The Muppets' First Halloween Special is a Hauntingly Good Time

In their time, the Muppets have made 17 films, three of which are Christmas movies. The Muppets have never starred in a Halloween production--until now. Muppets Haunted Mansion was released on Disney+ on October 8, starring Gonzo and Pepe as they’re challenged to make their way through the iconic Disneyland attraction.

The special, in true Muppets fashion, is filled to the brim with celebrity cameos and self-referential humor, and features three original songs. Darren Criss’s number, “Rest In Peace”, particularly stands out, likely because of his previous musical experience. Will Arnett gives a delightful performance as the Ghost Host, blending the original character seamlessly with his own personality and sense of humor. Almost every joke hits and Gonzo’s arc is very well-written.

Unfortunately, many of the featured celebrities are irrelevant and seemingly randomly cast (Skai Jackson and Pat Sajak both play singing busts, for example) although the lower caliber of star power can be excused given the special was made on a TV budget. Though it is perhaps not to the standard we’ve come to expect from the Muppets, the film is still a joy to watch and is a must-see for any Halloween enthusiast.