Step 1

Capstone Assembly


Attendance at Meeting


May 16 or 17, 2017


To support your successful completion of this project, you will be matched with a faculty member who will serve as your capstone advisor. This advisor will meet with you regularly and help guide your learning experience. At the capstone assembly in May, during MCAS testing, you will get the chance to meet your advisor and review the Capstone Handbook. The assembly marks a very important beginning to your capstone project. At the assembly you will:

  • Meet and speak with advisors from your academy

  • Get a hardcopy of the Capstone Handbook

  • Review the 10-steps to completing the capstone project

  • See ‘examples’ of capstone projects in your career academy

  • Have time to ask questions

  • Review the career pathways schedules:

    • Students with pathways will receive suggestions of which courses to take for senior year

    • Students who have not yet selected a career pathway will review all of the pathways in their academy and receive suggestions of what courses they should take their senior year. They should select a pathway by the end of the session and have that choice recorded by their advisor.

  • Learn how to access the project online, submit your assignments, and contact your advisor

  • Discuss working within a group. Students are all individually responsible for all work.

Note: Attendance at the meeting is mandatory. If a student misses the meeting they will have a mandatory makeup session scheduled after school.