Crescent Lake Cabin

I stayed at this cabin about eight years ago before I started taking pictures of every site. The cabin is a 12x14 Pan Abode. My big memory of this site is when I took off I was on the step building speed near the island, when a moose who had his head under water feeding wondered what all the noise was and raised his head up about 10 feet from the float. The cabin is on a trail system so there is lots to do. The beach is good sand so for the plane. By moving the plane to the north east corner of the beach you could get a little better protection. I have not been on the trail but the people who were staying at the cabin rode their bikes in so it must be good.

Link to Forest Service site.!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDfxMDT8MwRydLA1cj72BTJw8jAwjQL8h2VAQAzHJMsQ!!/?ss=111004&navtype=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&cid=FSE_003723&navid=110190000000000&pnavid=110000000000000&position=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&recid=6625&actid=43&ttype=recarea&pname=Chugach%2520National%2520Forest%2520-%2520Crescent%2520Lake%2520Cabin

Link to to book cabin.