(Scientific editor of the collective monograph "Social jurisprudence" E.V.Chernosvitov) 

The purpose of the monograph "Social jurisprudence" - to understand why laws (right) do not work in today's Russia? Why have not built a legal state in our country? The monograph is the first in the world. We have specially invited the authors of the various professions, renowned scholars from different countries to address the problem at the core, as we believe, aspects. We give aware of the fact that this work should be considered rather prolegomena for the "full" social jurisprudence. At least for two main reasons. 

1) Since 1911, when Yu.S.Gambarov wrote his great book "Civil Law. Part 1, "in which social jurisprudence devotes only one paragraph in the Introduction (2nd), nothing more on the subject has not been published. 2) With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist camp, the events occurring in the world with incredible speed: is it possible to find something in common, positive that was be in the 90's, in the "00" and now, when every year can be counted for the five years. Therefore, the authors began to write by "hot pursuit" of events, and finished when these events or have sunk into oblivion, or become history. And not only in our country but also in the world. 

And yet, we are convinced that the Law (right) was also "worked" at all times. And in our country and in the world. Another thing - what are the intentions of these laws, which are very often looked like lawlessness, the arbitrariness, rigid application of force. Or, as the fictional phantoms for the consciousness of the crowd and the man of crowd. We have in mind, first of all, the institutions associated with the so-called "human rights." 

We are far from thinking about some kind of conspiracy, the more of a "Satan" (the world Evil), who mastered all the levers of power over humanity. Thus not only do not exclude a role pseudoscientific, mystical-religious and sectarian " politechnology " that somehow work for the established world order in a global society. We also do not hold radical views that there are some forces that rule the world, which have highly destructive purposes, to paraphrase - "the whole world by violence we destroy, to the ground ..." These words of the famous hymn is no continuation, such as - "we have ours, we construct a new world ...". We are convinced that, like it was in the Goffredo Parise’s creative vision, some brainless Gromada goes around the world, destroying everything and everyone. And another image: a possible positive ideas of world order can not penetrate a layer of "concrete" mass of the mental retardation, which hold into the hands all levers of power. Could the Lilliputians tie Gulliver? And somehow, 30 years Ilya Muromets was paralyzed and no one but him could not move the stone beneath which is laying a weapon for cleaning of our land from evil spirits. So that not only history knows of the periods when the "mud bog" covers a flourishing land, but also epics, folk tradition ... 

We have decided to present a monograph (Prolegomena) in the form of articles. In this case, all the authors are unanimous in their views on the modern episteme (will not be here to decipher, in the texts of this is done in detail), and have a concept of modern law enforcement. We strongly disagree with spread rumors in the different media (especially bloggers) "idea" of domination in our time a kind of "controlled chaos". This phrase is from ignorance. "Chaos" as well as "Brownian motion" essentially uncontrollable. In the articles of the monograph this idea mentioned too. 

How do we (authors of the monograph) is "state of things in the dominant law", which is implemented in various ways, including the idea of globalization, some of the "concepts" Euro-Asian "unions". 

Thus is very schematically - in detail in the book. 

The concept of the episteme of the last century, such fundamental as "capitalism", "socialism", "imperialism", "monopoly", "metropolis", "politics", "economy", "ideology", "culture", "state", "morality "," peace "," war "," competition "," state-owned enterprise, "" private enterprise "," leased enterprise "," state property "," private property "," market "," market economy "and etc. Smaller ones, like - "cooperative", "partnership", "alliance co-investors" and so on - gradually superseded by one very succinct word corporation. Or in other words, the interests of third parties. In these articles the concepts discussed thoroughly. In the "00" years I was just fixed this resurgent tendency which began and established in the first place in Europe, "the corporate state" (law and order). I have noticed and studied some commonality between the corporation and the sect (psychological and architectonic). On this I have written in the books of social medicine - 1999-2002 years. publication. 

Corporation (ancient word) inculcated in society and in people's minds, of course, through their "institutions." Thus, there is first "corporate psychology". Then the "norms of corporate consciousness - beyond good and evil, and the pleasure principle." Skipping a number of "minor" formative stages of the corporation, to highlight the important thing: the sovereignty of the state, the law (right) submenu corporate rules. Precise and capacious image for the modern corporation are hard to find. This is more "functional" than "octopus" (or Russian "serpent-Gorynych" in place of each severed head grows two, flame-breathing). Limited liability companies, joint stock companies, unitary company - that is the "head" of the serpent-Gorynych, tentacles or "octopus". Now in the community where the company is fully operational it is difficult to find any other institution except the corporation. Church is also the corporation. Any ministry built and acts as a corporation. Someone half-jokingly, half-serious proposal to the Moscow Kremlin to turn into a corporation. "Corporate Law" is a fiction. There are corporate rules (in the book they are disclosed in detail). And the judicial and penal systems are the essence of the corporation. 

Corporation (a "corporate justice"), once again, in our opinion is not a conspiracy or someone's ill will. Such, alas, is now the dominant episteme. I emphasize again that the category of "purpose" in this episteme - either implicitly or explicitly, at least, by the authors is not visible. And it does not match with the views of Karl Kautsky, "... the movement is all, the purpose is nothing" ("The dictatorship of the proletariat"). There are possible "variants", of course, our authors regarded them. 

In sociology, there is the concept of "tiredness of society." And the world really is "tired", since has desired (and how to understand otherwise?) the Doomsday! 

P.S. No one knows perhaps in the coming episteme itself "... man disappear, disappear as a face drawn in the sand"" (Michel Foucault. «Les Mots et les choses. Une archéologie des sciences humaines»). 


"The more liberal they are, the coarser they are. 

Civilisation is a fetish to them, 

but its idea is inaccessible to them. 

However much you grovel to it, gentlemen, 

you'll not gain recognition from Europe: 

in her eyes you will forever be 

not the servants of enlightenment, rather its serfs. " 


Reader, I submit for your judgment and intelligence fascinating book a " Social jurisprudence".