Frequently Asked Questions

What if my partner and I are in different classes? 

Classes were assigned on availability based on students' schedules. It is okay to work with a student in another just won't get class time to work together. Most of the work, with the exception of the poster and real-world application, are done on an individual basis.

What if I don't like my topic?


What if I don't like my group?

You have until the middle of October to switch groups/partners. After that, you need to work it out among your group and if that doesn't work, speak to your teachers. But before you approach your teacher (after the switch date), watch this video about how to deal with difficult group members. Remember, YOU picked them!

How is the Capstone Project graded?

As your capstone project demonstrates all of the school-wide expectations, it is graded using all of the school-wide rubrics. Grades will be based on points. The larger the assignment, the greater number of points it is worth. Term 1 and 2 will each be worth 25% of your final grade, and term 3 will be 50% of your final grade.

For your teacher to be able to grade your capstone you must attend the capstone fair, submit your final capstone portfolio, and submit your reflection paper to your advisor before the end of term 3.   Failure to meet this deadline may result in automatic failure.  

What if I don't like public speaking?

Regardless of the career you choose, you will have to be able to orally communicate effectively. The only way to get better at public speaking is to practice, practice, practice. You will get many opportunities during class to practice this skill. One of your grades is for "Oral Communication," so this is a mandatory part of the project.

What can I do if I start to fall behind?

SPEAK WITH YOUR TEACHER IMMEDIATELY. Your advisor will likely know this already, but since it is an independent project, it is your responsibility to reach out. 

What happens if I fail the first semester?

At the conclusion of Term 2, students who have a failing grade 59 or below for Terms 1 and 2 combined must enter into a contract with their teacher. Late work will be figured into your active citizenship/collaboration grade for your project. If you fail the capstone project for the year, you will be required to attend the Weymouth Evening High School Capstone Recovery Course should you wish to recover the capstone credit.  

Who can I ask for help with my Capstone?

Honestly, any adult that you have worked with at WHS (including coaches, guidance, administration, teachers other than your advisor) as well as adults you have had a professional relationship with (your boss, youth group leader, volunteer coordinator, mentors) make great resources for your capstone project.

What do you mean by a "Real World Application" of my project?

Students have designed iPhone apps, started businesses, conducted long-term experiments, held art shows, wrote novels, taught classes, started after school clubs at elementary schools, built boats, brought in public speakers, directed short films...the list goes on. It means making a meaningful impact with your project on someone other than you. You can make a product, fix the problem, increase awareness, raise money, etc.

Why do we have to do journals?

Journals help you stay on task, be accountable for your scheduled timeline, and effectively reflect on your experiences. The journals are a quick and efficient way to show your advisor exactly where you are in the process, and moreover, will serve as an invaluable resource when you write your final reflection after the capstone fair.  

What is the evening school Capstone recovery class like?

The capstone recovery class cost $225 last year. It is (6) two hour sessions once per week for six weeks. During this time students are instructed in how to write a 12-15 page research paper on their topic which is due on the last night of class. Students also have to create a slide presentation of their paper outline and give an oral presentation on their topic. A student that does not pass the evening school class will not participate in graduation.

What happens if I don't pass the evening school Capstone recovery class?

If a student does not successfully complete the evening school Capstone Recovery Class, there is the option to take the summer school class, but he/she will not be allowed to walk in graduation. Students who successfully complete the summer school class will receive their diplomas in August provided they have completed all other graduation requirements. Last year, the cost of the summer school course was $225.