Step 5

Researching and Creating Stage 1


Journal Entry #2 (5 pts)

Researching and Creating Stage 1 Worksheet (15 pts)

(5) Annotations (25 pts)

Journal Entry #3 (5 pts)



October 10, 2017

October 23, 2017


This step is a continuation of your research from Step 4. If you have any questions about how to find sources or write your annotations, see the instructions under Step 4.

In addition to completing 5 additional annotations (add this to the first set from Step 4), you will have to complete the Step 5 worksheet reflecting on how you are progressing with the 21st century skills to complete your project. You also have an additional 2 journal entries due for the month of October, one at the start of the month and one near the end.

If you have not yet started on your real-world application, this would be an excellent time to start. If your project is going to involve outside sources (conducting a long term experiment, renting space, borrowing equipment, scheduling interviews, interning, teaching) you need to allow for extra time for responses.

You can always set up a meeting with your advisor if you feel you are struggling with any parts of the project. Make sure when you meet that you come prepared with specific concerns.