Beaver Camp Cabin Closed

This is a standard Cabin on Manzanita Lake. The lake is U shaped, at the other end of the lake is Manzanita Lake Cabin. Beaver Cabin is OK but Manzanita is spectacular. This is a good example of a nice little cabin and some damage occurs which gives the Forest service a reason to abandon the cabin. The Ketchikan Craig and Sitka Forest Service district seem to have a plan to remove the cabins as soon as anything goes wrong with a building. If this keeps up we will lose a third of the cabins in the next ten years. The building is not leaning the photo is not stright.

This cabin was damaged by weather and is not open at this time.

These pictures were taken in the summer of 2012.

Link to Forest Service site.

This site is not being rented due to damage and has been removed from the Tongass Forest site.

Link to to book cabin.

This site is not being rented due to damage and has been removed from