
Thank you for considering volunteering to judge this year's Capstone Fair. Here is the link to sign up:

Students work with an advisor to complete an independent project which synthesizes their learning from the electives in their career academy as well as demonstrates command of core 21st century skills in a real-world context.

On behalf of the Class of 2024, the Capstone Advisors, and the Capstone Chairperson, we wish to thank you for generously volunteering to judge this year's Capstone Fair.  Last year, over 150 Weymouth Public Schools staff, Town of Weymouth employees, and Community Members gave their time to help judge our student projects. The support of this program continues to grow and it is much appreciated. Judges' evaluations will give valuable feedback for the grading of the Capstones and will help us recognize exemplary Capstone Projects.

Below, you will find a sample of the Capstone Judge's Rubric.  You will receive copies of the rubrics for the projects you will be visiting at the welcome table on the night you volunteer as judge. You will be asked to visit each of your assigned capstone projects and complete a rubric for each one.  

Students have also been instructed to be prepared for questions from the judges.  Some questions you may want to ask:

Remember, you do not necessarily have to be an expert in the field related to the student’s topic. In fact, sometimes it is better not to be…this requires the student to explain their project in a way that everyone can understand.

Basically, we want to know if a student picked a topic they have passion for, conducted rigorous research on that topic, and then used what they learned to design a meaningful project that has an impact on someone other than themselves. This can take place in many forms: through educating, fundraising, entertaining, or solving a problem. We also want to know if a student has become proficient in the following 21st century skills: strategic reading, problem solving, research, collaboration, technology, written communication, and oral communication. The rubric has been designed so that you can help us assess that.

To help you in your evaluations we have included the following information from the Capstone Course Syllabus and Curriculum Map.  

Capstone Course requirements:

Thank you once again for volunteering your time. It means a great deal to the students and staff at Weymouth High School.