Buzz From the Hive

Beekeeper's Corner: Message from Miss Jordan

Dear Parents,

Second trimester will end soon and report cards will be available to view online on April 4th. Please take a moment this week to review your child's report card in Powerschool. More information about interpreting your students report card can be found by clicking here. You may contact your child's teacher if you have any questions regarding your child's progress and you may contact the main office if you have any questions regarding how to access Powerschool.

Miss Bobbie-Ann Jordan, Principal

School Calendar has Been Revised

The revised 2017-2018 school year calendar was approved at the recent Board of Education meeting. The most important change to the calendar includes extending the school year to account for snow days. The last day of school for students will now be June 21st, with June 19, 20 and 21 being early student dismissal. The revised calendar can be found at

Spring Cleaning? Don't Forget the Nurses Office!

The nurse practitioner’s office is accepting donations of gently used children/youth sized sweatpants and shirts that are in good condition for changes of clothing that may be needed. If your child is sent home in a change of clothes from the nurse practitioner’s office, please wash and return the borrowed clothing. Thank you.

Rocky's Reading Challenge - Success!

We had a great time visiting with Rocky from the Blue Rocks! Thank you to everyone who participated. Tickets will be going home soon.

Click here to view some pictures from our Rocky assembly.

Spring Parties

Spring Parties will be held April 18th. The parties will have only a spring theme. Please do not send in any items that were not requested by the homeroom parents or teacher. Items such as goodie/gift bags are not permitted. Please note that only homeroom parents are permitted to attend. Thank you.

Battle of the Buildings

This year Valley Park staff decided to participate in the Renaissance Club's Battle of the Buildings competition. The competition is held each year as a fundraiser that benefits the PMHS Renaissance Club. Our team did a great job coming in third place overall! Thanks so all who came and supported our team of staff and teachers.