Louder than Silence: Gen Z hits the poll booths like their future depends on it (It does)

Kim Moriones - November 18th, 2022

The US 2022 Midterm Elections are heating up as Gen Zers are making their voices heard in the polls this November season. New waves of Gen Z voters surge their votes for seats in Congress and in state legislatures, some even taking seats for themselves. The more I hear “History is being made right under our noses”, the more annoying it becomes, but hey, at least this time it’s a good thing. And, it’s about time we finally addressed it.

Race, gender, and sexuality shouldn’t matter when it comes to how qualified a candidate can be. Sure there are certain benefits and downfalls to each group, but that just comes with the territory. Every person is different: down to our DNA, down to how we were raised, down to who and what we expose ourselves to. But, what we can unite under is what we do for our future, to the things we can change. That being said, it’s the ripe year of 2022, and we’re just seeing radical changes in who we vote into office. Women of varying backgrounds are finally being placed into offices of states that primarily consisted of old, white men. Elected officials are opening the closet in solidarity to oppressed lgbtq+ members. A new wave of young advocates are making room in government offices for the next generation who want to save Today so we can have a Tomorrow.

Still, it’s a little terrifying. Change is the result of destruction, how ties need to be severed to create new ones. It’s easier to make a mistake that everyone will know about. Our generation will never forget because it’s all typed out, saved into almost indestructible pieces of metal. It’s so unlike the generations before us where there was a solid thing that gave them purpose, like the 70s or 30s. It’s just… now. Every few months is a new era. It’s no longer the 50s, it’s y2k, it’s 2016, it’s Quarantine. Jokes, information, art, people disappear within days. If we do and say nothing, the world will speed by. So that’s why these people need to be there, they need to start the reaction. Their purpose is to pull our generation together and out of the hot water figuratively and literally boiling us alive.