May 4th

--We eat snack everyday. Please send a snack for your child each day. They work hard and build up an appetite!

-Please send extra clothing in your child's backpack because accidents happen! Spills, dirt, paint, etc


May 7th and 8th: Kindergarten Registration

May 9th: Student Early Dismissal with activities

May 11th: Kindergarten to the Flynn

May 25th: Early Dismissal - No Activities

May 28th: No School

June 8th: Kindergarten to Essex Cinemas

June 11th: All School Celebration - sunscreen and hats recommended!

June 15: Last student day - 11am Dismissal


We have been tapping out and creating words! We have been learning to do so during Fundations and then applying our knowledge to help us read hard and harder books. In our writing you can see more words being spelled with correct sounds/letters.


We played with shaving cream on Friday. We wrote words, drew pictures and cleaned our well used tables!!!