
CasualConc is a concordance program that runs natively on macOS 11.3 or later. The original version (pre version 1.0) was designed for casual use (preliminary analysis or non-research purposes), so the name is CasualConc. The current version (3.0.x) is probably good enough for more extensive use. It can generate KWIC concordance lines, word clusters, collocation analysis, and word count. This program is only tested with English text just because that is the only language I can understand other than Japanese (though I heard from some people that CasualConc works ok with other European languages, such as Greek, Italian, etc.). Technically, it should be able to handle any language macOS can. If you use CasualConc with languages other than English, let me know how well it works.

If you prefer to read in Japanese, 日本語サイトもあります。

A new beta version of CauslConc is released (2024/05/26). This version has a new feature to run topic modeling analysis using MALLET.

File format: works best with plain text files (.txt) encoded in ASCII or UTF-8, but can handle other file types and other encodings.  Reading non-plain text files will take more time to process.  PDF files should be text-embedded.  You can create database files from these file types except for PDFs for faster search.  

If you use CasualConc, please send me any feedback, bug report, or feature request.  Any comment will motivate me to improve CasualConc.  Please email me at casualconc (at) (replace  (at)  with @).

By the way, CasualConc is freeware, but if you think it is useful, buy me coffee or good chocolate if we ever meet : ).

The current version (3.0.x) has a grammar search function based on dependency tags assigned by Stanford CoreNLP and visualization functions using the statistical environment R (needs to be installed separately).

The following samples are created entirely on CasualConc 3.0.x (with R in the background).

 Cluster Analysis

 Word Cloud

 Radar Chart

 Correspondence Analysis (row scores; 3D)



 Network Analysis

 Heat Map

 Currently, 6 other language-related applications are also on this site.  They require macOS 10.14 Mojave or macOS 10.15 Catalina and are also freeware. 

These are:

CasualPConc - a simple parallel concordancer

CasualMallet - a GUI frontend to Mallet

CasualTagger - a tagging helper (?) application to assist tagging your corpus (includes English POS tagging with EngTagger or rbtagger); batch processing available.

CasualTextractor - a kind of file converter, extracting text information from Word/PDF/HTML etc files and save as plain text files.  This also converts text encodings of plain text files.

CasualTranscriber - a transcription helper to assist transcribing video/audio files

CasualTreeTagger - a GUI front end of TreeTagger.

IPATypist - a helper application to type IPA characters.