Step 9

Making the Presentation


Present at the Fair


March 20, 2018


March 21, 2018

(Global Studies/Fine Arts/Humanities/Foundation)


You should plan to explain your project as attendees of the capstone fair circulate and approach your station. You will have 1-2 community judges and they will have name tags to identify themselves. You should be prepared to answer questions that may be asked by any of the individuals assessing the project.

Attendance: You need to arrive at least 60 minutes prior to your presentation, this means 5 PM. Copies of your presentation in electronic format must have been sent to your Capstone Advisor. You must make sure that all electronic equipment is set up and working before the presentations start.

What to Bring:

    • Your tri-fold or poster

    • A tablecloth or cover

    • An extension cord and/or power strip if you have electronic equipment

    • Any other visuals or objects that help enhance your presentation (3-D models, photos, etc.)

    • A smile!

What to Wear:

You should be dressed appropriately for your presentation.

    • Ladies, you can wear a dress, a skirt/blouse, or dress pants/blouse.

    • Gentlemen, you need to wear a button down shirt, a tie and dress pants.

If you don't have this type of clothing, see Mrs. Northup in Room 3018 as soon as possible so she can help you!


Whatever your method of presentation, you should begin by introducing yourself and your Senior Capstone Project. Make sure you state your central question. Your goal is to provide attendees and/or judges with a clear and concrete sense of what you did and what you gained from the experience. You should discuss how applied your project in the real world and how you employed the 21st century skills.

    • Organization: Speak in a coherent line of thinking and a logical order for the project. The visual aid should be organized and arranged to show that logical order. Tell a synopsis of the “story” from beginning to end.

    • Clarity: Speak confidently and in a manner that is easy to hear and understand. For the presentation, YOU ARE THE EXPERT. You are the one that has invested the energy and countless hours into the Senior Capstone Project. The attendees are there to listen. They are truly interested in what you accomplished and the lessons you learned.

    • Delivery: Be enthusiastic. Explain why you selected this project and engage the attendees in your experience. Your display(s) should also be engaging and capture the attention of the attendees. Smile.

    • Content: Reflect on the experience and show evidence of what you learned. Show evidence of all seven core skills. Show the progression you achieved throughout the project. Be prepared to be asked questions that may require you to expand on your responses. Demonstrate that you have done some analysis of your experience. Show a depth of understanding of the topic.

You will be amazing. Enjoy the've earned it!