Step 2

Selection of Topic


Selection of Topic Worksheet (10 pts)


May 22, 2017

Struggling with a topic? Check out this spreadsheet of ideas!


If you haven't yet chosen a career academy and pathway, you should do so immediately. You may communicate this to either the advisors from your meeting or the capstone chair, Mrs. Northup in room 3018. Keep in mind, the career academy helps give you focus to your studies by letting you explore subjects and careers that you are interested in pursuing after high school. You can change your academy, pathway, group or topic until October 23rd.

When selecting a topic, you should consider themes that run through your electives.

  • For example, if your are in the Humanities or Fine Arts academies, you may want to explore how gender roles are represented in the media.

  • If you are in the Business academy, you may want to explore the psychology behind advertising.

  • If you are in the STEM academy, you may want to explore how diseases spread. If you are in the CTE academy, in Metal Fabrication, you may want to build and sell a product.

Also keep in mind how you will demonstrate this topic with a real world application. Your advisor can definitely help you with this, but talk to them early in the process (i.e. BEFORE DECEMBER).

Consider what questions you could ask in your electives to support your topic. Your teachers, not just your advisor, can serve as resources for your capstone. Notice the amount of space that is available for this portion of the worksheet. This is your chance to sit and reflect upon experiences you have had in your current and past classes as well as experiences you anticipate having in your classes senior year.

On this sheet, you will also indicate if and who you would like to work with on this project. You must list the student or students as well as their academies and pathways. Remember, the larger the group, the higher the expectations for the project. Each person is still responsible for doing their own part, and it is often very clear to the advisor who is and who is not doing their work. If you are having difficulty finding a partner, ask your advisor (they often get repeat topics and can pair you up), consider someone in your junior homeroom, or even someone you've worked with in your classes. Don't forget, some of the most interesting capstone projects come from students from different academies working together. For example, a student from the STEM (Medical) academy and a student from the CTE (Architecture) academy may decide to do a handicap accessibility assessment of school or town buildings.