K9 Club's Booth on International Day

International Day 2019 - K9 Club's Booth (S)

October 11, 2019 at Wells International School

CAS Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan an experience. (3)

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in experiences. (4)

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. (5)

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global importance. (6)

Service and Creativity:

I joined K9 Club when I entered high school in grade 9, and was nominated and voted to be one of the three leaders starting in grade 10. Our club's main goal is to raise awareness about street dogs and raise funds to donate to CHSAthai (a non profit stray animal shelter we are working closely with located in Saraburi, Thailand).

This year as a junior, I came up with the idea to make smoothies and sell them at our booth for International Day. The week before International Day, the leaders organized the members into groups and gave them their tasks for the event. I communicated with my fellow leaders and members of K9 of what type of materials for example which cups or which frozen fruits do members think will sell the best. Luckily, I have a blender at home already so that night, I tested the recipes to adjust the sweetness, etc. I created a smoothie recipe on and wrote it on the measuring cups. On International Day, I taught members how to make the smoothie as well as use the blender. I felt really happy because I saw many members dexterously using the blender, as a new experience because it was the member's first time. Aside from the smoothie, we also have other fundraising events such as the games 'Mystery Box' and 'Nerf Guns.'

At the end of the day, K9 Club's overall fund raising was really a success because we earned a profit of about 5,000 baht. Aside from the profit which will be donated to the shelter when we visit them, all leaders and members were happy during the event which made this year's International Day even more memorable. The K9 smoothie became a famous K9 product!

This proved that teamwork is an essential ingredient to success. Alongside the other 2 K9 leaders, I was able to plan this fundraiser event. Without the hardworking members of K9 Club, the fundraiser this time would not be this successful. It was a great sight to see everyone working together and I was able to show my commitment to K9 Club at the same time raising funds for a non-governmental organization that is encountering some financial problems.