Step 7

Selection of Presentation Method


2-3 Page Written Synthesis of Research (25 pts)

Journal Entry #6 (5 pts)

Selection of Presentation Method Worksheet (15 pts)

Proof of Progress/Real World Application (25 pts)

Journal Entry #7 (5 pts)


December 4, 2017

December 18, 2017


You have been working up to Step 7 with your work on the previous six steps. Step 7 requires that you summarize your research findings in a synthesis paper, show progress toward your real world application and finalize presentation methods. Most students will already be working toward completing their real world application by this point.

Written Synthesis Paper

Your "Synthesis of Findings" paper will be 2-3 pages long, and use your central question as the title. In this written synthesis, you will:

    • Explain the methods of how research was used and where the information came from.

    • Answer central question with citations from research.

    • Use parenthetical citations and works cited page.

Here is a sample synthesis paper with in-text citations and instructions. Remember that synthesis means taking information from multiple sources to support the point you are trying to make. If one entire page of your paper is one source, you did not synthesize.

Real World Application vs. The Capstone Fair

There is often some confusion about the difference between the real world application and the capstone fair. The fair IS NOT your real world application. By capstone fair night, your project is already completed, and you are presenting what you did to the community.

During this step you need show actual evidence of progress toward completing your real world application. This could include pictures, videos, email chains, drafts of designs or business plans, etc.

Take the time to think about what you would like your table and tri-fold to look like. It may not look exactly like this on the day of the fair, and your initial plan can always be revised. Many of you have (hopefully) attended a capstone fair and have seen the difference between those who planned and those who did not. You want to be in the former group.

Finally, reflect on how your presentation plan will allow you to showcase your mastery of each of the core 21st century skills. While this seems repetitive, you should be making progress and improving month to month. This will be very valuable when writing your reflection paper.