04 Wrangell

Copy of ALASKA CABINS in EXCEL 2012 Jan 29 Wrangle

Click for codes in spreadsheet or map: Codes used on site

This area is a great place for a seaplane cabin adventure. Everything is close in and Wrangell has a great seaplane dock for support. Both the Wrangell and Petersburg Forest Service departments are excellent in maintaining and improving the cabins. Wrangell also has the best fuel price in SE Alaska. The name of the fuel dealer is Delta Western Fuel at 907 874 2388. There are two fuel docks in town, the one you are looking for is the second one in on the right side. It is a straight in landing, watch for current usually not a factor but can be.

Wrangle does not have box stores but they have full size food market, restaurant, motels, bars and hardware stores.