Faye's House: The Non-Profit That Changes Lives

Matthew Nagel - October 2nd, 2023

Faye's House, a local non-profit organization, has successfully raised over $20,000 to support those in need within the community. Founded by Woodland resident Paul Bridge in 2022, this organization has become a beacon of hope for those unable to help themselves, carrying out vital repairs on homes and fostering a stronger sense of community along the way.

Paul Bridge, a dedicated sales associate at the local Costco, is not only the brains behind Faye's House but also a devoted father to his son, Pauly, who has autism. When asked about his son, Mr. Bridge enthusiastically shared, "Pauly is a blessing; my wife and I couldn't be more grateful to have him in our family. It can be a challenge sometimes, but we wouldn’t have it any other way."

The inception of Faye's House took place in October 2022 when a group of neighbors came together to assist Faye Abbas, a visually impaired resident of Woodland for over thirty years. Faye's home had deteriorated over time, and with her inability to maintain it, repairs were desperately needed. Local contractors and businesses lent their expertise and materials to the cause, and after raising funds and acquiring the necessary supplies, the community group sprang into action.

In less than a month, Faye's House successfully replaced the siding on Faye's residence and gave it a fresh coat of paint, transforming her living situation. The heartwarming story of neighbors rallying together to aid one of their own quickly garnered attention and support from the broader community.

More recently, Faye's House extended its helping hand to a single foster mother who found herself grappling with a deteriorating home in dire need of repair. Demonstrating their commitment to fostering a stronger, more interconnected community, Faye's House embarked on a mission to reroof and repaint her house, providing not just physical improvements but also emotional support to a family in need.

Faye's House embodies the spirit of community unity, relying solely on its own fundraising efforts and the generosity of local residents to make a difference. Alexa Bridge, another child of founder Paul Bridge, played a pivotal role in initiating the paperwork that led to the establishment of this remarkable non-profit.

As Faye's House continues to make a positive impact on the lives of Woodland residents, its ultimate goal remains clear: to bring the community closer together by providing assistance and support to those who need it most. With their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts, Faye's House serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when a community comes together to uplift its members in times of need.