05 Petersburg

Copy of ALASKA CABINS in ...EL 2012 Jan 29 Petersburg

Click for codes in spreadsheet or map: Codes used on site

This area is a great place for a seaplane cabin adventure. Everything is close in and Petersburg has a great seaplane dock for support. Both the Wrangell and Petersburg Forest Service departments are excellent in maintaining and improving the cabins. Petersburg has the best choice of stores, and lodging. The restaurant selection is not great. There is no way to get fuel on the water in Petersburg. There are two food markets, one in town and one near the airport. Hammer and Wikan near the airport is a full size store which will pick you up and take you back to the float plane dock. Their phone number is 907 772 4246. Their is a Liquor next to the store.

Petersburg phone numbers.

§ Nordic House (near float dock) 907 772 3629/4620 Best option, but always seem to be full. You do not need a big room because the all share a common front room with a good which includes your float plane.

§ Tides Inn Downtown 800 665 8433 907 772 4288

§ Harbor master 772 4688

  • Head of Cabins in Petersburg. Paul Olson or Brad Hunter 907 772 3871

  • Fupreanof Floatplanes 907 518 060

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