Step 6

Researching and Creating Stage 2


Journal Entry #4 (5 pts)

Collaboration with Advisor (Term 1)

Researching and Creating Stage 2 Worksheet (15 pts)

(5) Annotations (25 pts)

Journal Entry #5 (5 pts)


November 13, 2017

November 27, 2017


In a continuation from Steps 4 and 5, you must complete your last 5 annotations and add them to your annotated bibliography. This does not limit you from using other sources, you just don't have to annotate them. Any additional sources must appear on your final Works Cited. You will also have to complete the Step 6 worksheet and submit 2 journal entries for November.

Step 6 Worksheet

After "completing" your research (in quotes because you will continue to find sources throughout the project) and written synthesis, you need to continue brainstorming about how you will present the product of your project. Finally, you must again reflect on how you have been employing the 21st century skills in completing your capstone.

If you have not had a one-on-one meeting with your advisor (these can happen during homeroom but that likely is not enough time), I would ask to schedule one as soon as possible.