Community Health Club

This week, our featured club is Community Health Club! From helping others to working together, they strive to make a difference in our community’s health. To figure out how they plan their wonderful events, we decided to sit in one of their meetings. They love to plan all of their events at meetings, and they take ideas from each student who shows up to each meeting. So if you have ideas, come check them out!

Recently, the club just did a blood drive and they were able to get 24 pints. They saved over 70 people with the donated blood! Looking to the future, their next goal is to pass out ribbons for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. They are planning to pass out pink ribbons and are looking for all the support they can get, so make sure to be on the lookout for a Community Health member at lunch!

If you’re still on the fence on joining the club, we sat down with Vice President, Claire Moriones, to see what sparked her into joining. Since she wants to go into the healthcare field and loves helping people, Community Health Club was a perfect fit! It also helped her get more involved with the community, which looks great for college! If you want to hear more from her, check the bottom, and if you want to help out with the community come to Ms. Asada’s room and check out the Community Health Club!

Claire’s Interview:

What made you want to be vice president of the club?

“I wanted to be vice pres of the CHC to have a role in what activities we did and how the club ran in order to make this year really interactive and fun”

If you could improve the club how would you do it?

“I would like to pulling through with all the plans, I don't like when people say that “we’re gonna do this” but then there's no plan to actually do it, that’s what we’re working on this year”

Do you have any new exciting plans for the club?

“Yes, getting more involved with the community: going to hospitals, reading books for children, doing little projects like friendship bracelets to donate to this breast cancer charity in Davis, and helping out with other community things.”