
27/10/07 MIT Enterprise Forum


Nosso colega José Puppim (T89) traz este convite do...

MIT Clube do Brasil em colaboração com a PUC Rio, EBAPE /FGV-RJ e AEITA, e com o apoio da FINEP e do SEBRAE/RJ convidam para o

MIT Enterprise Forum

Entrepreneurship – Success, Failure, Greatness: A Fireside Chat with Ann Winblad and Jason Pontin

        • (em inglês)

      • presented in partnership with Technology Review’s Emerging Technology Conference

        • Quinta-feira. 27 de setembro de 2007

        • 18:30-20:30 horas

        • Local: Nova Sala de Seminários do IAG

        • 2o. andar, prédio novo do IAG / PUC Rio

        • Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Gávea

      • 18:30 Coffee break

        • 19:00 Painel de abertura- Douglas A. Tutt (President, Global Energy Markets , CapRock Communications; Formerly with GE Capital (Brazil); Steve Vachani, Angel Investor- Brasil e US e Oscar Porto, Partner, GAPSO Advanced Planning

        • 19:30 MIT Enterprise Forum - Apresentação na íntegra do programa realizado no MIT, Cambridge, 27/09/2007. Indispensable insights into entrepreneurship and success from a leading thinker and respected investor. With 25+ years of software industry experience, Ann Winblad is a renowned entrepreneur and venture capitalist. Her discussion with Technology Review editor in chief Jason Pontin will teach you: 1-what determines whether technology startups succeed or fail, 2-the philosophy of funding a tech company, and 3-what makes a great entrepreneur. In addition, the event will spotlight the next wave of great entrepreneurs with a focus on members of the TR35, the top innovators under the age of 35 who are changing the world today.

      • 20:30 Encerramento

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