Kegan Cove Cabin

This cabin replaced the old one in 2010. It is the newest cabin in the Tongass. You can get there be landing in Kegan lake and going to the dock at the south end of the lake, it is a little hard to see but it is near the outlet of the lake. Even though this is not on a lake the cabin is so spectacular it is worth the hike. I have not tried landing outside the cove and then going to the cabin by the cove route. You might dump your gear and then fly back to the dock on the lake. According to the local pilots you can land in the bay and taxi in during high tide. There is a buoy in front of cabin but there is no boat. This is a great site for fishing when the salmon are running in late August. When the salmon are running the bears are fishing.

Link to Forest Service site.

Link to to book cabin.

Trail in 2012 was in good shape but very slippery on the wood planks.