Eagle Glacier Cabin

This is a great cabin but it has two big seaplane issues, the lake is too small and the beach is rocky. The lake on some maps appear to connect in a way a seaplane could use both, this is not true. At about 3000 feet long with trees at each end stardard float planes do not land here. Access is via the 5 1/2 mile Amalga Trail, which is fairly strenuous but with little total elevation gain. Maximum stay is limited to 2 nights. There are three cabins on the road from Juneau up the coast, this is the last one and the best one, but not for float planes. The other two are Windfall and Peterson lakes which are short but usable. The cabin and the setting are so spectacular it would be worth the hike if you are stuck in Juneau for some reason.

Special Features: The site has an excellent view of the lake, Eagle Glacier and the surrounding mountains. The trail continues on another 2 miles with access to the glacier. Note: Cabin is open to public as a warming shelter from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Link to Forest Service site.


Link to Recreation.gov to book cabin.
