Harvey Lake Cabin Closed

This cabin is scheduled to be removed.

Harvey Lake Cabin has an elevation of 160 feet and a length of 4500 feet. This makes it easy to get in and out of. There is an easy trail to the beach which would make this a good cabin for some high activity kids. I was here is 2006 and the water level at the time kept the plane about 100 feet from the shore line. Being at the west end of the lake should give reasonable protection for the plane.

Link to Forest Service site. http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/tongass/recreation/camping-cabins/recarea/?recid=78956&actid=101

Link to Recreation.gov to book cabin. http://www.recreation.gov/camping/Harvey_Lake_Cabin_Ak/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&parkId=71832&topTabIndex=CampingSpot