Virginia Lake Cabin

Virginia Lake Cabin is one of the biggest in the system. It also has a nice beach and a huge deck. If you have lots of people or just two this is a great place. The lake has an elevation of 110 feet and an easy entry. This cabin was made by using two standard cabins and adding a huge deck. It is one of four handicapped cabins which means it has a dock and wheelchair access to the cabin and the outhouse. The dock is fine for your plane unless the wind comes up. The lake is 2 miles long and the wind heads toward the cabin. The beach is sand so when the wind hits you can back the plane into the beach. If the wind is not blowing row down to the other end of the lake and explore the trail system. Back in the forties there was a big saw mill where the river flows into the ocean and a mine back in the hills behind the cabin. This required a road from the ocean to the lake. The forest service has converted this to major trail. Lots to see and do.

Link to Forest Service site.

Link to to book cabin.

You can get three planes on the beach and one on the dock.