Health Science & Technology
Graduation Requirement .50 Credits (Only Health Ed 2 and Intro to Health count towards this credit)
ADVANCED HEALTH SCIENCE- HTHS 1110 & 1111 (47480 AND 47482)
Integrated Anatomy and Physiology I & II For students interested in college level Anatomy and Physiology course. This course will fulfill a prerequisite course for WSU – Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory, Nursing, Radiologic Science, and Respiratory Therapy Tracks. This course will transfer as an Anatomy and Physiology credit to any University inside and outside the State of Utah, except Utah State University. This course meets the life science (LS) general education learning outcomes for WSU graduation. 2-hour block
Pre-Requisite: C or better in MAP or 21 ACT Score
Fee: $10 per semester and WSU CE fee 11th or 12th grade 2.0 CTE credit
Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU HTHS 1110-4 credits and HTHS 1111 - 4 credits

The certified nursing assistant (CNA) course is a hands-on entry level nursing course that is state-approved that may lead to a CNA certification. This class is a two-period block.
The class covers a broad range of topics, ranging from how to bathe a patient, to positioning a patient properly. You will learn basic nursing skills such as activities of daily living (ADLs), vital signs, and understanding patient’s rights. The class includes clinical time (24 hours) at a Long Term Care Facility. You will have the opportunity during clinical time to apply the skills you were taught during your lecture and skills training. The certification exam will be taken upon completion of the course. Completion of this course and CNA certification will prepare you for employment in the nursing field and/or higher education. It is recommended to take Medical Terminology prior to the CNA course.
Requirements: Blood pressure cuff and stethoscope, Scrubs
Class Fee $10/Certification Fee $90 11th or 12th grade (16 yrs old) 1.0 CTE credit