Capstone Evening School Research Class

This course is designed to help you complete a research project in which you will use evidence from credible sources to support a claim about a topic in your career pathway. You will write a 12-15 page research paper about your topic. Successful completion of this course will fulfill the Capstone graduation requirement.

Course Syllabus

Aspen/X2 Log-in

How to login to Google Classroom


Mrs. Northup  -, Maroon Office

Mr. Aiello -, Room 015

Mr. Faria -, Room 018

Special Education Consultant:

Tammie Stone -, Room 206


Associate Principal Mrs. Northup -, Maroon Office

2024 Meeting Dates:  Wednesdays - 4/3, 4/10, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15

Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm, WHS Library


We are very sorry that you did not show sufficient progress with your capstone project by the March 1st deadline.  This course is the final credit recovery option that you have to make up for that decision.  If you do not pass this course, you will not graduate in June with your classmates.  Since your ability to graduate is a very serious issue, the following policies will be adhered to at all times and will help determine your collaboration grade for this course. 

1.  You will remain actively engaged in the work for this class (i.e. no phones, using computers for anything other than your research/paper).

2.  You will allow others to remain actively engaged in the work for this class.

3.  You will adhere to the mandatory attendance policy.  As with all WEHS classes, you may only miss a total of 1 hour of class time.  Should you miss more than 1 hour of class time you will fail the course. This includes excessive bathroom breaks.

During this course you will learn to:

Links to the Instructions for Each Step

You will be required to hand in the following steps during this course: (700 possible points)

Links to the Instructions for Each Step

You will also receive a grade for Active Citizenship, which includes participation and behavior in class, as well as adherence to deadlines.

Your final draft will be assessed using the school-wide Written Communication and Research rubrics. In addition, you will be assessed using the school's technology, oral communication and collaboration rubrics based on your performance throughout the course.