Step 6

Due by the End of Class (Week 6):

1. Final Draft of Your 12-15 Page Paper with Works Cited

2. Project Review Checklist/Reflection

Step 6: Evaluation


  • Read over your rough draft and use Project Review Checklist as a guide for edits
  • Make necessary edits to improve your final draft
  • Print out a final copy of your paper
  • Hand in your paper with works cited page and submit Project Checklist/Reflection

MLA Format for Paper

Your paper should following these guidelines:

  1. Page numbers begin with 1 and your name should appear in front of the page number.
  2. Your name, your advisor’s name, your title (central question), and the date of the paper are double-spaced in 12-point, Times New Roman font along the left margin.
  3. Title is centered and written in 12-point Times New Roman font. The title is not bolded, underlined, or italicized.
  4. Double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman Font, and 1-inch margins throughout the paper.
  5. Must contain parenthetical citations, which depend on the type of source and known information about the author. See this page for details:
  6. At the back of the paper must be a correctly formatted, alphabetized Works Cited page. Here is a sample.


Project Review Checklist/Reflection