AOFW Engineer-mostly Utility Squad will arrive, with Gear to fix the tampered-Damaged, mostly tampered power system, and the Duvellius will arrive, so in a week and three days, they can arrive in the left Gamma Quadrant to assist the USS Macneill and USS Excalibur to free some mines.

As they go, Fo-Yu says he'll prepare, telling Koran, he tells him he'll help him in several weeks for his model competition, saying he'll love to be moe into Ops and Engineering, and says he'll plan to move to a more electronic-Command Ship, and his learning more about Tactics and EW is fascinating, his future quietly, serenely certain...

Stardate 178520.2 (May 18th, 2501)

As the Enterprise is travelling at Slip 3 to a rendezvous with the Sarek, Lexington, two ships of the same Class, Oliver North, and Valdemar Hardpeck, and two Maitlins, Sarah and Villespie, and four Kunoichis, Fo-Yu-Akim and Elarine arrive in the Holodeck, at a dusty plains area, waiting around, finally witnessing an early 20th century formula race, and as it ends, Salute and one of the MVAM Section heads get out, and they talk about the fascination of obscure relics of the past, and how this could be another form of exploration for Starfleet, and Fo-Yu tells them of the rendezvous in three hours, and they chat up, with him telling them that he's fascinated by this, and had ambitions to rise up to more prominent command and exploration vessels, he and Elarine talk of botany, and his own Mother and Grandmother being good at it, and wishing for him, or one of his four cousins to take it up, and Salute comments on a few Spican and Aldebaron Plants, and his uncle's taking a Runabout to the MCA disputed Desert Mineral-Rich World of Velas and going through a series of goofy mishaps.

They get to 12 Forward, and have some acidic booze, happy that Nana, and the huge Gorn Bresler were able to get it, and both mellowly and energetically gruffly acknowledge and share a few trading memories when they were on an Omega-C to Rigel IV.

Fo-yu daydreams of what he'll be involved in in the future, and as Salute asks him about it, and boasts briefly of his grandfather's finding a souvenir piece of Stardrive Matter Pile from a Lancaster-Class, the USS Texas, Elarine talks of her surveying and being interested in the flora and fauna of a recently charted Class M World, before getting a lecture from her priest of it's place in the universe, and shaping and direction of it, as related to the Yoru'Erudain's master plan.

They share more commenting, with Suburban Life throughout the centuries, not bothering or shocking Elarine... It just is unfamiliar to her, and Salute and Fo-Yu talk of neigborhood mischief, and soon after, they go to prepare for their shift, and as Salute and Fo-Yu arrive on the Bridge, Fo-Yu stares out at the Viewscreen, and anticipates hazily what lies ahead, feeling anticipation and trepidation.

Soon, as they arrive, Fo-Yu turns to the right Console at the back, and activating it, sends the codes, acknowledging confidential communication, and Admiral Greenthorne appears, flanked by three Captains, two Command, one Security, telling Alter that thr Fourth and Fifth Fleets are on their way to strike a major mining world, a Uber-Earth, as well as two Colony worlds that were converted by the True Ones in 2496, one of the first disappearences, and the Enterprise and it's Escorts, and nine Cruisers and Scouts will be sent to scout the area, find areas to hide, to plan, and to investigate the victims of the two colonies.

The Admiral and Captains consult with Alter and Emily, and finally the Security Captain, a tall black man, tells Alter that his EW Officer will receive verious coded plans and signals, the latter to cover rapid alerts during an emergency, and to coordinate the other surveyors, and Fo-Yu operates his console, "Codes Received."

Later, the Enterprise and it's Escorts check out a minor moon, the Away Team, Koran, Nonatran, Four Engineering and Two Security arrive, finding the Starfleet Mining facility there looted and abandoned, Koran and the Engineers get the automated systems back online, with some additional generators and computers beamed down and connected to get it operating, and then two handfuls of away teams explore the nearby, mostly temporate world, in a large valley, Salute and Elarine commenting on how it's like what she had been telling them earlier.

Finally, looking like Peter Jackson Extras, Fo-Yu, Emily, Nonatran, a Bajoran Ensign in Security, and two Science Andorians beam down to one of the altered colonies, the inhabitants believing by True Ones Chemicals and Tech that they are in an Industrial Revolution, the Team getting data and commenting on various signs the colonists are giving, and their apparent changes and awareness, Fo-yu staring around at the village in wonder.

They interact with some of the villagers, and after some more exploring and taking notes and recommendations, most of the Away Team beam up, Emily and Fo-Yu stay and comment together on the villagers, and their neutrality, parts of their old personalities and vague recognition of Starfleet and their old lives is visible aways below the surface, and that restoration and therapy will be gradual, and require two whole teams of Counselors, like to take a year, and to be scheduled for two and a half years later, after Starfleet has taken back a dozen of the systems the True Ones have claimed.

Fo-Yu and Emily keep taking looks and notes on the village, then do some hiking and look over the town.

After they get back, and two more Security and Science Teams beam down, Fo-Yu does some Computer/Comms Work on the Bridge, exchanging some status reports with a middle aged Warrant Officer at Mission Ops, Center Console, and he gets macabre and reflects, wondering if this is going to go wrong, and wondering what lies in the calm, where the hiding True Ones are, and thinking of his parents enthusiastic for him to pursue music and several dimensions of Chess, and his ambitions for several different vessels and roles, idly wondering what could lie ahead...

Salute and Fo-Yu report that the Caspan and St. Elneas have reported some looted mineral-rich worlds, and one more converted colony, and Salute does some Sensor checks and Helm adjustments, saying "This should be uneventful, and I've got two more things keyed in, Commander, just so we don't find ourselves defenseless."

"Understood. I'm sure you're going to get this Whale to turnabout, and can anticipate their hidden meneuvers" Emily said, and Fo-Yu kept going over his EW Display again, and Nonatran fired off an occasional Sensor Drone or two to give masking signals, and display some intricate star system details, and Salute gives some energetic pub shouting and eagerness for more Holodeck and 12-Forward, and he and Emily talk more about Plant Life, and how it would be great to take a vacation, or discuss some possible colony sites, if not for this War with the True Ones.

Fo-Yu kept on monitoring Sensors and Coding, then, noticing a few small glitches in the background, reports this to Nonatran, and then keeps scanning them, comparing them in hie head, further scanning, finally noticing some signs od descending and landing, telling Nonatran and Salute this, they scan, discovering some Strike Cruiser is dropping off some troops and undercover agents to further manipulate the colonists and to get something... unknown.

Emily orders Nonatran to contact the Horizon, and send it to intercept the Strike Cruiser, Customizers ready, and Salute turns the Enterprise back toward the Planet, and soon, as Fo-Yu looks over his shoulder at the Viewscreen, a True Ones Mothership suddenly appears in front of them and Nonatran's eyes widen, she powers three of the Shield Facings to full, readying Hadrons, and the Mothership then shoots seven Antimatter Cannons, absorbed by the shields, then one downs te forward starboard facing, "Hull Breach. Two small Holosystem Areas are out." Emily reported, David Alter quickly arriving on Bridge, Salute maneuvering the ship around, two Hadrons firing and searing two long, dark scars into the hull, after Nonatran fired a Customizer and four more Hadrons to down it's shields, and divert two of it's Antimatter Cannons to try and shoot down the torpedoes.

As the Mothership began to turn, Salute turned the Enterprise, and Nonatran was about to shoot a Customizer, set to Cutting Beam, into the ship, the mothership began to roll, and four Quantum Torpedoes downed the weakened Shield, smashed into the Stardrive, damaging Hold, Engineering, the Navigational Deflector, and one smashed into an area near the Bridge, with Fo-Yu hit full in the face with an explosion, sent flying, and briefly anticipating the threat, and what might happen, the fear, the uncertainty... All this was brief, and as Emily souted "Damage Report!", she glanced at Salute activating some automation key-ins, and then gget out of his chair, staring at Fo-Yu, mild burns and bruises, and while that didn't seem terribly severe, he looked over at his chest.

There was a huge pole sitcking out of it, part of the back Deck 2 Framework.

As Tolustrious and two Nurses got to the Bridge, he checked over Fo-Yu, he scanned aloofly, almost sleepily, then said. "He's dead. Didn't even have much of a chance."

Salute gaped, then ran back to Ops, adjusting the Ship's Crescent Maneuver, and turned it, And as it's Spread of 5 Hadrons hammered the shields and inflicted small gashes in the hull, the Octopus began to divert the Mothership after it, and two launched Shuttlepods smash the Mothersip's Fighters, and the Octopus's Customizers, set to Pulse Phaser, begin hamemring the front of the ship.

As Tolustrious checks out a few burns on Engineering and Science personnel, and the Nurses carry Fo-Yu's body away, Salute and Alter and Emily give warnings and codewords for Multi-Vector Assault, activating it, and the Enterprise separates, the Stardrive bobbing and weaving, and the Saucer soaring and diving, bot using some Customizers, set to Phaser, with a few on Neutron Beam, smash the fighters, and blow out small, mostly weapon-situated areas of the Mothership, and the Saucer fired three Customizers, set to Phaser-Concentration, smashed into the EW Tower and Command Areas, and a final spread of sixteen torpedoes from the straightening Stardrive drills and pulverizes the front of the Mothership, digging much deeper into it, and causing it to come apart into glittering emeralds of exploding machinery.

As the Saucer orbits the planet, Villard Cygnus, Nonatran contacts the Horizon, telling Alter that the Strike Cruiser self-destructed to avoid capture, and security teams from it and the Enterprise will be sent to capture the Infiltrators on the planet below.

Later, when the Enterprise has reconnected, and Koran and his Engineers and Non-Coms fix the damage, they go to Holodeck One, and they oversee the launch of the Torpedo casing containing Fo-Yu's Body, and the Message Beacon to the Sarek, telling of Fo-Yu's Ambition, eagerness to ascend to higher and more prominent Starfleet Posts, and his mastering of Electronics and learning over six languages, being a whiz, and coolly energetic, and how he'll be standing tall, although cut short.

Salute and Koran mused about his love of art, music and exploring new things, and talk of his work cracking True Ones Schemes, codes, anticipating in advance two of their moves, and his work at scouting and testing Stealth and Coding aboard the USS Huck Finn, they have a drink after using Holodeck Twelve for a run through a Klingon Jungle World, and celebrate in 12-Forward, Nona and Bresler giving their condolences, and silently remembering him, and two of their friend's Omega-A and Omega-B ships disappearing, like shot down by True Ones, after their taking over a small curling talon of systems on the edge of the Gamma Quadrant.

Afterward, and after energetic carousing, the two talk of using the Holodeck to see the battle of Caleb IV.


A Week later, Salute is in Holodeck 6, in a dark meadow at night, thinking of Fo-Yu, watching two skeletons in dark robes, floating, and waxing the poetic of descent and fading lide in twilight, the "Kusatz Vol" Story from the Catullan Species.

Soon, he gets callef to the bridge, as Captian Alter getting a coded message from Admiral Voltrin, the Axanari overseeing strategic operations at Deep Space 14, who orders him to examine the Sentient Race of Khyber Gamma, who were reported as having more and more unusual tech acceleration, and recorded paths and encounters with the True Ones forecast their likely involvement.

As Alter tells this to Emily, Salute and the Cardassian at Conn, take the ship there at Slip 3, and he ponders the system, and True One Patterns, and soon, Fighorn arrives, and has a friendly chat with Alte, Emily and him over Volleyball and Parrises Squares, encouraging Salute to try them, and Salute and him exchanging some data on darker alien myths.

An AWay Team composed of Alter, Fighorn, Salute, one Science and two Security arrive, and have a meeting with the lord of some mildly boxy, castle with some occasional advanced tech in it, who reveals to them that with the True Ones, he'll get his prople into warpflight, and then gradually make his military starfaring, discovering and comquering, who has some sneaky guards stun them, and locks them away.

They wake up, look around their dungeon, then out the window, and after some deep thinking, and brooding, Fighorn examines, extrapolats a wild idea into being, and gets some nasty bitter vines and weeds, burns them, they make a barely reliable, incredibly pungent, weed to smoke, this knocks the guards, and they're entering to try to get to the problem has Alter and Salute knocking them out and taking their weapons, they get to Nonatran and some Security Officers and Marines, take the lord captive, reduce his stockpile of stuff drastically, and tell him he'll simply be backstabbed, and his people are not to take shortcuts to the stars: the Prime Directive demands it.

September 0th, 2501:

When an Away Team from the Enterprise, composed of Emily, Nonatran, Salute, two Science and Three Security fins signs of tampering in a medieval village on Celia Telos, the True Ones hidden there fool the villagers into blaming them for diseased water, and bizarre plant mutations, and after escaping, and finding the mutations to be attempte by the True Ones to experiment, and create far more food and chemical production facillities, Nonatran and one of the Security Personnel knock out one of the teen voy villagers, and when he comes to, and when they find his hermitic gardener mother and some other hermit, they finally, slowly, suade the villagers to ease off, and they show some evidence of the True Ones, and their temperings, and while the Villagers, now uneasy and hobbling, don't mind their keeping the True Ones away from their world, but they do like their Prime Directive, and insist they do not bother them again, for a long time.

A few Rinabouts launched from the ship find and flush out the half dozen or so True Ones shuttles and Scout Ship, all self-destructing.

In October 18th, 2501:

"Undying Past's Future"

The Enterprise-K arrives, and discovers a devastated system, the Away Team, composed of Emily, Fighorn, Nonatran and Koran, study the rubble of the inhabitations, and discover a Disruptor signature, instead of the Antimatter Cannons of the True Ones.

Going back to the Enterprise, they try to have to piece it together in the Conference Lounge, and David and Emily deside to stay and monitor, taking long-range, intensive surveys, to locate the oddly familiar enemy force who destroyed it.

They keep monitoring the area, Nonatran and Salute performing sensor scans, when they eventually find a vessel attacking a nearby Tarkalean mining world, and they tell David, who is telling Emily about this bizarre hazasrd, and that although it'll be not much more than an irritation; a thorn for Starfleet to deck and cast aside, they come to the Bridge, as the Enterpseise is turned by the Zimbabwean Comm Lt. SG, and is taken to Warp 9.5, after two and three quarters minutes, the ship comes out of warp, and ahead, the Bridge Crew (most of them; - there are two Science Dual-Shirts, blondes of male and female who aren't seeing it.; they're busy checking out some GEological and biological sets), are seeing a large, brown uber-earth, Class G, a small, compact, sniping green-brown ship, moving up and down it's surface, making it's scrapings with a few larger Disruptor Cannons, and a handful of smaller ones, making a diagonal turn, and heading curiously and semi-awaringly towards them.

Soon, the vessel made itself clearer on the viewscreen: a mean, slightly primitive looking tringular-pentagonal head section, with diamand dorsal decks and wide, thick bridge and utility dome, a thick, many triangular-patterned neck, and some rough, 80s' electronics/Mad Max looking stardrive section, two sturrdy, widde streamlined pylons each connected to a downward sloping square of grey-black metal, each holding a series of corkscrews and phone cords in some silvery polygons and engineering probers and scalpels with some 1/3rd Boxy arrangement. Soon, it sent a hail, and Nonatran, reporting "audio only", a gargling, leering hissing voice, sounding deep and pompous, says "This is the Klingon ship IKS Drix'ivalnA'

, and we have targeted this planet for extermination and harvesting! For the Glory of the Empire!"

Abruptly, the signal terminated. David gawked. "What the Devil was that? The Klingons: = - There IS no more empire! they've been part of our stumbling Coalition for:-"

Just then, the "Klingon" vessel fired it's main Daisruptor, smashingt into the area near the front left of the ship, the soft, fizzy pale blue bubble of the shield absorbing it.

"Shield #2 down to 98%." Nonatran reported. Growling, with a snort-arrogant leer and clicking of derision, she asked. "Destroy, or merely Disable, Captain?" David nodded, staring implacably at the screen. "Charge two Customizers, set to Particicle reactionary-mode. Target areas on the rear hull."

The Enterprise fired two Simple, pixelly barely grown from pulses beams, each punching through shields, and leaving barely visible scarring across the electronic-plastic casing parts making up the stardrive.

Soon, after some more flying, and swaying, targettting, and trying to fire four smaller Disruptors, the other Vessel turned and ran. "Ran away, they're at Warp; - Warp 3.5, sir. Shall pursue.""

"Good, prepare to tyr to isable, then ready your Security, boarding party. We need to take their vessel, and we need far more on what this is, and wherabouts of this itof the ."

The Enterprise chased this other vessel, and shot some ACB Jacketed Phasers-set Customizers, one of them hitinwninliby 63%, the ervinsoman moving a littn.

Reports came in from Sensor TEchs, Engineers and Petty Officers, and eight minutes passed, with some distance growing, and the Klingon Vessel slowly reaching a nearby Class Class D Mining Worlds, owned by some small Miners and Traders of vasrious Species near the Triangle, and as the vessel attempts to hide in the Asteroid Belt, and then send a pair of Raiding Perties to loot from the Outpost, the Enterprise arrives, it's Escorts nearby, cloaked, minimal Comm Chatter, Fog Code I, and after it and the Klingon Vessel send some Customizers on Laser and Particle Beam, and Disruptors at each other, the latter is disabled, and Nonatran, Alter, one Science, one Engineer, and Four Security beam over in Body Armour and older Mk X Ph-IIs and +haser Rifles, and stun, occasionally killing many of the Imperial Klingons, and take the Bridge and Command Crew, taking them to the Enterprise Brig, and barely get anything out of them, esp. the snotty, irritating brick of a captain, but then, finally get some more out of him, getting some odd, vblurry-vague detailing, some random words of green translucent crystals and a wormhole, which the Conn and Salute improvise, outlining a path, and taking the Enterprise at Warp 9 to an area in a planetoid-infestested badland 3 lys away, and send a probe to the flat, vertical Wormhole they come accross, Emerald-Golden dimensional-energetic ubstance, and the probe brings some peculiar, yet stable readings from it, and Nonatranexpresses her surliness and caution, and advises Emily to send a Runabout, and she and David agree, Nonatran, Emily, Salute and Lt. Commander Kendra Malorian, a South African, who routinely transferred between Science and Engineering multiple times, leave in the USS Magellan (NCC-193005), and stumble across some bizarre dimensional beings, who misguidedly, came across a Small Freighter, crewed by two Imperial Klingons, who were losing their ship thanks to an unexpected Ion Storm, and in addition to using molecular transferrence and transmutation, and some materials they had, some from their old ship, they tried to reconstruct the Klingons, misunderstanding from their memories and readings of the Empire's distatn past, and created an eerie, unique doppelganger, only shambling, trying to seek and gain materials for, the Glory of the Empire, and although stubborn, the Klingons, with some constructed, appearing souls created by these misunderstanding 9Xe beings, jolting, cold lightning, shocked at such lines of beginning and ending of their minds and the universe, grudgingly, with some relaonsfDavid Alter, Fighorn and thCnegry essel going as an independent mercenary inri.

February 5th, 2502:

When the Enterprise, and it's Escorts arrive after four monthes of mapping some high, hill-like croppings of star systems and nebulae, where few -1X and up Star Nations tend to be, at Starbase 252, they find six Maitlin-Class Ships, and two Exeter-Class ships, esscorting a large, round streamlined stardrive ship, the USS Destructer, when Alter has Nonatran call into the Starbase, and ask what that new vessel is, he and the Destructer's Supervisor, Admiral Falcone, quarrel over it, the Admiral sneering and looking down on Alter, thinking he's naive, with Starfleet Gospel, and telling him that the Destructer's a Battleship, and despite his views that Starfleet hasn't had to re-introduce them for over a century, they've greenlighted the Destructer II and Hercules II to prepare for the increasing domination of the True Ones, for more intense warfare.

Over some Ship Schematic/Catwalk Scenery, Salute, Koran and Nonatran engage in friendly tech comparision of their vessels, and a game of Parrises Squares and a Hiking on the Starbase Holodeck with the Tac and Ops Personnel of the USS Destructer, led by Ops Officer LCDR Seiki Takamura.

February 25th-26th, 2502:

The Enterprise and Her Escorts assist a damaged Meschion Vessel, a Cyan cylindrically boxy vessel with a dorsal tidal wave shaped extension, crewed by dark grey and silver skintight bodysuited hairless erubbery-skinned amphibious humanoids relying on heavy sensors and computers, and performing survey missions, with Salute getting mixed up over one of the Power Conduits, and being helped out by one of the female Meschion tech crews, later, she, Scimon Elemin, develops a crush with him, they get more in touch with knowledge of each other's wherabouts, and Salute and Koran discuss it in the Holodeck, at a Starbase 31 Asteroid Base Simulation from 2261.

March 2nd, 2502:

The Enterprise's Escorts take out a few small Fighter-guarded True Ones Mining/Intelligence Outposts, and then the Enterprise destroys a Cruise Ship on a Pre-Warp World that spotted the USS Horizon on the Horizon, shooting through the Atmosphere in flames, and mindwipes some others on a few small, nearby Islands who spotted them, thus preserving Coalition Safety, and furthering Starfleet Doctrine.

Emily, Elarine, and Salute ponder this, while in the Core Lounge, Salute watching on a Screen a Centauran from the Allied Worlds, Kalidee Marssen, railing for Allied Worlds, and Free Trade, and how Deplorable the Coalition is, something Salute is starting to agree with (Silently)...

April 12th, 2502:

A new ship arrives, the USS Time's Shadow, and after some dubious sensor traces, the Enterprise finds it, the Crew appear to be slightly newer Starfleet Peraonnel, the Captain being Zack Castellan, a grey-haired thirty-something man, and other significant officers are the Asian Woman Lt. So Lai (Science), the fifty-something barely talking coffee drinker LCDR Edgar Andrewsson, the Andorian Tazla, and the Arkelian Niudal, the bunch telling of how they were hopelessly cut off from the timeline and all starfleet, and the True Ones won, and in their future, they were forced to hide and constantly observe, and be on the move...

They exchange data, and the True Ones, slightly puzzled, send a Strike Cruiser and 3 fighters to get them, and the Enterprise and Time's Shadow hammer and slice them.

After they get to Starbase 315, and then to a small Starfleet Intelligence Area, Zack and David tell Captain Zvidis, the Centauran, greying and mustached, that Zack can slowly, selecitvely, to not violate the Sanctity of the Prime Directive, let out bits of data, share some more from their databanks for routine operation, and that Zack and the Time's Shadow has only to occasionally help and lurk.

May 5th, 2502:

Salute records in his Personal Log, and explains that they've just surveyed the first Protostar System in the Alpha Quadrant reported in over thirty years, and as they pass some silver spherical probes and couriers, they assist a small mining colony and with small, select Customizer strikes, set on Neutron Pulse and Pulse Phaser, the Enterprise and her Escorts drive away the fighters and Light Cruiser, and as Nonatran, Koran and three Scientists and a Guard arrive to tend to the colonists, and to make another Away Expedition to a Class M World rich in mostly Subtropical Plantlife, Salute talks of this, his casual interest in some facets of space and planet missions, and how near the Transporter Room, and in some Jefferies Tubes, he and Koran casually exchange data on seeing sights, and some technamed components in the lower hull, engines, and juicing areas of the ship with many intervals and amounts of energy, and subtly making fantastical improvements.

He and Elarine end the day lightly chatting over gerdening and some sweet fruit and caramel sundaes and frozen yogurts, almost making him give up the "Symthehol vs. actual Booze" Debate.


The Enterprise and the Horizon and Octopus, are accidentily transported to a different timeline, where they encountered a

paranoid, U.S. Navy-esque Power eyeing warily Klingon and Lyran Powers, each as primitive as 0Xe, in this Alternate 2265,

they find the change coming from a single accidental glitch in a Freighter's Stardrive that prevented it from delivering

to Alpha-Centauran and Andorian Worlds, and being destroyed by Romulans, in the 2140s and 2150s, thus they briefly assist

the Carrier Task Force in a rough terrain engagement against the Klingons, and then take a slingshot maneuver to 2145,

and assist the freighter, Salute and Emily disguising as 22nd Century Civilians and giving replicated parts, making

ecstasy and suspicion occur in the S.S. Mazda Crew.


The Enterprise locates some miners, and in paradoxical, impossible illusions, drug hallucinations, and paranoia,

Nonatran, Salute and Emily bring back the Miners, with some of them getting both Normal, and Completely Random

Views to Record


The Enterprise and it's escorts locate a Freighter, it's crew being seemingly likable; - they and the Enterprise keep trying to move back and forth, in a few directions Warmer and Colder, with David, Dani and Salute gradually figuring out they're

a little... odd, then they find they've been brainwashed and misled by disguised True Ones, and fight through two Strike

Cruisers (V'Qaras-Class), and escape, telling of their location to the nearby 15th and 24th Fleets.


In Holodeck 6, Salute is thinking of Fo-Yu Akim, and is feeling slightly uneasy of Alter, lying in a grassy meadow under a pale noon sky, eventually being called to the Bridge, as the Enterprise has intercepted slightly more unguarded signals referring to a True Ones Listening Post, and the Cloaked Enterprise slowly inches along, it's two Kunoichi-Class Heavy Escorts moving at Warp 9.98 to the post, decloak and pelt it with Customizers set to Pulse Phaser, it's shields soon buckling, the Enterprise decloaking and Nonatran, Koran and six Security Officers, in Camo-Armour, beam over, use their Phaser Rifles to Phase the three living True One Technicians they encounter, and as they secure the area and check out the machinery, Koran marvels at the efficient dual-redundancy of the True Ones Computer Tech, and how the Power and Data Distribution Lines are at least 2.5 times better than Bio-Neural, and after they collect the data, and some parts, and return to the Enterprise, some pictures and some probing of the area by the Horizon and Octopus, Koran and Nonatran deliver their message to the other Senior Officers in the Conference Lounge, pointing to the floating holographic display of the sample True Ones Station, explaining the Computer, Power and Sensor Systems, this collected data being a tremendous help to the SCE and Starfleet Intelligence, and as this meeting is ending, after around 45 minutes, Koran looks over at Salute and asks "Looks Interesting, eh? I *DO* so, love so many sides, and such devious strategies and mechanics of an installation!" Salute nodded, a little disjointed.

As the Meeting ended, Koran and Salute walked out the other door, and down the corridor, discussing, and Salute told Koran of three different things about past missions he found... uneasy, and he talked about Akim, and how he'd only occasionally actually interacted with him, and although he'd gotten over his death, he would dream of him continuing with them, and going down the path he'd wanted, citing his telling him of his looking out for a possible posting to an exploratory vessel like the Light Cruiser USS Doohan, or the Scout USS Tani.

As he says this, Koran gets an idea, and tells him to meet him in Engineering in a few hours. When that time comes, Salute arrives in Engineering, and Koran gestures towards some boxes and panels, with a few scattered Q-Interface Chips, telling him that after he was done tinkering with the Warp-Slip Dual Mode, he was working on an improved, better masked Sensor-Comm Apparatus, and after the two of them continually worked out, improving the design's stability, and replicating parts and testing the system in the Holodeck, they tell David and Emily about it, and they use it to more quickly, confidentially contact Starbase 514 and Deep Space 11, and warn and reroute the 15th and 16th Fleets, all the while avoiding Two squadrons of V'qaras-Class Ships in a Nebula and Ion Storm, both fleets intercepting and destroying the Squadrons.

Stardate 179815.8 (10-25-2502, 6:24 PM)

Nonatran delivers a standard report on True Ones Activity; - Two small groups off to west and northwest, around 2-3 ly away, and in their current location, there is a Class M Planet, the third in it's system, the other Planets being three Class G and 2 Class J Worlds. The Enterprise and it's Escorts enter orbit of the Planet, and scan it, Nonatran, Salute and the Science Personnel gathering survey data, and bring it to David Alter and Emily Robinson, and for now, David tells them, they are to continue to orbit the planet, monitoring it, and any nearby activity on long-range sensors.

During all this, around three hours pass, and Salute comments on his and the Science/Security Staff's monitoring of the planet of the early industrial life, then it is discovered, more and more, after some sporadic sensor and extensive strategic and odd readings from the planet, that there are a few spy/reorienting activities by True Ones on the planet, and over time, David barrs Salute and orders further scanning, as well as coded sensor and comm signals, as well as a few Class XI and VII Probes, and after two more days, they're further conflicting, as well as observing a few anomalous True Ones Scout/Courier Signals, Salute and Alter further clashing over the hurting natives, then, later that night, they use a few indirect customizer shots, and some covert beaming to take out the True Ones and restore the natives' memories, with some deep Holodeck and Brain Surgery, quickly have a few Customizers from all three ships and the Octopus take out the intercepting trio of True Ones Gunboats and Scout Ship, and then take out a small village of natives that saw some of the fire, as well as the Octopus, David and Salute still clashing, and Salute becoming mroe bitter, after David Alter cited the Prime Directive, and explained his forcing Warp out of the hands of a volatile, developing power, and exterminating a few bands of hunter-gatherers who had discovered a Survey team during the 2440s, when he was commanding the Tremonton, and how they needed to be sacred and judgemental.

Although Salute kind of goes along with this, he's still bitter, and this carries on into future episodes...

Stardate 179835.2 (11-1-2502, 8:27 PM)

Koran is overseeing Slipstream calibration and minor rpgrade work, and cheerily monitors it, and a list of starship parts from the 24th and 25th Centuries, daydreaming of peaceful, unventful surveys, and after a while of this, he does the Chief Engineer's Log, on how the Enterprise's upgrades, and new data from the Time's Shadow, and the USS Tako has firthered their exploration, as well as root out a couple True Ones Scouts, and soon, he and Dani meet, and use the Holodeck to simulate a Medieval Festival, while they have a discussion on numerous historical periods.

Three hours later, they go to the Main Bridge, and two of the Planetary Science Laboratories, and assist Alter, Emily and Salute in performing a survey of a Class L World with rich plant life, and as their shift ends, Koran and Dani take a Mariner-Class Runabout

and survey two nearby White Star Systems with a few small Rockworlds each, and have another chat.

Stardate 179975.7 (12-23-2502, 3:07 PM)

As the Enterprise, and two trios of Nightriders perform Multi-Vecter Assault Mode and engage in training operations, six Konoichis, six Tanks, and two Exeters off to the side, overseeing, they are ambushed by a True Ones Mothership and two Strike Cruisers, and as they use MVAM and their support ships to fend them off, a vessel soon decloaks and uses two full Hadron Torpedo Spreads to accelerate the True Ones' retreat. It is the USS Time's Shadow, and Zack hails David and Emily to warn them that here, and another strike, on Deneva and Ardana would begin the collapse of the Coalition, and Emily and the new EW/Intel Officer, a 5"3 Bolian Woman, begin to send this coded message to SFHQ, and the Enterprise, the rest of the eigth Fleet, and over a thousand other vessels begin to gather around the entire 60 ly surrounding the Core Worlds, and begin to pick off a few intruding True Ones Scouts, already the major part of the War is about to begin, and David and Zack consult with each other on the Enterprise and Time's Shadow, as the two fly close together, wtih Zack helping to set up a major strik, as well as coordinates to a True Ones Colony and Industrial Center, set up in the Northwest Alpha Quadrant, one of their main homeworlds since returning to the Wilky Way, and as the 1000+ ships engage five True Ones Motherships, Eight Light Cruisers, Three Strike Cruisers and over six thousand Fighters, they destroy most of the True Ones ships, and the Enterprise, Time's Shadow, Horizon, Octopus and eight other ship, six Tanks and two Mythics chase them to this Industrial Center, Varas Mythrin, and David, Nonatran and six Security Personnel go to the Planet in a Shuttlecraft and get data, sabotage the equipment, all the while, the vessels are engaging and destroying True Ones ships above, and as they set the main Reacter and Supercomputer to meltdown, they get onto a catwalk, and some True Ones in Skiffs fire multiple Hand Blasters, one shot shooting David, and he falls...

As this happens, Zack, Tazla and the Time's Shadow use Customizers to take out more C&C and Munitions areas of this world, and beam over to the Administrative hub, taking out dozens of True Ones Warrior and Priests, with Zack staring down one of the prime True One Leaders, a conservative old man named Vircon Portal, and tell him he is going to undo all the nihilism and delirium that his psychogenic people have caused, he and Vircon butt heads, and he kills him with a hand Customizer blast, and as he returns, he reflects on how although he won't have a hometime to return to, or a homeworld, he can simply journey nomadicly and reflect more relaxedly, as the Time's Shadow slips into Darkness, and all aboard will die forgotten and erased from all dimensions...

Stardate 180012.0 (1-5-2503, 9:07 AM)

David Alter is constantly being buffeted by duos and trios of realities and facts from numerous real and fictional reality zones, he tries to get the facts of his own reality straight, and is constantly struggling upward, hanging on despite being fatigued, maintaining a roughly 38% grip on reality, after around three hours moving through two major holodeck/True Ones/Non-Corporeal Reality Revelations.

Meanwhile, as the Enterprise and it's escorts are searching across the secter for David, Emily and Nonatran hail Zack on the Time's Shadow and chew him out, and Zack passively, righteously denies, claiming only he has the power over time, and he has to preserve the "True" Timeline, a notion that Emily, Nonatran, Dani and Salute question, this notion that this Timeline is the "true" one, and as they continue to clash, Emily is getting a chill over how all this is how it is going down: Three Groups, all aiming for the "True" heir of all Reality,

further chilled of how the Prime Directive and the Holy Edict of the Great Bird of the Galaxy, and even Starfleet's Exploration Directive of the 25th Century seem to be askew, considering the Hologram revolt and Splinter Chasm have occured.

...Despite the benign UK Island Resort Hallucination, David Alter is skeptical, concerned over how he has really died, and he recalls an expedition from the USS Olympus, he led, where he and LCDR Henderson were lost, and had to survive and work through illusions, and over a day later, they were rescued, as well as his survival on the world of the crashed Omega-C...

He questions two of the Hotel Staff, and a mysterious dandy in white, getting more answers to the cryptic mystery of his existence, and the True Ones' Aesthetic of what is, and their aim to reshape all the cosmos into this.

Two hours later, Elarine, with Salute, Koran, Nonatran, the EW Bolian, some Science and Security Personnel, and Fighorn, work together at the Sensor and Lab ares, as well as a period in a couple of Mariner-Class Runabouts, using Elarine's knowledge of True Ones' Tech and Sensor Signatures, and her intuition and tracking of Ground Base Layouts, to come closer to DAvid Alter's Position.

David Alter, going through dozens of such hallucinations with only a somewhat decent understanding of the True Ones', as well as his Situation, stumbles through, with food and water he stole, travelling through a vast prairie, mulling over all the vastness of his past and this situation, and how it could all abruptly end here...

As he Continues, he walks past a giant stone face and central square of a rock/marble silver hub, making out a couple of oddly familiar faces...

Elarine tells Salute and Koran passionately of her love of the Beauty and Art side of the True Ones, and how she and her Brother, despite slightly uneasy of the Overseers' intent, and that she was constantly uneasy of her uncertain future, and even more when she joined the Crew of the Enterprise, but that she somehow knew the crystals and key to her Future grew there...

They keep chatting, making it more casual, and as they get warmer, Elarine points out a mild fluctuation on the sensor screen, saying that's a True Ones Terminus and Holodeck/Medical facilities.

David continues, and runs to a distant robed saintly figure, Drexas, and confronts him angrily, and they clash, Drexas being cool and confident, and accusing him of obstructing all beings' view of the Cosmos and true beauty. And David tells him his violation of the Prime Directive and their subjugating and molding beings and worlds is an aberration, they struggle, DAvid getting sicker, and only barely wearing down Drexas, proclaiming his sovereignity of holy purity and true destiny.

David breaks out of the illusion, and wakes up in the terminus, and he and Drexas duel and he runs out, they duel verbally, and slightly physically, and burst into *Another* Reality, when Elarine runs in and meekly coaxes David into backing away, subtlely jogging him back into reality, and jogging his memory, and Koran, Salute and a few Security guys come in and shoot Phaser Pistols and Customizer Rifles set to Polaron, and Drexas smoothly glides away, and ducks into a hole made in the wall.

They return to the Enterprise, and Dani and Tolustrious firmly insist on giving Alter an extensive Physical and Mental Evaluation, gradually over the next three weeks, restoring him to peak condition.


#1: A Time of Angels

#2: A Long Way Home

#3: It Can't Happen Here

#4: What was the Federation?

#5: Further Maturing

Stardate 180150.2 (February 12th, 2503)

The Enterprise, it's Escorts, and thirteen other vessels of the 14th Fleet come across a major True Ones Starbase and quartet of mobile construction/repair docks, guarded by three motherships, fourteen light cruisers, and nineteen frigates, and as Salute, Nonatran and Emily report it all, Dani and David ask Elarine about them, she tells them of the High Priests' plans to enact the True Vision using htis as a central artificial capitol of the Galaxy, and that they have found five useful mineral-rich moons and two Class K Marslike Worlds useful for training and construction purposes.

The Battle between the Coalition and True One Forces occur, and it's fairly even, three of the other ships using MVAM, the Enterprise, however, doesn't, and uses Neutron mode on it's Customizers and a full 16-torpedo Hadron Spread to Destroy one of hte motherships, as it's Escorts swoop over and destroy two full squadrons of fighters and one of the Frigates.

As they battle, they discover a Civilization just attaining warp, and as they struggle further, to protect the rising warpships, they are starting to falter, a Heavy Cruiser taking more Antimatter Beam/Pulse hits and in two minutes, explodes, and David ponders how they can help these new beings

adjust to their existence in the Interstellar Community, the Enterprise is being ganged up on, some in the remaining motherships seemingly figuring out the importance and organization provided by the Legendary Enterprise, and as the Enterprise and it's Escorts are losing, three bizarre, bright metallic painted ships, one a huge smooth clam in grey-blue, one a cylindrical green-brown cephalopod, and one a glowing white sphere, all fight with the Coalition and True Ones, and each other over the fate of the Primitive Aliens, David, aghast, asks Nonatran to hail them, and after a few evasive maneuvers and small 3-4 torp spreads, she agrees, and after two non-responces, and the Enterprise asks the warpships to be wary and prepare to get back to their planet's surface in linguacode, and they soon get sporadic signals from the Hyperadvanced ships, who turn out to be the Etruscans, Corinthians and Estonians, all of whom are for, against and neutral to the warpship and it's race, and they are leary of the Enterprise, telling them that they are only just now beginning to grasp the edge of existence, and they are not ready, possibly not able to do more than embrace some more advanced facets of mind and technology, especially if they fall to the Yoru'Erudain, for neither side in the war has more than a minuscule chance of lasting to the next Century.

Annoyed, David tells them of their ambition, and how they'll constantly ascend to higher levels. He, Emily nad Elarine talk of their understanding, and the True Ones' use of their technological and psychological prowess to shape reality, challenging the beings to come up with true answers for their situations, so that they may all grow and explore, the ultimate in existence.

The True Ones in the Mothership, with High Priests Zorza (Male) and Cidendra (Female), communicate with each other holographically, and agree to attack the Enterprise and Etruscan in the Nacelles, and use jamming signals, having their remaining light cruisers and frigates swarm the other advanced ships.

David protests, as the cephalopodic Corinthians attack the Etruscan, Enterprise and Warpships, the Horizon and Octopus fly to attack it, their Customizers set to Pulse Phaser doing very little damage, the Etruscans give a pragmatic, sarcastic comment, and tell David, Emily and Elarine that they ma ytry to move, but they must do so carefully, if they hope to survive.

As the Corinthians get hostile, the True One Motherships ambush them, and Emily, getting an idea, orders the Horizon and Octopus to attack the Motherships, and sue their Customizers to poke holes in the Shields, and she tells David and Nonatran of her plan...

They take some Security Personnel, and get in two Runabouts, and four Shuttlecraft, and send them to the motherships, and as the Escorts, with some help from the small craft, gradually make flucuations and gaps in the Sensors and Shields of the Motherships, the Small Craft beam over people, who quickly stun and kill True Ones personnel, Zorza and Cidendra angrily warnign them they cannot change what already has, and the Estonians, mildly annoyed, blockade the True Ones and Corinthians, and tell everyone on comm that they all need to isolate themsleves from each other.

They insist (David, Zorza and Cidendra), that they have been able to grow for millenia, and resent not understanding the more and less advanced races, and hte advanced races all gie cryptic comments of their alignments, and how although both the Coalition and True Ones have grown, they still have far to go.

And in a final, angry attempt to derail everyone, Celindra uses hallucinogenic gasses and holograms to confuse the Boarders, and Zorza uses his ship's NAvigational Deflecter, Engines and some of it's Antimatter Cannons to blow open a Vortex aned propell the Motherships, small craft (two of which blow up), the Enterprise and it's Escorts interdimensionally to another universe, and Zorza tells everyone over the comm, as they fall past a Class K Uberearth and Green and Purple Nebulae, that they cannot change what has already happened.

#2 begins with Nonatran and Emily telling David they know the Universe-hopping nature of the Dimensional Trick, and they can probably do it with the Enterprise and it's Escorts, and as Zorza and his priests, technicians and warriors sabotage the mothership's systems, preparing it to self-descruct, Emily and her boarders beam back to the Runabout, which uses it's Customizers set to Disruptor to blast away some debris, and zips erratically to the Enterprise's Shuttlebay, and landing, Emily, getting back to the Bridge, contacts Nonatran, warning her of tricks that the True Ones might play, and she acknoeledges, and as she and her escort confront and taunt Cidendra of her inability to forsee them, or to really do more than addle and trick innocents, Cidendra laughs harshly, Nonatran laughs harshly, and Zorza's people swarm over, kill much of the Away Team, including Nonatran's Guard, and she runs behind a huge Sensor Console, taps her ocmbadge for a beam-over to the Enterprise, and she and her surviving Security Guard beam back, they get checked with Emily's bunch by Fighorn, commenting on exotic vapors, and how the ancient arabs and indians experimented with them, and as she and Salute ask Koran about the Dimensional Trick, and as the Enterprise keeps it's guard up, it's shuttles returned, it's escorts veering around the remaining mothership, all craft being shaken and knocked away, taking minor damage from the explosion, and Koran talking of how it's somewhat easy to figure out, and the Enterprise's Warp-Slip Dual Drives and Quantum-Level Computers could perhaps pull off the trick somewhat more than somewhat more easily than the True Ones, although they'll need three days preparation and some resources to work it, and as the Mothership escapes, and uses the remnants of the vortex and Deflecter pulses to return to Eta Universe, Salute and two Science/Comm officers notice and tell David and Emily of it, taking more notes for the return.

The remainder of the episode has them sending nine away teams to the nearby Class G Desert World's surface, and some of it's caves, they discover and use beamed down equipment ot harvest and anlyze exotic minerals, dilithium, haridainium and Lithium Thrustium and they also check out the planet's two moons, they get things worked out on the Enterprise, and it & it's escorts generate the Vortex, fall through. What they see surprise them...

#3 has them shocked at a scene of desolution, it appears to be core systems of their counterparts universe, and as they find lost buildings and artifacts and some semi-functioning records, implying that the Federation's Utopianist Movement, and ignorance of the past, and even minor instances of Starfleet Policies getting dogmatized, and unliked past instances of the PD leading to Disaster, with David Alter firmly insisting "No Argument, We are all in the right, and everything must go forward, not this problematic overly-negative bias of our Way of Life, our Centerpoint."

And as they, using a technobabble BS Solution to cause Energy to flare and multiphase them , from their Navdefs, and at the last minute, switching on Slipstream, only find themselves further into alien dimensions, in the midst of a black-white chess game of all beings, familiar, and unfamiliar...

The True Ones are baffled at this heretical nightmare realm, a dark, stormy land with chessboard-like black/white sqaures, ships, building, and people, all of old and new eras, and the Enterprise's Escorts return with data on three AUs of area ahead, the edge of a rough woodland with some technical fortress-type areas and a medieval tower, overseeing this.

This vast Battlefield, with a celestial starry Sky containing the Coalition, True One, and all these bizarre alien ships on both sides are contained, and there is some kind of bizarre war, on the edge of Reality...

After a short while of bewilderment, and exploration of this zone, the True Ones disappear, and the Enterprise-K and her escorts find some odd, pods and small moons with storehouses on them, and Alter and Emily tell each other how this is a new level of perplexion, and they find smore populated planet in this surreal zone, sending Salute, Koran and Nonatran to a bar on it, in scraggly brown coats over their uniforms, asking diverse aliens in there about this place, and they say it is the Ultimate Crossroads of all Timelines and Universes, the Armageddon War, which confuses and mildly worries them, thinking they'll be unable to go home, and there, they encounter an oddly amiable guy, a blonde human with Glasses claiming to help them get out of the zone, in exchange for giving him a ride, as his scoutship crashed soon after he ended up in the Zone. The Guide, Deke Michaels, is very cooperative, and immediately helps them avoid a tight two-side shoot-out between two fleets of silvery-blue and red sharp, many pronged insectoud ships, and guides them to a few Subspace vortexes where they are mostly hidden, which, in addition to their vast stealth capabilities, is quite clearly overkill.

He then tells them of the main fortress once erected by a bunch of Angelic Scholarly Monk Types who long observed the goings on of all time and space, and gradually felt that all would end, including the universe, souls, and any sort of linear time, and they gradually worked to bring order to this, and to enable the races across this dazing vastness to engage in a more energetic end, to feel engaged and preoccupied, so as not to notice the vast bleakness. As they get to the building, the Octopus reports an odd shadowy signal, almost like a Cloak, and they investigate, when a stingray-like vessel attacks the Enterprise, the Octopus intercepting it, and pummeling it quickly to bits with a few Customizers set on Pulse Phaser. Deke then instructs them to carefully move past a thing line of asteroids, and Nonatran comments that the battle between the hundreds of millions of races out there seems to be intensifying, Emily saying they'd better be cautious; - as more unexpected threats, and even the end of everything could cut short their search.


Both Sides, Light and Dark battle each other, and the mysterious guide who is friendly with Salute and Koran turns out to be, after some strange hints, and gradually misguiding the good guys into calamity, is Elantos.

Two Away Teams, one led by Salute, one led by Nonatran and Elantos, eventually, over the =next three days find the dentral control station and stone and douglas fir wood areas for these areas, and they set up the dimensional portals for the Enterprise Crew, Salute and Nonatran lead the crews in repairing the ops banks for the coordination and the portal cohesion of the main banks, the two headed Dragon-Of-Prey, being warded off by the Enterprise's Mariner-Class Runabouts, they all work together to figure out the sync to the main Universe, and here, the guide turns out to be Elantos, starting to misguide them into a dark distortion of all they can ever understand, howevre, Emily, Salute, and two Rescue parties from the Gideon and the Yorktown help to bring them back to reality...

They reorient the Enterprise, Horizon and Octopus, as the signs of

Elantos disappear, as he vanishes into the shadows, to deceive and distort, as he vanishes, into the familiar, and yet unknown...

The Enterprise and the two Escorts Horizon and Octopus, perform two short surveys of thirtenn-planet star systems, to try and forget the ancient fears of Sol Dovelopments, and after another -1X Medieval Nation falls to the True Ones, Salute begins to insist that they can't let True Ones OR old Federation Races fallbecause of the Prime Directive, and disappears, as some secular voice questions David Alter, as to why Starfleet Exists, the purpose of the Federation, and why David feels there is a purpose to Starfleet.

Salute gets more fed up, as they prevent prevent techonological and medical development to those -1X developing nation, and after they let a Medieval Society make too many developments, and after David Alter let's them get bamboozled by True Ones Reorientation and A few hours, Digitally getting lost ans wily in the wilderness, Salute gets fed up with him, and with Starfleet, when the Enterprise, Horizon, Octopus, Exeter, Destructer, Potemkin, Algol, Adelphi, Ajax, Sigma, Beta Secundus, and Gamma Secundus, as well as the Trusteeship all finish off th eTrue Ones, and Salute's Doubts, begin to grow, despite the massive battle...

They manage to use the machinery in the Massive Outpost, after Three, Days, to probe for their own universe, and as they head back, Elantos tries ot ensnare them... And as they fend him off and get back, and as they watch, as a Pre-warp Civilization get's blown to smithereens, Salute stares dumbfounded, then enraged...

Then, as Alter and Robinson let another Prewarp Civilization get distorte dby the True Ones, and as some Kunoichi and Maitlin-Class ships come to destroy the Strike Cruisers, Salute tells Alter of how he can't stand what Starfleet has come to after all those years, and how many have fallen as a result of the Prime Directive.

Alter narrowly tells him of hte way of things, of how many mus give way to the "True WAy", when Emily comes on the Intercom, telling them to go to the Bridge, and when they get there, the Enterprise, Horizon and Octopus take out a squadron of fighters and two Strike Cruisers.

In October 25th, 2503, the Enterprise, it's Escorts, and the Third and Eighteenth Fleets are making headway, destroying five Strike Cruisers, a Missile Cruiser and Mobile Construction/Repair Dock, and as they make headway for a Mobile Coalition Dock, two Jericho Transport/Tugs, and a Squadron of Tanks, Alter gleefully misguides a 0Xe Freighter to it's death, and let's 2 pre-warp civilizations and a 2Xe civilization wallow in significant Plagues and Poverty, Emily being somewhat unsettled by this, and Salute fuming and seething, swearing that he'll find a way to help these people, and to be a truly helpful Starfleet officer...

November 2nd, the Enterprise and the umpteen other ships visit Alpha Ceris VI, and Salute exchanges the Enterprise's Doings and Starfleet's intense problems to Erik Kingfisher, captaining a hunting and privateer ship, the Blackhawk, who tells him there could be much of a future away from the Federation's Decaying corpse, and in the Allied Worlds, or with him and two other crews in the area, freelance starwork.

October 30th, 2503:

A Blonde Woman living hermitically in a cottage in the woods, sometimes being helped by a Grey-skinned Pale Purple-Haired old Woman, begins to get some strange memories, and she, being called Anyx An (Harp-Player on the Cliff), by the Old Woman who helped her gets freaked out at this series of nightmarish images, of her in a grey/Gold Uniform with Red Tunic, on a ship of twisted black and silver metal, a Saucer, two bizarre, sleek pikelike stardrives all three pieces separating to fight using elaborate mechanics, this vessel (Ed Note- Nightrider-Class Heavy Frigate), and several others were devastated bby some strange delirium-inducing beings in white and beige robes with sparkly metallic masks, and she and the other eighteen survivers of that massacre a year ago, were reprocessed, and put to forest labor, working on minerals and construction for the "True Ones", and she recalles more of this, puts it together more and more in the chronological order, and she remembered herself as Allison Merris.

She escaped, and with the help of the old woman, she happily lived near a beautiful stream and lived hidden behind some thick mineral-rich cliffs and extremely thick trees.

Unsteady, and fearful that she will be caught trying to escape, not sure HOW to escape, and willing to hide from even the supposedly sterile, perfect "Coalition", she opts to live with the old woman in the woodland cottage, and abandon her past life.

November 1st, 2503:

More allowing Pre-Warp Aliens to be Tortured and Misled, and insistence in a nearby, horrified independent 2Xs Star Nation that the Prime Directive must be furfilled leads Salute to further resent CAptain Alter, and even Emily and Koran are horrified, although Nonatran insists they must stick closer in this Wartime Era.

December 3rd, 2503:

The Enterprise, and over three thousand other ships gather, fight off a dozen True Ones Strike Cruisers and over 400 Fighters, who were almost through a spindly, almost wicked looking string of 33 Parsec space, leading to Zald, Betazed, and several other major worlds, and several Captains and Admirals, including David Alter, and Admiral Hayes, come together to have a conference on strengthening the inner secters,

and reassigning thousands of more primitive ships, while dozens of newer ships move to the front to replace them, they also progress through

campaign movements, discussing two minor successes, and one failure, when they find a distress call from a trapped ship.

Alter and the Enterprise, plus her Escorts, arrive 1.5 ly away, finding a Herchiirion Ship which they rescue from an unstable Wormhole,

learning of the Herchiirions, they're Evolution, they're spending over 600 years doing heavy mining, craftswork and nomadic trading,

they and the Herchiirions, say goodbye, the Herchiirions gaining access to some Slipstream Parts to make one more Journey back through

the Wormhole, with a few Shield Upgrades, and the day is deemed an all around success.

January 4th, 2504:

The Enterprise, and 28 other ships, including it's two escorts, subtlely let the True Ones process some 18th Century Tech Primitives, and Salute and even Fighorn balk at this, and then interfere with some shipments and dats in a few True Ones outposts on the planet, and take out their Light Cruiser above, Emily using a long parable about the natives'warlike past and potential shock in aliens, and mistrust of their neighboring nations to go all-out apocalyptic, in an attempt to get Salute to ease off, nearly failing.

February 7th, 2504:

The Enterprise, and various ships are off taking out True Ones Strike Cruisers, and after nearly contaminating a medieval culture, then letting it nearly get blown or mindpunched by True Ones, Alter, Nonatran, Salute and an Engineering JG are in a Type 23 Shuttlecraft, and as they are nearly struck by some true ones Destroyer and fighters, Alter and Mr. Salute are bitter, with Salute ocming up with crazier excuses for not accepting Federation Farmlands, and after they Escape, they get to the Enterprise, and with the USS Rycon, USS Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and various Destroyers, take out a few Shipyards, Mothership, and the Strike Cruisers in the Secter, with Salute barely making sense, yet making two dimes of sense to Dani and Koran who pop in and ask him dull, silly questions, wanting them to not be (angrily) disappointly.

February 10th, 2504:

After the Enterprise and her Escorts rescue a Meschion Convoy from a True Ones Missile Cruiser, the leader of the Meschiion Convoy, Valor, tells them that the True Ones have recently taken some mineral-rich worlds near nebulae, have somewhat improved their EM Stealth, and have been locating and coming after their ships, and begs David Alter and Emily Robinson for Coalition Alliance and Protection, and af

Salute meets with Scimon Elemin, and the two are happy of Talking of swimming and a few of the beautiful Worlds before the True Ones took and ravaged them a month before, and as they chat, with Meschion help, the Enterprise meets with and talks to a Herchiriion, which brings another, Dreadnought-Esque Herchiirion, and they

start establishing diplomatic relations, seriously considering allying, and eventually becoming one nation, with the Allied Worlds sendins an Emeryoweld and Fortuitous filled with commerce guys and diplomats, frustrated, yet unsurprised that the Coalition are (again) shunning/ignoring them.

Salute told Scimon his increasing clashes with David, and asks her his discontent, and considering joining the Fisherman, or buying a Privateer and becoming a Mercenary, and she quietly tells him, that even if their Nations somehow did not fall, this may not be the nation he became part of, if he had to plan against them like this, and if they were unable to do what they envisioned as ideal in this union's defense.

After that meeting on February 24th, 2504, the next week had the Nations sharing intel, EW, a few exotic supplies, although the Coalition neither wanted nor needed these, the New Alliance only loses a few ships, and is 3 steps ahead of the True Ones, the Meschions more aware of some of the rim secters and widely sharing this, and a few of them using the RIP Program to become Officers in Starfleet, largely serving in Communication and EW, and the Herchiirions, although in no position to currently do so, slowly got in a position to share wormhole and trading knowledge of their Galaxy, and as the Youmex, the Ulysses and the 9th and 15th fleets took out a True Ones Starbase and two whole Mothership groups, the Enterprise discovered this, and started their "barely fight the True Ones while not interfering in the Native Prewarp Aliens", and violently clash with the USS Time's Shadow, who tells them they have to either be slapped down, or be supplanted, and that only they can risk themselves, or deem anything to be right for the Classic Federation, as the Coalition is a splintered band of Idealists. David yells and rhetorizes at them, with no avail, and then rounds on Salute, and condemns him for being not loyal and optimistic, David and a shocked Dani telling him this is uncalled for, and more clashing, and as they argue and splinter their grip, the USS Welmikoff and USS Hodgson send a sensor decoy-shrouded cryptic signal, and as they arrive on February 11th, the two ships are destroyed, a Moon near a small, 1X trading race being surface decimated by the True Ones, and in avoiding exposure, over a billion of them are killed, Salute silently berserk over this, David silently approving, Emily less so, and Fighorn, Nonatran and Koran confused and scared, not know what next, and ast the Enterprise trails and stops a few small True Ones schemes, and as they are dogged and forcefully "Helped" by Zack Castellan and the USS Time's Shadow, they are led into a trap, where a 66-member infiltration and recon party led by Nonatran are nearly captured by True Ones, a few Starfleet Ships and the Enterprise are nearly destroyed or captured, and decoding of Starfleet Sensor Decoys completes "It', what is it?, the True Ones successfully honeycoat their message of peaceful assistence to some prewarp and a few primitive starfarers, and show only slightly doctered footage of the past three years, portraying the Coalition as genocidal and worshipping, rather than sculpting reality and diplomatic relations with other Races, shaking up David Alter's position, and his view in the eyes of the Meschions and Herchiirions, and with the accompanying yelling mistrust of the Traditional Federation Values by numerous Independent Powers, David also thinks of "It Can't Happen Here" Nu Universe, and some of the previous catastrophies and clashes with primitives and Salute, getting shaken to the bone, and he and Emily Robinson confide in his Quarters, sharing some Irish Cream,

his talking of his ideals, and how he was groomed to bee the Federation's "Golden Boy", and yet despite that, he was simply looking the other way, and encouraging the opposite of what he despised, and how this might worse yet, fracture the alliance, and now, There may never have will be the Federation, or even a Sane, or unaltered Galaxy, the chaotic little patterns of this in his mind, and somehow still damning propaganda of teh True Ones causing him to bury his face in his hand, Emily reassures him, the two half discuss spin-doctering/covering up embarrassing events just like they did with Elantos, and Salute, Koran's and Abraham Moore's "Disapproving of the Federation", but genuine assistance of their war and exploration over the past 50 years.

Alter starts to move close to Emily's head, and they whisper a final concurrance. On February 14th, 2502, the Enterprise and 263 other vessels arrive at Pacifica, and David Alter pacifisticly, blandly deflects the angry, confused criticisms of the Bynars, Pacificans, Allied Worlds Ministry, and a few others, and explains the few mistakes of a few elite Starfleet Captains, how the True Ones by finally gaining a foothold in thee Alpha Quadrant did what was feared for years, and that he and the other Heavy Explorer, Dreadnought and Battleship Captains have been overseeing corruption, despite some of them having gone with what was believed to be a reformation of Classic Federation Values and Exploration, and that he and various others would reassign the guilty to various menial, core assault posts and fringe defense, as well as carry out a plan of theirs in the making to reform Starfleet Command, and change to give much more input to the Meschions and Herchiirions, and although this does to a 12.5% extent placate and sooth the seething opposition, the Alliance is still divided, and Vice Admirals Selina Halsey, Shran and Mei'Ghiradan all are confused with his decision, and more pressured by lack of time and the increasing ferocity of the Yoru'Erudain to put up more than a minor objection or two, and soon, Salute and the two Meschion Officers, Saylo and Amore warn David, Priority .5, and he gets to the Bridge, Emily quickly giving out orders to the Horizon, Octopus, Ulysses, Youmex, Capcom, and all 2,015 ships in the area. There is a full-scale True Ones invasion of the Allied Worlds, and the Enterprise and 4/5s of the Pacifica ships travel at Slip 6.5 to Beta Myamid and Capella IV, fighting off some Light Cruisers, Destroyers and a few Scout SHips, their Point Defense, EW and over a hundred Runabouts and Fighters taking out over 3,000 True Ones Fighters, an hour later travelling at Slip 2-7, arriving at Khitomer and destroying five True Ones Strike Cruisers and several Scouts and Fighters, and soon, word is received by Salute, and the Meschions and Comm Personnel that the Sixth Fleet has engaged the main True Ones Home Fleet, and the Enterprise, Towing her Escorts, the USS Unification, Horizon, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Werz, Thir, Lani, Mak, Lexington, Denmir, Ranger and Cutty Sark make numerous rapid jumps at Slip 5, and longer ones at Slip 6.5 and Slip 7, taking out True Ones in the spread-out Benzar, and Daran V Systems, and start to war more intensely, and 10 minutes before, just as the Enterprise-K, and the other ships rendezvous, David Alter is in his Quarters, listening to the Death Marches at Axanar, and he briefly uses his Holoquarters on Yacht Club in the 1960s, and then gives a sorrowful comment on how his vision of the future could have blocked off the Classic Federation of Virtue, and soon, feeling some odd, soothing summer day, misty-water feelings and something ethereal and indescribable, he abruptly meets and talks to the Secular Speaker, who asks him of his sorrow, disappointments and doubts, and the speaker, in his GOD-DAMN questioning, inquisitive way, gets him to realize more of the Vast Frontier of the 22nd Century, Vibrant Threatening 23rd Century, the Assistence and Pomposity of the 24th Century, and the simple failure to maintain power of the 25th Century, and to make him realize buried underneath all the propaganda and his enabling failure, he sitll was a good man, and that he could find a way to exert much power behind the scenes, and further understand all the Federation he never knew, and he hits the comm button, says "Emily, It's Time. Begin the Battle, and the Greater outreach Plan", and then, thirty seconds later, Nonatran, alarmed, tells Commander Emily Robinson that one life-sign is missing from the Enterprise, David. Emily, smiles and takes the Big Chair, taking her place as Captain of the Starship Enterprise, and gives a mildly retarded spin-doctoring to the other ships, and the Starfleet forces, plow VIOLENTLY into the True Ones Armada, in the first few minutes, appearing to only pick off a handful of Fighters and Strike Cruisers, but soon, they start to inflict serious damage, and with only two Starfleet Destroyers lost, and 113 True Ones Ships lost, they retreat to the adjacent Secter, and joining with 30 oddly chipper Allied Worlds forces and two Meschion Picket Ships, they ambush and destroy some stray True Ones Destroyers, and battle the True Ones at Taj Shiva and Menalvagor, losing some Runabouts, Fighters, and the USS Macintyre, and a True Ones Mothership, and a third of the Destroyers and Strike Cruisers are lost, the True Ones now retreating, soon to reformat, rebuild, and just plain lie to their new allies, and a few new conquests.

The War is past the Catalyctic and the Midnight Run, and a new, stronger Union forms.

The End is Nigh.

over the next 2 Episodes, and the period of February 16th-20th, EMily, Salute and Fighorn discuss solemnly David Alter, and Salute, his voice cracking, says he was "Pie in the Sky", and not as much as he, battered, defeated and shell-shocked, only helf-wanted to say, Fighorn spin-doctering with a few Blackadder Whiskeys and an oddly endearing 95% made-up story, involving Fighorn, Alter and some Outpost Personnel on their old days aboard the U.S.S Intersecter, and how this, even if nothing went to plan, would in the long run be his desire and dream, and that Salute was still a snappish young man, with almost no one able to marshal the Militaries of the Galaxy, or even keep the former Dominion and Taurhai from getting riled up.

On March 1st, 2504, Emily takes the Enterprise to Starbase 16 at Sigma Epsilon B, for repairs, and to meet Admiral Nakamura and Admiral Mirren Harrelson Akaar for a Strategic Ops Meeting, and after some long talks on this new plan, and her last three successful battles, driving the True Ones back, arrange for the Enterprise-K, her Escorts, and the Meschions to successfully raid a few supply convoys of the Tur Ones, and pave the way for the completion of Deep Space 31 and Starbase 1262 in the Far Side Secters near Mechad and Scorpead Space, The happy young Deltan Ensign Mana and Meschion Saylo join the crew as permanent Tactical and EW-Comm Officers, The new XO for the Enterprise is Commander Adam Bridger, formerly assigned to the USS Legend, and Salute says goodbye to his love, and tells his Mother and Sister, Muriel and Sara all that had happened, his discord and depression being mistook for concern for his captain and Starfleet's Progress.

On March 3rd, 2504, the Enterprise's Crew discovers a Class M world with an obelisk from the Preservers on it, similar to the one on Miramanee's World. Emily brings Nonatran, Elarine, a Biologist and Medical Officer with her on the Away Team, and Elarine immediately finds the ruins fascinating, seeing them as being somewhat like an 800-million year ancient language she studied whilst training to be a novice and a scout, and with the help of the Biologist, with Nonatran circling the area sternly, and Emily commenting on the fresh air, and the opportunity to take a break from the Existence War, and after forty-nine minutes, Elarine and the Biologist eventually crack the language and operate a few light and motion panels, opening a walkway, which the party takes to study, seeing blank hallways, and then, finally a few walls iwth marble tiles of the Preservers'language on them, and they find a disklike console with clear tubes above and below, and more words, which are soon translated to mean that this console is networked to another somewhere 1000s of ly from here, and when activated, some powerful sensors and EM Defenses will occur, and after briefly pausing upon her uncertainty, and unreconciliation with her specie's nomadic worldview, Elarine and the Biologist activate the machine, and for the next several hours, the Enterprise sends Away Teams to and from the planet to monitor it, and on March 6th, 2504, they get a coded transmission from the USS Sekisha that the True Ones Base on Ultima Thule has been shaken by Power Fluctuations, with some areas with constructs on them in more distant reaches of the planet had defense shields come up around them, sensor equipment has taken in much data and scanned the True Ones, and numerous defense emplacements have been activated, with 6 vessels slingshotted around 6-8 parsecs away, and two Destroyers destroyed by similar Particle Beams, and as the Enterprise is preparing to leave and join the 17th and 18th Fleets on the way there to further investigate and pick off any stray True Ones ships, the Biologist and another Geologist who beamed down are reported missiing, and a search party composed of Bridger, Salute, Mana, Dani, Nonatran and a Security Ensign beam down, and after briefly searching the obelisk, they go into the nearby woods, searching for seventeen minutes 'fore finding the Geologist knocked out, and comes to groggy, after getting smacked and prodded by Nonatran, and after Adam has him beamed to Sickbay, they start to concentrate their area on a 5o port of the core of the forest, finding a crumbling stone building with some metal framework and inside, they run into the Biologist, who acts like he doesn't know them, babbles in a strange tongue, and find computer banks in the place which appear to archive, function as a strategic master display for the Alpha Quadrant, and they gradually struggle with the delirious Biologist, and gradually piece together that he decided to search the forest with the Geologist, and they eventually went to this building, operating a few of the buttons seemed to trigger something, for or against the True Ones is unclear, although it seems to be for the True Ones, as with Fighorn's Diagnosis, and the Away Team's find, numerous ether and delirium-inducing agent are fond in both mens' systems, and some AVE Brainwave equipment and suggestive imagery continued this change, and as they figure out this odd, early True One, or perhaps similar Race's Methodology, the Enterprise is attacked by thirty True Ones Fighters and a pair of Strike Cruisers, and as the Away Team gather around, with a few Rocks and Computer parts to take with them back to the Enterprise for further research, they start to snake through the woods to find True Ones spread out, preparing to exterminate them, seemingly on a desparate directive from Zidendra to destroy the Flagship of the Coalition, and ramdomly strike out against various Starfleet and MDF ships and bases, a chaotic mad tactic to prevent their doom, and just after a few shots narrowly miss Nonatran's head, the Biologist stumbles out of the building out into the open, getting a few of his memories stirred, which with the programming and a few jostlings by the Away Team, remembers who he is, charges at a Tur One, knocking him down, giving a gurgling mad shriek, and gets hit by a True Ones Hand Weapon, reduced to charred remains, and after 20 minutes of hiding, zipping around like gigfargling Robin Hood and shooting True Ones, until they run out the western edge of the Woods, and a brief lowering of the Enterprise's #6 Shield lets them be beamed up.

<Intermediate Event: March 12th, 2504, (Stardate 181195.2) The Enterprise has a meeting at Starbase 39-Sierra, and Emily Robinson and Elarine fill out some paperwork, Elarine finally, dully and doelfully says goodbye to her species, and she tells Admiral Spence, Emily and Intel Captains Tuvok and Aeiden of Izar that she'll resign to killing or repressing hundreds of millions of people to save the galaxy, and maybe they can study and celebrate her people's few less-delirious facets of their artistic-universal being, and take in refugees desperate to excape the cult of the polymillenial ways, as had happened once before>,

March 22nd, 2504. The Enterprise picks up news that a Missile Cruiser has ambushed the USS Long John Silver, destroying itself in a kamikaze run after badly damaging tha light explorer, and it arrives at Slip 3.1 to assist the battered light explorer, with Koran, Salute, and Mark Strickland, the Engineer Officer of the Long John Silver cheerfully exchanging Parrises Squares events and technical trivia.

April 2nd, 2504. Reports have come in of nineteen more suicide attacks, with three Starfleet vessels being destroyed. The Enterprise, it's Escorts, and three Exeter-Class Heavy Cruisers join a group of 52 other vessels for greater security against the True Ones Kamikaze vessels, ganging up on, and easily capturing one True Ones Missile Cruiser, and destroying a Strike Cruiser.

April 17th, 2504. The little Fleet soon discovers a small True Ones Fleet composed of three Kel'Makon-Class Mobile Shipyards, and 15 S'paran and H'tcala Class ships and destroy it in a huge battle, with one Kel'Makon captured, all but four of the other True Ones ships destroyed, and all but 10 of the Starfleet ships destroyed, the Enterprise and her Escorts surviving. The fleet meets with some Coalition Birds of Prey and the Imperial Klingon Crewed USS DeQ'tAa to exchange battle reports, an Intelligence Briefing, and to show what was found of the captured True Ones Ships.

April 18th, 2504. The Starfleet and Klingon-crewed ships try to take out a True Ones Scout that spies on them, but it escapes and transmits it's data, betraying the fleet movements, as well as a few vulnerable starbases to a trio of prominent Ht'cala Motherships, one of which is the Flagship of the True Ones forces, commanded by Zorza.

April 28th, 2504. (Stardate 181326.5) The Enterprise, after trying to stay hidden from a 1970s equivalent culture, has Salute and Elarine going incognito, finding three humanoids converted, and guess that there must be hidden True Ones on the Planet, and with Elarine's know'how, and Salute, Koran and Nonatran's knowledge of weaponry and ECM Sensor Tech, spend four hours finding and storming a small True One base, killing the True Ones there, and Fighorn and Elarine doing what little they can to restore a handful of reformatted natives, the Enterprise making itself visible in order to block, counter and destroy the two Scout Ships that try to dart in, using newly developed from Starfleet Examples Sensor Masking to land on the planet to pick up the True Ones at the Conversion and Watchtower facility.

May 8th, 2504. An way Team from the Enterprise tries to observe an Aztec-Like Culture, while Emily gently admonishesSalute, telling him how the Prime Directive sometimes ACTAULLY does some good, only 15% convincing the angry Greaser Ops-Man.

May 18th, 2504. More Kamikazes, and due to some hallucinogenics from True Ones scaring some Officials on a -2Xs interplenetary power, and developing things at Kel-Makon Docks and demonstrating technological might, with a few fibs, the True Ones are somewhat improving their construction base, the USS Exeter reporting a few patrol ships, the Horizon and Octopus destroying some Destroyers clsoe to the Valcyon Sigma System, and the Enterprise, cloaked, sends distorting signals from it's sensor emitters, misleading the locals, while a shuttlecraft carrying Nonatran, Elarine and Salute take out some Local Buildings and True ONes installments and fib a few times themselves, showing psychedelic distortions and Brainscans progressing, and convince the world's Prime Minister and Senator that the True Ones *WILL* reformat the Galaxy,

and that they've only gotten slightly friendlier and more conniving because they've been weakene dby the only advanced power since

the Ancient ones to truly eb able to cause damage.

May 20th, 2504. The Enterprise, Horizon and Octopus are ambushed by a H't'Cala soon after leaving Valcyon Sigma, the Enterprise is badly damaged, the Octopus nearly destroyed. the Upper/Lower Section Supervisors and Bossun rearrange repair crews and use holosystems and emergency supplies, and Elarine and Dani share their unhappiness for exposing their homes, and the unlikelihood of their avoiding destruction in the War of Existence.

May 30th, 2504. The Enterprise and her Escorts are sent to the Zed Omega, Dalton Phi, and Epsilon 1000-1015 Secters for extended Exploration, spending the next month discovering 3 Class L, 5 Class K, 11 Class M, 3 Class F, 2 Class D, 1 Class R, and 1 Class J, one Aboriginal Dark Brown or Green Sentient Species in TL1 (Tribal), some new Ununtritium, Radon and Dilithium-rich planets, and a small race the Meschions shared some findings on a year before, the Nulons, taking out two rogue True Ones Ships; - a S'paran-Class SC, and a DD.

June 10th, 2504. At a planet with something blocking sensors, Salute is kidnapped and screwed by the high priestess of a cult of isolationist aliens who are preparing to sacrifice him by candlelight. However, he is rescued by Fighorn and Nonatran.

June 20th, Dani shares her love of medieval fantasy and celtic music with Koran, Salute and Elarine on the Holodeck, and the Enterprise discovers a plague ravaging Sceptre Alpha Colony, which the crew slowly figure out, until Fighorn manages to cure it with some Zaranite spices and Tiburonian marijuana.

June 30th, Elarine slowly comes to terms with her estrangement from her people, and with some encouragement from the two female Engineer and Tac Chied on the USS Horizon, gives a speech at Betazed and an explanation of her people, leading to a bizarre haiku-surrealist art display.

July 10th, 2504, the Enterprise and her Escorts came to Mordan IV to find the USS Time's Shadow has taken hostage the Planet's Governor and Ambassadors T'pavis and Allan Foxtree, making demands for the disclosed location of nearby True Ones Raiders, for Starfleet to get to them, and the Time's Shadow Captain and XO grapple with Emily and Fighorn, eventually getting only one hostage kidnapped, who soon, with a shuttleprobe and numerous ECM and Sensor Decoy grappling, gets abandoned on a nearby Class D Planetoid in an Environmental Suit and picked up by the Enterprise.

July 20th, the Enterprise visits a planet of medieval ruins, where Emily, Salute and Emily question the existence of some kind of predator skulking in the shadows, and evading paranoid tribal warriors.

July 30th-August 6th, After some Crashes, ships getting caught in time vortexes, and successfully having Coalition and Meschion Destroyers take out a True Ones Kel'Makon Construction/Repair Dock and some Light Cruisers, Emily confers with some other Explorer and Cruiser Captains, and they organize a raid on some True Ones Squadrons in an Asteroid Belt.

August 7th-8th, Salute falls into a cavern during an Away Team mission, and Nonatran, Elarine and three Security officers go looking for him, and dazed, and eamining the place and his holding out, he recalls his missions under David Alter, his being increasingly disgruntled with further upholdings of the Prime Directive and increasing propaganda and taking over by the True Ones, and his friendly advice and periodic status updates to his sister, Marcy aboard the Tank-Class stationed to the front. They rescue him, and he, Fighorn and Elarine oversee his health in the Hololab.

August 15th, Nonatran ends up working with some Imperial Klingon from the House of Reshtarc on locating True Ones, and coordinating Fleets, and he (Kobek) starts to curiously ask about her family and her hunting and collecting, and then increases to deeper, more racial questions, and as Nonatran scowls and scolds him, he baldly tells her that the Imperials have been the only worthy race, and that he was surprised that the Fusions could have been allowed to continue 200 years ago. After a few fights, Nonatran grudgingly finishes the Fleet coordination, leading to Vor'Tec'Has and Coalition Birds-of-Prey to finish off a True Ones Base and several Scout Ships, but she tells Emily and Koran over her suspicions of still festering Prejudice.

August 25th, The Enterprise and a massive Coalition and Allied Worlds Fleet smashes over a hundred True Ones Ships, headed by two Motherships, killing Zorza ina final Attack, where the Vor'Tec'Ha and three Capcoms near the Enterprise are destroyed, and the Enterprise ends up badly damaged and towed to Starbase 321 for repairs.

September 4th, Salute and Koran find some discrepancies in the Parts Inventory, and with the Mid-Decks MVAM Coordinater, they go on a Film Noir INvestigation, taking the Runabout to a Klingon Colony, to Ayirn, and to Kobliad Prime, fighting goons and working with the Lurian Couple Lom and Kinarn.

September 14th, Emily reminicences of her past with David Alter and her CO on the Delphineus, Jan Cetimelix (Betazoid), and wonders of his troubles, in light of the Federation's Fall from Innocence.

September 15th, Koran sends some comms signals to the Imperial and Human-Fusions Koloth Zantai Simparri and Aotom, who eventually warn him of some Reshtarc-uprising and some barb-exhanging he does with some Cardassian and Klingon Governors via Slipstream-enhanced Radio.

September 25th, as the Enterprise-K's repairs are finished, someone who turns out to be an implanted Yoru'Eridain Spy is questioned, ruthlessly, by Nonatran and Salute, and they constantly prod, finding gaps in her story and mind, gradually figuring out her fabricated personality and backstory, and taking her back to the Enterprise-K, they continue to chip away at who she thought she was, and confront her with Coalition Colonists and Starfleet Officers caught and reformatted by the True Ones, only a few hundred of which had been found and rehabilitated, and finally, sombrely, she stops denying and admits to it, and gives away a base, and when the Enterprise-K and her Escorts locate and destroy it, Elarine finds her weeping, an empty shell, mistrusting all aroudn her, without her old or new identity to at ALL use, and she gently consoles her, telling her of her attitude, and how she, too, has no fondly-remembered home to go to.

October 4th, 2504: the Enterprise and her escorts unite with an Allied Worlds Convoy, and after the dry-sarcastic Allied Worlds COmmander, a bearded brown-haired guy called Hank Metcalf, teases Emily about being unable to handle Allied WOrlds Commerce and Work Ethic, they travel to a dangerous region, and flush some True Ones out of a recently colonised Bajoran region.

October 19th, 2504-

Cidendra furiously sends two Motherships, 2 Battlecruisers, 6 Strike Cruisers, 18 Light Cruisers and 18 Destroyers to try and retake a secter taken by the Coalition, and are beaten back by an enormous Coalition Fleet.

October 22th, 2504-

Cidendra's new Priest, Xelis, enthusiasticly sends a task force of 17 ships, mostly S'Parans to destroy two Coalition Colonies, and are starting to ravage the third, when the Enterprise-K, Horizon, Octopus, Huckleberry Finn, Persephone, Nightstreak, and five Tanks arrive and destroy three ships, Xelis giving a manic sneered, threat at Emily, who rolls her eyes and tells him they'll twat him, her, Salute, Nonatran and Elarine pondering the unstable Yoru-Erudain as they're going down.

November 1st, 2504-

Koran and Nonatran celebrate Nonatran's Rite of Ascension, then with Salute, the MVAM Section Heads, and a couple of Human and Napean Cargo Technicians, they carouse in 16-F, and use the Holodeck to Simulate Dragonfire.

November 10th, 2504-

The Enterprise locates a True Ones Spy Network at a Hotel and Cafe, while weirding out the Pre-warp locals, Salute, Koran and Fighorn going undercover.

November 20th, 2504-

Using the data from the Spy Network, Emily challenges a Mothership Captain to a small unit action on the Desert World of Oasis Beta V, and the Enterprise and her Escorts engage and destroy some ambushing Fighters, and evne the Mothership.

November 30th, 2504-

Salute and Koran save a Prostitute on a Ferengi world, and find, with her, thruogh some abrupt stumblings, they find in a warehouse, and engage True Ones, them and their crew battle fooled Ferengi and brainwashed Prewarp Being Transplants, and take out some hidden True Ones Artists, Salute grudgingly having fun with the Whore and two Tac guys from the Octopus in the Central Lounge.

December 3rd, 2504-

Elarine, being more Confident now, with her pariah status, tells Salute and Fighorn that it's her birthday, Dani and Nonatran comfort her Security Ensign's (Marlena Maxwell) Husband's burnign to death, and they put a confused Elarine through her Birthday.

December 10th, 2504-

The Enterprise and her Escorts rescue the Tirion-Class USS Xenebra from two Destroyers, and destroy a task force.

December 20th, 2504-

Fighorn and Dani show the rest of the Crew the Ancient, Imperfect Terran Holiday of Christmas.

December 30th, 2504-

The Crew take out a True Ones plot to mass-produce Military Personnel from a Robotics Factory near Breen Space.

January 10th, 2505-

The Enterprise and 465 other ships, including some Herchiirion Traders, join forces to destroy Xelis's fleet of over a hundred ships, freeing two Allied Worlds Secters.

January 20th, 2505-

The Enterprise-K and her Escorts are at Cecilia III, sending an Away Team composed of Nonatran, Koran, two Science and two Security personnel, to examine a few odd signatures, and examine the damaged Colony. They search some woods and find some odd emissions, leading to a discarded True Ones Crystal, then they find some barely existent tracks and scattered plants, and that leads to a dugout True Ones Base, which they take out, and the Enterprise's Escorts destroy the SC and DD trying to escape the Base.

January 30th-31st, 2505-

The Enterprise-K and her Escorts block off and destroy a True Ones Destroyer Squadron attempting to take Kiowa, after discovering and seizing their supply delivery.

February 9th, 2505-

Emily calmly gives a speech to some protesters and Allied Worlds Merchants who are spreading an alarming Anti-Coalition, Pro-Trade Message, while Fighorn and Salute sympathize* with some Whiskey, Weed, and a Trivid show in the Central Lounge (*Stupid Utopianism)

February 19th, 2505-

The Enterprise-K encounters two Meschion groups, led by Sartarus, the leader of the one they helped, who tell them that an attack by the True Ones has forced them to seek Coalition and Allied Worlds help, and they officiate the alliance, taking out a V'Qaras and five Scout Ships.

March 1st, 2505-

The Enterprise-K and her Escorts, with the Bolian and Nonatran tracking a tiny Sensor Glitch, find the U.S.S Time's Shadow, and Emily confronts Zack on his Self-Righteous, trying to ignore his counter with "YOU are Self-Righteous", and she delays his destroying a True Ones Mothership and threatening a Coalition World, and he delays, and uses Stealth to hijack a True Ones Outpost and lure a Scout Ship and Mothership to their death.

March 11th, 2505-

The Enterprise-K and 184 other ships united to destroy a Mothership, Repair Dock, and 10 other ships, causing 30-40 other mostly damaged ships to flee, and Emily counters Zack's almost completely raiding a Coalition Listenign Post and destroying a Scout Ship, sternly lecturing him, and insisting the Coalition *IS* getting better.

March 21st, 2505-

The Enterprise finishes mediationt between the Coalition, AW, Meschions and Herchiirions, and the four ally, begin commerce and emergency negotiations, and take out a Mothership and her Squadron of DDs and SCs

March 31st, 2505-

The Enterprise and Nonatran uncover an Orion/True One Drug/Bugging Scheme, and some Coalition Birds of Prey arrive to destroy a True Ones Maintenance Squadron.

April 10th, 2505-

Most of the Senior Officers and over a hundred people from all three ships explore a lush World Colonized two years ago by Coalition People, and Dani, with her enchantment with the World, Merfaria VIII, so similar to her homeworld, helps them save Salute from a Predator and make a Well and locate Edible Plants.

April 20th, 2505-

Salute meets the Black Kingfisher, and considers his leaving Starfleet, or continuing elsewhere in a different position, while the Horizon defends a Convoy from two True Ones DDs, and Fighorn develops a cure to a True Ones Virus.

April 30th, 2505-

Over two hundred Meschion Ships and three Allied Worlds Cruisers engage and destroy a True Ones Repaird Dock, S'paran and sixteen Fighters.

August 8th, 2505-

After exploring five Class L and M Worlds, two of them home to Prewarp Civilizations, and after acknowledging the USS Huckleberry Finn's finding and Destroying a True Ones Mining Station and Scout Ship, the Enterprise, Escorts, and some Meschion and Herchiirion Ships are attacked by Xelis, who uses six Motherships, two Repair Docks, and over a thousand other True Ones ships to truly trap and destroy the Allied Four Powers ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Their attack severely damages and ALMOST destroys two Herchiirion Scout Ships, but soon, ships from the other Nations enter the Fray, and a Battle ensues, and after five hours'battling, one of the Motherships is Destroyed, Xelis, enraged, concentrates two hundred en eighteen of then Fighters on the Enterprise, and they start doing some damage to Hull, Sensors and EW, and after disabling three other ships, and destroying one of the Capcoms, the True Ones escape, and assuming their plan would be to lure them and trip them up with a chase, with Nonatran's Help, Emily, and the Horizon and Octopus pretend to search and be stealthful, and with the USS Exeter, USS Youmex, and several Secter and Nightrider-Class ships, track down and subtlely trick the True Ones in moving three LY to port, and the Enterprise and some of the Meschions engage and destroy two of the V'Qaras Ships, with the other ships tracking down and destroying another Mothership and five more True Ones Ships, using terrain, both sides destroy aroudn two dozen of each others'ships, and Salute, using his Helm Skill, brings the Enterprise-K to Xelis's Mothership, and with Nonatran and the Section Heads'Coordination, the Enterprise engages Multi-Vecter Assault Mode and engages it in a long, bloody Battle, Xelis manicly raving, to the point of foaming, over the True Ones'not enacting the TRUE Execution and Dream of the Ideal Tapestry of the Universe, and the Enterprise's Sections bob, weave, and outmaneuver the Mothership, taking out it's last three Fighters, and taking and giving massive gaping wounds of INJURY, Xelis argueing with some of his Priests and Technicians, and Xelis having his ships ambush the Stardrive, which only workds briefly before getting taken out by the Horizon, Octopus, and some newly arrive ships from the other Nations, Xelis, enraged, attempts to destroy the Enterprise-K some more and escaping, getting his Mothership badly damaged in the process, and the Octopus, and some Capcoms lead some Tanks, AW, and Meschions to destroy another of the Motherships and fourteen Light Cruisers, Missile Cruisers and Destroyers.

Xelis's Mothership and three surviving CLs arrive at a neaby Gas Giant and Barren Rock World and begin repairing and harvesting it's resources and madly planning, operating on desperate Survivalization alone, Xelis starting to tire, depressed that his plans are coming to naught.

Nonatran, witha smirk and a boast, tells of the True Ones getting tired and with an exposed Spine begging to be broken, and she, with the Horizon, Octopus, other Nations and Capcom-Class's Captains plan to corner and destroy the True Ones once and for all.

After 22 days of repairing and harvesting, Xelis, his Lieutenant Mordant, and some of the other True Ones are leaving to a nearby Asteroid System, where the other Nations ambush them, blow up the CLs or lure them onto the Rocks, and the Enterprise and Mothership duel, the other True Ones getting all wiped out in an hour and a half, and Xelis and his Mothership going down in flames.

September 4th, 2505-

The Enterprise and her Escorts guard some Herchiirions giving aid to fifteen Allied Worlds, and Celindra mourns the Ultimate Tapestry, and is Bamboozled and Flabbergasted at even knowing what to do, much less complete reformatting the Universe to the Ultimate Tapestry.

September 14th-16th, 2505-

The Enterprise surveys and collets numerous chemical and botanical agents from a Prewarp World.

September 26th, 2505-

After the Meschions and Herchiirions wear down or destroy five SCs and CLs, the Nations destroy another True Ones Mothership and two dozen other ships.

October 6th, 2505-

Salute chats with his Girlfriend via Holocommunications, and Elarine, Foxhold, a Lt JG in Engineering, Dani and four of Nonatran's Security Officers, Three Terrans and an Andorian, celebrate an Easy, beautiful day.

October 16th, 2505-

The Enterprise and her Escorts uncover a plot by the True Ones to summon Wraithlike Beings and make their beliefs appear true to the early industrial beings of Rorscharchanglia III to fool them into following the True Ones and prepare for "upcoming changes", and after a tense fight, they beat them.

October 19th, 2505-

The Malcorians almost succeed in another Warp-Launch, and send ships to tend to a -2Xl base and mine Asteroids and two Moons in their System.

October 29th-31st, 2505-

a new World of Hillmaponda beings, who have U-shaped lines on their forehead, and long, gradually bending lines down their temples and cheeks, hairless with brown, beige cream and tan skin, are torn over persuasion and eagerness from the Coalition and Allied Worlds to join either of them as a Member Race, and become an ally, filibustering any actual joining.

October 31st, 2505-

Salute, Dani and an Away Team are lured and placed under a a deceit by the True Ones, thinking the war has been won and they need to rescue a world endangered by a once-benign Allied Worlds Race and give up their Coalition gear and negotiate, but they (barely) escape the trap.

November 1st, 2505-

The Enterprise-K and her Escorts chase some True Ones ships and are infected by a virus sent via Tachyon and Transporter that begins to make them hallucinate, and with Fighorn and Nonatran's help, they eventually get it.

November 10th-20th, 2505-

The Enterprise-K and her Escorts explore a Secter in the edge of the Delta Quadrant, looking for True Ones.

November 21st-23rd, 2505-

Cidendra tries to fool some Prewarpers into thinking Aliens have landed, and the Enterprise and two Away Teams of disguised people sneak in and stop them.

December 3rd, 2505-

The Enterprise, her Escorts and the Meschions set up a new Biotech and Quantum-Level Computer Network and Reacter on a new Coalition Outpost and stop a few Guided Missile Cruisers.

December 13rd, 2505-

The Enterprise-K and Youmex track down and destroy a True Ones Fleet.

January 15th, 2506-

The Enterprise-K monitors True Ones transmissions, and Nonatran and Fighorn determine their plans and rescue a ravaged Coalition Colony, and track and destroy some DDs and fighters trying to sneak up on them.

January 25th, 2506-

Emily proudly greets a newly-warp civilization, and grudgingly allows some Allied Worlds Cruisers and Freighters to set up some Trade Deals with them.

January 28th, 2506-

The Nations protect a vast Energy and Food Production Capital of the Coalition from the True Ones.

January 31st, 2506-

The Enterprise frees a Dani-Class Scout Ship trapped in a Subspace Interphase.

February 3rd, 2506-

The Enterprise finds an obelisk of the Preservers on a Planet in the Beta Quadrant, and in studying it, Fighorn and the Science Officer Commander Vaxx discover a number of useful things about the history of the Milky Way, and about the Preservers, Old Kings and Smilodons. The True Ones try to investigate the Obelisk, and the Enterprise and her Escorts fight them off, activating it near the end and causing an ancient Computer and Generator to turn on, making more data available, and a portal opens which the Mariner-Class Runabout U.S.S Capetown goes through and discovers a planet containing a last will and testament of the Preservers.

Febuary 13th, 2506-

The True Ones attack the Enterprise and a few fleets of Coalition and allied Worlds Ships as the Enterprise engages a True Ones Mothership, the Time's Shadow decloaks and shields it, devastating the True Ones Mothership and destroying it's Main Bridge, Zack telling Emily on the viewscreen that this is an albeit altered version of the final battle that led to the Coalition's Destruction, and she insists that his rantings are pointless, and that even David and Admirals Steele and RIchland knew of the True Ones and their weak front, and that they've turned the tide of the war, and Zack still is insistant, attacking Starfleet Values, and asking if the Admiralty knew of Marshland and Rictus Prime, or of the Power Plant Attack, and they achieve a Tortoise-slow resenting ceasefire as the Enterprise and Time's hadow took massive damage and destroyed the Mothership, their comrades finishing with their True Ones.

February 14th-15th, 2506-

Emily releases her frustration with Fighorn and Nonatran over a brew in her Quarters, and Zack does his insistant arrogant preaching, leading to another clash of values over a few mining and industrial worlds.

February 18th, 2506-

The Enterprise and her Escorts asist Captain Melanie Stonwin and the USS Tirion with a few Pirate groups misled by some True Ones in Fighters and a Scout Ship in an Asteroid Belt.

February 27th-March 3rd, 2506-

The Enterprise and around 20-30 Starfleet and two Meschion Ships are searching for hiding True Ones, and after some tenseness and Salute's crabby jabs at David and Richmark's old Regime, they chase off a few smaller ships.

March 4th, 2506-

Emily deals with a snappy Freighter Captain while she and the bunch deals with three Light Cruisers.

March 7th 2506-

Salute and Fighorn chat while the Enterprise slowly sniffs bugs out of an outer outpost's Database.

March 8th 2506-

The Enterprise and her Escorts run into a freighter of desperate aliens of various kinds, who frighteningly tell them the True Ones are beating and harvesting their bunch, and as they struggle with whether they are a trap set by teh TO, or actually aliens in distress, they come to Alfrzed Alpha VI, and start getting trapped and battling the True Ones, subtlely intimidated by desperate fighting and minor Illusions, and they find one of the Aliens and lose one Away Team Red/Gold Shirter trying to rescue him, and he tells them of they're Dilithium and Magnesium being harvested, and gives them some vague ideas, which with Elarine and Nonatran using the Starship Sensors, locate them and then they arrange a Sabotage, and when they try to bomb sthe area, something bad happens: Some kind of Sabretoothed Tiger-Partridge looking beast with some Metallic White-Blue feathers attacks them, they evasive pattern him, and when they finalyl kill him, one guy is killed by one of the True Ones descending upon them, and others escape or are captured, with Salute and one of them being put through hallucinations and Inner-Ear dizzying torture.

Meanwhile, Emily, and Lieutenant SG Andrew Malkenstein try to plot a rescue, but first blow up the base, and days, but possibly only minutes go by, Pain, dizzyness, and finally just... Dry, tired, sore, as Salute wonders how he'll get out, barely (Being Able To?) comprehend much of the outside world other than memories of Emily, and his once kind of tolerable Starfleet past, and he gradually recovers, the same thankfully bland questions, and he battles, seemingly to Success, but then it's just ANOTHER illusion, then Nonatran's team, and him get him out, and they blow up the base.

March 13th, 2506-

The Crew are on the Enterprise-K, and Fighorn, jovially rebukingly, and Salute insisting he'll attend Beta Watch, gives Salute the Checkup, ordered by Emily after the Disaster, and the crew follow unusual Sensor Signatures, and after 15-20 hours, leads nowhere.

In the Central Lounge, Elarine and Koran are enjoying Dani and Lieutenant Commander Swaggert's Fire/Flowers and Sword Juggling routines, and discussing semi-seriously the True Ones'Art Snootiness and ambushing the, and they get more ideas which lead to them nearly capturing two True Ones Fleets, and the second time, they destroy a Missile Cruiser.

March 18th, 2506-

The Enterprise and numerous Nations' Fleets assist a few Tanks, Salute meets his Sister, recently promoted to Lt SG, is grateful she's still alive, downplays his recent Terror, with Koran and Nonatra's help, Emily and the Enterprise and a Delimarine trap and capture a Scout Ship, with MVAM, destroy a Mothership, and disable or destroy 42 fighters, with a Caucasian and Asian Ensign in Security and Salute batting and cheering over the 11th Fleet destroying a True Ones Fleet and Base.

March 19th, 2506-

The Enterprise guards a Tropical Class L world from True Ones, and Salute and Fighorn make some Chemical Jokes and deep research, while acting pissed.

April 1st, 2506-

The Enterprise, Escorts, USS Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and four Meschion ships destroy a V'Qaras, and then there's word from Admiral Steele that after another successful Coalition fleet battle, it's time to start forcing the True Ones to a barren, mostly insavory corner of the Gamma Quadrant, and with some intel and sarcasm from the Changelings, Odo, and Fighorn, the Nations circleand contract, beginning and taking out a few stray True Ones.

IN the Central Lounge, Dani and Elarine comment on going this far, and over an uneasy silence, covering themselves from Scandal and beating the True Ones, ensuring their Threat is over.

Some more dull Dialogue, and the True Ones attack, some Bolian at Tactical reports this, and then is killed by a Bridge Hit, and with over 200 crew stunned, aroudn 36-56 injured, Salute, Elarine and some scrambling Bridge crew at Bridge and Auxiliary Control, maneuver the ship, lobbing two Hadron Torpedoes, and destroying an escorting V'Qaras, some Starfleet and herchiirion ships engage the Fags, some vicious fighting, and the forces further gather and muscles clench.

Three days later, some world surveying, and some sensor Trails, and after the Enterprise, and the Meschions and Herchiirions get together, there's some tense planning, and then battling five True Ones Ships, and Nonatran somberly makes sarcastic remarks and insists Victory is imminent.

The next day, some battling, and some ruins Dani and Elarine eamine and Salute silently cusses out Federation Utopianism, and they further pursue, Fighorn, tending to patients, the dazed and injured being carried and resettling, some personnel and Salute sharing nasty Brutal talk. and more True Ones are tracked and exterminated.

They track True Ones to a Islandy World, the locals get massacred all aroudn, and due to Nonatran and Salute's skills, 13 of the 15 True Ones ships escape, the Enterprise and some Meschions are nearly deatroyed trying to follow them, via Ambush, some terrain traversing, some findign disguised True Ones on a Medieval world, more Battling, and the Enterprise and her Escorts, after this battle, engage some True Ones, then examining verious beings and sensor signatures in the secter, they get pinned down, and some True Ones who briefly hail them turn out to be Rabid, Mad BEASTS. After they struggle, the Enterprise beats them, it and the Nightriders MVAM and slice apart two Motherships and several CLs and DDs, then after another ambush, the Enterprise tracks and runs into a trap with some True Ones disrupting their Computer and sensors, and the ship is damaged and in danger of destruction, and Ealrine helps Nonatran get more things back online, and then the Enterprise nearly crashes into a Planet with some odd mineral and Energy signatures, with some Science, Operations and Security personnel headed by Emily beam down to examine, loudly and making Hyperbole-filled Astonishment Comments, going to see the Energy Signature, and finding something similar to the Preserver's Obelisk recently discovered, and they plan to take out any True Ones waiting for them AND the Ships in orbit, and after a while of disturbing anticipation and some false alarms, they engage and take out all of the True Ones.

April 7th, 2506-

The Enterprise and dozens of ships find and take out a reprocessed Allied Worlds Starbase, and take out a small Fleet, with Nonatran and Fighorn making Hyberbolous Revelations and locating and destroying amothership by a particular Engine Exhaust Tracking.

April 8th, 2506-

The Enterprise Crew anticipate the final battle, and with the Horizonand Octopus, they exchange trivia and coordinate with some Herchiirions, and take out a True Ones Outpost and Scout Ship...

April 10th, 2506-

The Heroes uncomfortably shar e acts of treachery and how all the Nations looked terrible against the HUGE "Tapestry", with Elarine sorrowfully giving a sad defense of the Coalition, and how they're needed, despite not being "Perfect", and when the Enterprise is ambushed again, and the Horizon is badly damaged, the two crews share data and repairs, Emily and the others get shown nasty images in the Conference Loung and vow for a showdown, and another fight with a Mothership and some other ships occurs, with three Meschions and an Exeter-Class Destroyed.

April 11th, 2506-

Emily assumes a True Ones buildup, gathering of parts like the Alien sthings on the last planet they were at, more Fleet stuff, they then engage the True ones, giving a Grim rebuke to their Arrogant Speech instead of their own Arrogant Speech, and a bloody battle which leads to Nonatran injured and Elarine nearly killed, the Bolian Intel Officer tracking the True Ones.

Leading to a quick battle where the True Ones lose three more ships and Salute and Koran repair the Ship, do some Training and Evasive Maneuvers, and using the Runabouts, Meschions and Octopus, flush out more True Ones and destroy all but one Fighter, warning Cidendra, who makes a chilling speech, and freaking out at least two of her high priests.

Six days alter, and more destruction and Emily conferring with the Captains, some Starfleet Admiralls give soe final decisions of ship movements and who to concentrate on, and the Enterprise and some of the others fool some Scouts with Sensor Decoy Drones, and under cloak, they find a temporarily world, and some more people More harvested from the Alien Planet, and the True ones sudeenly lash out, destroying one of the Secters, some S'parans and some Kunoichis and Tanks blow them up, the Enterprsie takes minor damage, dodging debris and fire, battles one True One, finishing it, and takes on another, the Meschions and Herchiirions distracting and wearing down some more True Ones, a few getting blown to smithereens, and Nonatran and several Security and Science Officers finding weak ponts, and some more destruction and fleet movements, and the True Ones, using some kamikaze and EW, escape, some more tracking and engaging at Wasp 21d, and more are destroyed.

At another moon, engaging True Ones, Salute getting sick and tired, starting to wonder which images in his mind and enemy movements are real, and the crew still FIGHT ON...

THe Enterprise, after a Herchiirion engages and is destroyed by a V'Qara, surrounds, destroys several ships, and Koran pushes and eases the Engines and ASlipstreamRs, and more of the battling and slowly pushing and beating the True Ones, with the Crew giving reports and noticing the turn of the tide, both sides getting desperate, more desperate, sometimes suicidal attacks, and Emily sees Cidendra's forces trying a Starboard Crescent maneuver and pattern of Antimatter Beams, and the Enterprise and more ships counter it and destroy two DDs, Salute remembering, and then getting actually, nitpicked by Fighorn, and expertly guides the ship, and kills some True Ones, one of Koran's engineers dies, more Coalition ships are destroyed, more true Ones, tracking Bloodshed, and Cidendra madly gives orders, and with Elarine and Salute coordinating to Emily, the Enterprise and it's immediate Task Force moves around, destroys, the moves the True Ones away from an area of escape and then there are two more battles,.

And Emily gently gives somethign relieving th the Crew, more routine operations, Fighorn healing, watching through some Holosystems, and telling Dr. Marcos of more trouble, and the Megumi and several dozen Destroyers and Escorts beat off a Destroyer and over a hundred fighters sacrificing themselves, and some more ships are driven off, destroyed, and the Enterprise with Elarine and Nonatran giving some random responses and technical/tactical, some other engagings, and the Enterprise destroying some ships, it and the Races battling back more True Ones and despite some bad damage, and the loss of another Tank -(not the one the Sister is on...), Nonatran studies her readings, selectively shoots and damages the Mothership, the Fleet massacres on, and after further damaging, Cidendra gets to a bulging-eyes dramatic insistance of ramming! and FIRING ALL WEAPONS!

This leads to the ships closing close to wingmen, concentrating forward batteries and three midsize Hostiles are destroyed, Cidendra gives a manic speech, and then, with another big engagement between the Enterprise/Mothership, several Tirions and Nightriders and Herchiirions/CAs and DDs, and the True Ones all get slowly beaten and engulfed in flames, enraged, The Allieds Force back and beat down the True Ones, to Destria III in teh Gamma Quadrant, and then the Battle of Five Armies...


occurs as all other forces beat the True Ones, all major Officers and Priests are killed, and after a short phony ceremony declaring the True Ones acan get stuffed and are not to be don ANYTHING without supervision, are furced with reduced interplanetary tech to Destria III with their own and minimal Allied Worlds and Herchiirion imprted industrail and consumable goods, and with some hyperbolic speeches and bittersweet optimism, more declaration of Alliance bettering and the four nations improving through Intergalactic Travel, and the Crew celebrates, Salute kind of hobbled, and clueless as to his future, when chatting friendly with Elarine and Fighorn, Emily presses him on his future assignment, and he admits he'll go to another ship, and as he leaves off on the USS Bjo Trimble, and the crew make a clueless, slightly hopeful talk on time and their Continuing Missions, and when Emily is told by Richmark that they'll send the Enterprise, on a 7-year Exploratory Mission, and that Starfleet will reach it's goal to return to the old Ways, and the Crew are some(extent) happy, Elarine talks of continuing with the Enterprise, then moving and making talks at various Starbases, and Emily and the Enterprise continue on the Final Frontier.



This takes place between the final part of the 5-part Saga, and the Enterprise returning to Eta Universe. In it, the Vindicater-Class USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-L visits them, scans their databanks, scolds them sanctimoniously on how they've abandoned the Federation and the Great Bird of the Galaxy, and then, when David, Dani and Nonatran tell him that they're wrong, they proclaim themselves worthy of replacing the Enterprise in the Timeline, and attack it.

Despite getting in some good hits, the E-K is hammered utterly, one prominent Shot has the E-L at 3/4s starboard view, slicing open a horseshoe shape into the E-Ks saucer section, spraying sparks and ripping out panels and bars.

Soon as the Enterprise-K is crippled, A modified Legend-Class Model, sleeker and with a longer neck section and thinner stardrive, and more Customizer arrays on it, called the USS Dreamspectre, arrives and although battered, the two Ships fight off the E-L, fnally with three Customizer shots piercing the shields and beginning to cut into the Hull, The two ships fire combined Hadron Torpedo Spreads of 30 torpedoes, destroying the E-L.

The Enterprise-K and Dreamspectre is enveloped by a silvery fog and light, and the mysterious voice of the Secular Wanderer and a frustrated David Alter go back and forth talking to each other, trading vague questions and worries about the survival of the Coalition and Allied Worlds, and the Voice gradually explains to Alter his need to recover what was lost and work out a way to band the groups more strongly to reform the Federation, and much more, and how the USS Dreamspectre was from another universe, timeline, what "Might Be", and manifested itself out of the Voice, and perhaps'others' sympathies, and need, albeit indirectly to prevent fracture of the Space-Time Continuum, and to help some of the Federation, at least, to continue on the path to Enlightenment.

And David Alter is on a quest in the desert, fights through it to get to a castle, and with James T. Kirk, fights or sneaks past guards and get to a control tower, where a main reacter, and mirror-like viewscreens show multifractal images of the True Ones and the Reacter's Energy, as well as that of various others, including seemingly an off-shoot of the Meschions, and Kirk pounds David brutally, telling him that he's repeatedly bastardized the principles of his federation and how here, the True Ones have harnessed a Singularity and progressed their absorption of over 300 systems, and after looking a few tiny bits hurt, but rather pompous, Alter and Kirk work together to Knockout the Guards, and disrupt some comm/infolinks, with David throwing a Guard's Spear directly into the reacter, smashing it brutally and causing him to be engulfed in light.

The Movie ends when the Enterprise arrives in the Alpha Quadrant.


"As they have shone, captured in image and in sound... and as we move on, further away, in another direction, we shall still look back, and remember... NCC-1701... Captured in Starlight..." -David Alter, April 3rd, 2502.