Kook Lake Cabin

I was at this cabin in 2011 so the photos are current. The lake is 2 miles long and has an elevation of about 50 feet. The approach in and out is an easy one with no obstacles. With the entry to the east the wind situation on the lake should be acceptable. At the cabin end of the lake there are some roads and clear cut forest, seems like a good cabin for hunting or observing wildlife. Lots of good beach space and if the wind comes up you could move the plane to east to get some protection.

Link to Forest Service site. http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/tongass/recreation/camping-cabins/recarea/?recid=79023&actid=101

Link to Recreation.gov to book cabin. http://www.recreation.gov/camping/Kook_Lake_Cabin_Ak/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&parkId=71858&topTabIndex=CampingSpot