06 Sitka

Copy of ALASKA CABINS in EXCEL 2012 Jan 29 Sitka

Click for codes in spreadsheet or map: Codes used on site

There are two docks in Sitka Harbor, the public dock and the Fly In Fish Inn. As you come in from the north land by the marina and taxi by the fish processing plant on the left side. One hundred yards after the two poles in mid channel take a left and you will see the Fly Inn, about 100 yards later you can see the public float plane dock. It is confusing what slots you can take at the public dock. If you get gas you can usually stay at the Fly Inn dock for a few hours for lunch and resupply. Ken Bellows has run the air operation for years and is the leading expert on flying around Sitka and Baranof Island. If you stay at the Fish Inn you can usually tie up at their dock. It is a short walk to town so no car is required. You have to call the harbor master to use the city dock. The Fly Inn is the cleanest and most convenient place to stay.

If you are on the east side or north end of Baranof Island look at the resupply points on and around Admiralty Island.

When planning a trip up the coast remember there is no place to get fuel until you get to Cordova. My plane holds 79 gallons and I always carry ten or 15 gallons in cans. I have not had to use it but the weather can get nasty and you could get in a back tracking situation where fuel becomes critical. It is shorter to fly from Juneau, With a lot of screwing around you can get gas in Yukutat with a taxi and your cans.

Sitka phone numbers

Fish Inn Fly In 907 747 7910

Harbor Master 907 747 7910

Forest Service 907 747 6671

Picture of the Fly In Fish Inn dock taken from one of their rooms.

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