Serwis CLUB at HDF Mercy Center (s)

December 12, 2019 at HDF Mercy Center


CAS Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global importance. (6)

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. (5)

Show commitment to and perseverance in experiences. (4)

I joined SerWIS club starting in Grade 10. SerWIS is a club aimed to raise funds for less-fortunate children and schools. In various school events, SerWIS club would set up booths selling juice and other food to raise funds which would be used to purchase necessities for the organization in need of those resources.

Joining SerWIS club for 3 years was a spectacular experience as I got to be part of something really inspiring. The trip to HDF Mercy Center was my first experience at an orphanage. It was an eye-opening experience where I played with the children there, taught them how to draw, and interacted with them. It was a good sight to see how their smiles brightened up on their faces after the SerWIS members played fun traditional Thai games and coloring games with the children there.

Serwis making First-Aid Kits

October 28, 2020

On October of 2020, SerWIS leader was able to obtain funds through a competition. Hence, she used that money to order medical supplies and med kits to school where the SerWIS club assembled the med kits filled with bandages, masks, saline, and other emergency medicines.