Salmon Lk Cabin Sitka

The cabin is a 15x17 Pan Adobe. This is a new cabin and the bigger size seems to work very well. The skylights are also a big help. There is a trail from the ocean past this cabin and then on to Redoubt lake. The lake is a little over 4000 feet an altitude of 40 feet with 200 foot high trees at the exit end. If you have the ceiling come in about 2000 feet before you land and take a look. Unless you have a big tail wind, come in low and slow over the trees and land. For my plane there is enough room at the end of the lake to turn around, so with a tail wind make the turn and land into the wind. This is a great cabin. If you make a reservation make sure to say Salmon Lake Sitka so it is not confused with two other cabins on other Salmon Lakes.

Link to Forest Service site.

Link to to book cabin.