Step 3

Capstone Proposal


Capstone Proposal Worksheet (15 pts)

Signed Parent Acknowledgment Form (5 pts)

Selection of Partners/Groups


June 5, 2017

This is a great video about narrowing a topic. Even though it is about research papers, it applies to the capstone.


During this step, you will expand upon the topic you have selected and provide more details about what your project will look like. You will also commit to an engaging topic related to the career pathway you have chosen in your junior year (but you can change/modify any of these until October 23rd). You will also understand that you must show evidence of completion of the project through a presentation and the incorporation of all seven 21st century skills. You will demonstrate your understanding of this commitment with your and your parent/guardian's signatures.

We have broken up the project into definable steps to help you, but you must manage your time in order to complete the steps. Keep in mind that you will have a lot of other commitments in your senior year including applying for college, working at a part-time job, participating in sports or other extra-curricular clubs, so you must plan accordingly. Also, figuring out how much your project is going to cost (if planned well, can cost very little) may keep you from running into problems later in the project. Your advisor will review your plan and accept it or return it to you for revision.

You must identify the following in Step 3:

  1. Project title - Think of a good title. This is how you project will be identified at the fair and it is NOT your central question repeated.

  2. Goal (s) for your project - What do you hope to accomplish with this project? This is where you discuss the meaningful application of your topic to the real world.

  3. Strategy to accomplish the project - Who will you need to contact? Who will be able to assist you other than your advisor? How much time will you need? What materials do you need? How much will the materials cost?

  4. Real world application - Describe what your real world application will "look like."

  5. Presentation materials - You are not limited to just the list on this worksheet. You will most like use at least three or more types in the completion of your project.

  6. Your group partners and their academies/pathways - If you are planning on working in a group, you must provide the final list the names of your group members and their pathways. This is essential to matching all of you with the correct advisor. The last date to change your group is October 23rd. All students are individually responsible for each component of the project.

Please read the Parent Acknowledgement Form completely. It discusses the consequences if you do not meet the expectations of the capstone project by March 5th or if you are caught plagiarizing your project.