Pioneer and Woodland Face Off at Rival Game and Rally

On September 29, a rally was hosted at Pioneer High School where both Pioneer and Woodland High played a series of games before the football game on Friday. It had been a few years since both schools had a combined rally. Even though both schools were rivals, there was good sportsmanship throughout the whole rally. It was entertaining seeing students from both schools compete against each other in games such as stacking boxes together to see who makes the highest tower. It seemed like everyone had a good time which was an achievement because the rally was meant to be fun and exciting. Woodland High ended up winning most of the games which resulted in them also winning the rally.

On Friday, September 30, Pioneer High School’s Football teams were successful in beating Woodland High’s teams. Our JV team finished off strong with a score of 21 to 13. According to Marcelino Azevedo (72), he said “that they trained hard in a matter of 3 weeks”. Overall, the JV team had an amazing performance.

After the JV game had finished, the crowd yelled with excitement for our varsity team. While they were warming up, I got the chance to interview junior player Talen Sibley who unfortunately wasn’t able to play due to his injury. Talen felt that his teammates were prepared and ready to win against Woodland High. Our Varsity Patriots finished the game with a score of 27 to 21. One of the head coaches stated that “we were never out of focus”. Being focused during the game helped lead the team to victory.