Step 1

DUE by the End of Class (Week 1):

1. Complete Capstone Reflection

2. Complete Research Proposal

DUE by the Start of Next Class (Week 2):

1. Read Instructions on Step 2 Page

2. Read Instructions on Step 3 Page

3. Complete 10 Annotations in an Annotated Bibliography

Step 1: Task Definition


  • Do some preliminary research about your topic.

  • Complete a Research Project Proposal (This will most likely be modified as you continue to research, but it will help guide you initially.)

Selecting a Topic

Picking the ideal topic can be tricky. Don’t worry, though, there are some simple things you can do to select an ideal topic and set the rest of your project up for success.

  1. Pick something you’re interested in. You’re going to be spending some time with this topic, so the more you like it, the more you’ll like doing your project.

  2. Pick a subject and a direction for your project. Some students just pick a subject. But not you, you’re better than that. You need to think about where your project will take that subject. What’s the direction of the project? Where are you taking the reader? Let’s say you’re doing a project where WWI is your subject. That’s a huge subject; there are lots of directions you can go. Are you proving the causes? Are you talking about the impact of new technologies on the war? Are you arguing that WWI caused WWII? Pick a subject AND a direction.

  3. Pick a direction that matches the project. Your thesis makes a promise to your readers. It promises them that you’ll go in a certain direction and bring them to a destination. Do not pick a direction so narrow that it will not allow you to write 12-15 pages. Make sure it is broad enough, but not so broad you are unable to draw your paper to a close in 12-15 pages.

  4. To complete this step you’ll need to fill out your Research Project Proposal and check-in with the instructor to get it approved.


  1. Capstone Reflection

  2. Research Proposal

Additional Resource:

Research Manual

You will submit all of your assignments through Google Classroom.