Step 8

Portfolio and Initial Presentation to Your Advisor


Journal Entry #8 (Last one!) (5 pts)

Preliminary Portfolio with Works Cited (50 pts)

Presentation to your advisor

Collaboration with Advisor Term 2 (50 pts)


January 8, 2018

January 26, 2018

February 28, 2018


As the presentation date approaches, you want to make sure you have documented all experiments, experiences, and meetings with experts. Finalizing your capstone portfolio will help you make sure you followed through on all aspects of your project. Once you conclude the research phase, you must put your project into a presentation format. You are encouraged to utilize a presentation method and format that best demonstrates your skills and talents, as well as highlights your Senior Capstone Project. Project presentation may vary according to your pathway. While many students will opt for a multi-media presentation format, others may prefer a spoken presentation approach. If your project includes some form of performing arts, you may even choose to perform some portion of your presentation. Your advisor could help you discover the best presentation method.

The Capstone Portfolio must include the following:

    1. Binder with your name, pathway, project title, and central question on the cover (This should look professional, i.e. typed, organized, contains table of contents.)

    2. Steps 2-7

    3. 8 Journal entries

    4. 15-20 source annotated bibliography

    5. MLA formatted Works Cited page with 15-20 sources (only sources USED in your project)

    6. Additional evidence of project completion (email communications, photographs, multiple drafts/designs

Presentation to your advisor must include the following:

  • Tri-fold poster or research poster showing the following:

    1. The title of your project

    2. Your central question

    3. Your answer to your central question

    4. Cited research that helps support your answer to the central question

    5. Visual documentation of process

    6. If applicable, visual aids or manipulative of the product you created for your capstone

    7. How you used the 21st century skills in the completion of your project

  • The use of technology* or the documentation of how you used technology to create your capstone.

*Any multi-media equipment needed for the presentation must be secured at least two (2) weeks prior to your scheduled presentation with your advisor.

The initial presentation to your advisor is to work out the problems and areas of concern for the project, so the presentation at the fair will be smooth and flawless. Suggestions by advisor must be adhered to in order to improve presentation score or even present at the fair.