Day School News

November 11, 2019

Hello Day School Community,

Thank you for your incredible generosity in supporting our PTO fundraiser for the Day School. As of this writing, we are nearly at our $20,000 fundraising goal. The students are so excited for their fun run on Tuesday morning. We would like to invite all families to join us to cheer on students during the fun run. Students will run at the following times on Tuesday, November 12:

  • Grade 3 runs at 9AM
  • Grade 4 runs at 10AM
  • Grade 5 runs at 11AM

If you would like to volunteer at the Fun Run, please click this link for the sign up genius.

Your financial support will fund arts and enrichment programs such as the animal adaptations and Plymouth Plantation program for 3rd graders, Wingmasters and Electromagnetism program for 4th graders, and Museum of Science Star Lab and author visit for 5th graders. Additionally, the PTO is excited to fund teacher grants for books, curriculum supplies, and technology.

Because of your generous support, we'll be able to fund a school wide purchase to benefit all students at the Day School. This could be a new Chromebook cart or even new fountains with water bottle filling stations. Students are looking forward to new soccer nets and a base for the Gaga pit so it is not so muddy.

There is still time to put us closer to the $20,000 mark. Log onto to make your contribution today. Any student who received a pledge over the weekend will be entered into the last drawing for Scholastic books on Tuesday.

Thanks again for your support! We could not have done this without you.


Chris Louis Sardella, Principal

Norman E. Day Elementary School

Save the Date for the Boosterthon Glow Run-Tuesday, November 12 (Grade 3- 9AM, Grade 4- 10AM, Grade 5- 11AM)

Quick Updates

  • Parents and guardians are invited to have lunch with their children on Fridays in the cafeteria. Please RSVP by contacting Elizabeth Sawyer in the school office.
  • The cold weather is upon us. Please make sure your child is dressed warmly for outdoor recess. Unless students have a medical reason, all will be participating in outdoor recess.
  • Please abide by the traffic rules when dropping off or picking up students:

1. School buses have the right of way. You may not pass a school bus when the stop sign is engaged and lights are flashing. This includes buses dropping off or picking up students.

2. When approaching the sidewalk in front of the school, please wait your turn and form a single line. Do not double park at any time.

3. The school driveway is one way around the flagpole. Please follow the arrows clearly marked on the pavement.

4. When dropping off or picking up students in the side parking lot, form two lines and follow the directions of the adults. The adults make decisions to maximize student safety. Thank you for waiting a few extra moments to ensure everyone is safe!

This year we will be providing FLU SHOTS and Flu Mist Nasal Spray to Westford Academy and Middle School Students and Flu Mist ONLY to the elementary schools.

*Limited Supply of Flu Mist Nasal Spray is available*

School-based flu clinics will be offered again this year to Westford Academy, Blanchard, Stony Brook Middle School students and elementary school students this fall. Please register your child on our Westford Health Dept website or call 978-692-5509 for further information.

  • Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at Blanchard Middle School 7:35 am, Norman Day Elementary and Miller Elementary School.

Complete CORI Forms before December 20

A reminder for any parent or guardian who is planning to start volunteering at the Day School: An approved CORI for Westford Public Schools is required. CORIs can be submitted only from August-December each school year. If you hope to join your child's class on a spring field trip or in-school event Jan-June 2020, please be sure to visit the Day School (or any other school in the district) before winter break starts on December 20th to submit your CORI. The Day School office is open between 8:00am-3:00pm.

5th Grade Band - Before School Sectionals

Fridays - 7:30-8:15am

Please check the schedule below for Friday morning band sessions. These sessions are only for students who play the instruments on the designated dates.

11/15 - Trumpets

11/22 - Flutes

12/6 - Clarinets

12/13 - Trombones

Memo to Parents from

Food Services Department

Each student in Westford Public Schools has a unique ID number which follows him/her throughout his/her years in the system. Using this ID number, students may charge lunch purchases to an “account” or may pay cash for their purchases. Parents are able to fund their children’s account via the on line site Myschoolbucks or by sending cash or a check to school with their children.

Our policy is that each child is allowed to accrue a negative balance of $10.00. That is roughly 3 lunches, depending on the grade level. However, prior to an account reaching that limit, we employ steps such as weekly negative balance emails and letters to protect parents from excessive “over purchasing” and unmanageable lunch debt.

The alternate cheese sandwich meal given to students with outstanding debt greater than $10.00 is common practice in most districts in the Commonwealth. When it is necessary to give an alternate lunch, it is done so discreetly and by the cafeteria manager. We do our best not to cause embarrassment to the student.

In addition to the menued school breakfast and lunch meals, there are many A La Carte options from which students may choose. Yogurt/fruit smoothies, snack items, bottled water and dessert are among these choices. Parents may restrict their children’s purchases by contacting Colleen Wallace, A note can be added to a child’s lunch account limiting purchases and/or options.

Day School is collecting gently-used, wearable pairs of shoes this year for a fundraising program called ShoeBox Recycling. Donated shoes are shipped around the world for resale and reuse. Our school earns 50 cents for each pound of shoes. This money goes directly toward funding our many activities, including arts and education programs. Let's see how many shoes we can collect this year!

Shoes must be in wearable condition, without holes in the soles, cannot be wet or mildewed, and must have shoelaces if they are necessary for the shoe to function.

Types of shoes ACCEPTED: Almost all types of gently used shoes including adult and children's casual shoes, dress shoes, athletic shoes, boots, work boots, and sandals.

Types of shoes NOT ACCEPTED: Shoes in need of repair, wet or mildewed shoes, heavy winter boots, ski boots, roller skates, rollerblades, ice skates, flip flops, Crocs and bedroom slippers.

To help, please drop off gently-used, wearable shoes in the lobby of the Day School. And thanks!


Lbs. Recycled Clothes


Gallons of water saved


Trees Saved


Lbs. CO2 Emissions reduced