Upper Paradise Lk CB

This is a standard cabin on a nice sand beach which should give good protection in most situations. This is a good cabin for seclusion, there is no trail into this cabin. This cabin gives you some options for hiking but Lower Paradise has the views. Like most cabins in the Chugach there is a shortage of wood, I take in a couple of bundles in the floats when I go to these cabins.

Link to Forest Service site. http://www.fs.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsinternet/!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDfxMDT8MwRydLA1cj72BTJw8jAwjQL8h2VAQAzHJMsQ!!/?ss=111004&navtype=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&cid=FSE_003726&navid=110200000000000&pnavid=110000000000000&position=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&recid=6637&actid=54&ttype=recarea&pname=Chugach%2520National%2520Forest%2520-%2520Upper%2520Paradise%2520Cabin

Link to Recreation.gov to book cabin. http://www.recreation.gov/camping/Upper_Paradise_Lake_Cabin_Ak/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&parkId=71824&topTabIndex=CampingSpot