Dress Code

In keeping with the goals of the Board of Education to provide a safe, healthy and nondiscriminatory environment for educating students for maximum academic and social development, the following restrictions on dress shall be enforced. In all cases in accordance with Policy #5132, school administrators will determine what is “appropriate attire.”

  • Students are expected to avoid extremes in appearance that are so disruptive or distracting that the reaction of other pupils is beyond typical behavior.
  • Pants shall be worn fastened and at the waist.
  • All shoelaces must be tied. Flip-flops may be worn at student’s own risk.
  • Skirts, dresses and shorts of appropriate length are permitted. They must be long enough to reach 2 inches below fingertip length (past mid-thigh).
  • Midriff (bellies) must be covered with clothing at all times.
  • No revealing/provocative clothing of any kind. The following items are NOT PERMITTED: transparent or see-through tops; tank tops; spaghetti straps; strapless and halter tops; muscle shirts; low-cut clothing or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage. (sleeveless shirts that are cut close around the arms are acceptable; otherwise tank tops should be worn underneath sleeveless shirts.)
  • Underwear shall not be visible. Garments that are perceived as or resemble underwear (i.e. bra/spaghetti/camisole straps; boxer shorts) are not permitted to be visibly exposed.
  • Sleepwear and items perceived as or that resemble such are inappropriate for school (i.e. no pajamas or slippers).
  • Offensive items are prohibited. Anything that promotes, advertises, depicts or mentions anything associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or things of a violent or sexual nature are not allowed. Anything that is vulgar, obscene, rude, lewd or is aimed at demeaning a specific group or individual(s) is prohibited.
  • Hats, caps, headgear/headbands, sunglasses, or bandanas of any kind may NOT be worn in school. These items must be removed upon entrance to the building and may not be worn until the completion of the school day; glazed and/or tinted lenses that obstruct the view of a student’s pupils are unacceptable and a health issue. Gloves/fingerless gloves are not permitted.
  • Any article of jewelry considered to be a safety hazard is prohibited. This includes heavy chains; large earrings; choker, spiked, studded, or sharp jewelry; and long, hanging straps on clothing.
  • If you are not sure if something may or may not be worn, check with your Principal before wearing it to school.
  • Exceptions for special events (Spirit Days, etc.) or individual exemptions (health, religious, etc.) may be granted by an administrator.

Students are expected to meet the dress code guidelines each day of school. Students who choose not to meet the dress code will not be permitted in class until acceptable clothing is secured. Repeated violations of the dress code will result in further disciplinary actions.

School Administrators may require special clothing for health and safety reasons for students participating in Physical Education or Art.