K9 Trip to CHSAthai

K9 Club at CHSAthai Stray Animal Shelter (Service & Activity)


In my second year leading the K9 Club at Wells International School, once again we have organized a trip to visit CHSAthai (Compassionate House for Stray Animals in Thailand) located in Saraburi, Thailand which consists of 1400 dogs and 400 cats. The main goal of the trip is to help out and create a promotional video for the shelter to help publicize the shelter as well as a chance to earn new experience and have fun. I started to plan for the trip at the end of October where I started constantly communicated with my co-leaders, members, club advisor, and the amazing owner of the CHSAthai shelter.


By the end of October, K9 Club has confirmed by asking official permissions from the school to allow the trip to happen. As the main leader of this trip, I started ahead of time in early November and started preparing by creating documents about the choices of accommodation with prices, location, benefits, and pictures. I also contacted each hotel to explain that we are going in a big group to see if they could provide us with any special discount/promotion. The hotel choices are then sent out to the K9 Members group with Advisor to vote on which accommodation will be the best fit.

In the following weeks, I also created documents such as the rooms of the members while trying to fit everyone with their desired roommates. I also contacted the owner weekly to talk about the goals and tasks that he wants the students to complete. I listed out the six main tasks the owner wants done and created a shift-schedule so that all the members are able to enjoy all six tasks. Aside from the tasks, I created a schedule document including the time, activity, and details of everything we will do on the trip. By late November, I have finished all the required forms that Wells requires for a field trip to happen and reconfirmed with the school, K9 Advisor, and owner of the shelter about the trip. I have also set up a donation box infront of the school where people could donate animal's foods, accessories, and other necessities. Two week before the trip, I talked with Ms. Ann constantly and booked four vans on a discount for the upcoming trip. Lastly, I created a K9 Trip Checklist which has been sent out to the messenger group to help members pack all the essentials for the trip.


The K9 CHSAthai Trip took place on December 8-10, 2019. Everyone followed the K9 Trip Schedule to meet at the school lobby at 8:45. With the cooperation of everyone, we were able to leave Wells at 9:00. At the shelter, our Wells community toured and played the shelter on Day 1. On day 2, we split into groups and completed the assigned tasks by shifts. The tasks ranged from garden work such as planting trees, pruning trees, making holes in the soil (to insert organic insecticides) to organizing the shelter. The work requires lots of energy working in the hot sun but everyone was motivated and did our best. On the last day, we split into groups and did our final touches on the tasks. Lastly, the K9 Club of Wells happily donated 17,000 baht to the shelter.


After the trip, it made me think about how people and animals are struggling somewhere else and it's very hard for them to ask for help whether it's financial assistance or for some publicity. CHSAthai is a shelter located in Saraburi, which is north-east from Bangkok. It is pretty far and CHSAthai is not as famous as other stray animal organizations in Bangkok. Every month, CHSAthai needs money for animal’s expenses such as food supplies. With our close relationship with the owner of the shelter, K9 takes this chance to collaborate yearly with CHSAthai to donate money. This trip, members voluntarily filmed and edited promotional videos for the shelter. A few weeks after the trip, the final promotional videos were sent to the owner of the shelter. The owner was able to use this to publicize the shelter on social media.


K9 Club had a very successful trip at CHSAthai this year.Moreover, I feel really happy that I was able to host this trip to CHSAthai. 36 hardworking people really did help the shelter a lot. The efforts I saw during the trip was very heartwarming as shelter staff and everyone did their best to help out as much as possible. I am also very glad that our Wells community could also experience an incredible trip.

The animals and the kind people we met brought happiness to our trip. It was an unforgettable experience and the honor of meeting such generous volunteers working at the shelter, from owner to staff. I was also very proud of everyone as we take a deeper step into helping the stray animals. This trip is considered successful and I am still very happy and proud of that.

Here are some of the promotional videos created by our K9 members:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUmKmvSMLBk (by Pam)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW_rtjVCv5Q&feature=youtu.be (by Ben)

K9- CHSAthai Trip Schedule

This is one of the promotional videos and slide show of memories we had from the trip. Video by Pam (above)

To express our gratitude and share our experience with the Wells Community, K9 Club's leaders, Riddhi and I, also wrote a post for the Wells' Website. Here is a detailed description of the trip. (below)

K9 Club at CHSAThai Stray Animal Shelter – Service Trip

December 8-10, 2019

To express our gratitude and share our experience with the Wells Community, K9 Club's leaders, Riddhi and I, wrote a post for the Wells' Website. Here is a detailed description of the trip. (below)

Although being fairly new, the Wells K9 Club came together once again to organize the annual service trip to visit the lively animals at CHSAthai (Compassionate House for Stray Animals in Thailand), who desperately need our support. This shelter is located in Saraburi, and the 3-day overnight trip took place from December 8 to 10, 2019. For these 3 days, we accommodated our team at the Had Song Kwae Resort near the shelter, making transportation for the 37 people easy. Once we had arrived at the shelter, we had a tour of the entire shelter while playing and meeting the dogs, cats, pigs, and a monkey. The next day, everybody got into work mode. We were big in number, so we divided ourselves into groups and shifts where we helped the shelter plant trees, trim plants, and moved heavy objects to organize the place. K9 Club continued the work and finished the final touches on the third day.

The ultimate goal and focus of this trip was to provide our love and support to the 2000+ animals taking residence at the shelter. Considering they don’t get a lot of visitors, one of the most pressing concerns for the owner was both raising awareness about the mistreatment of the animals before they were brought to the shelter, as well as attempting to show the animals that they are loved and cared for. Together with this, we also lent a hand with some tedious gardening work that helped the environment the animals were in.

Additionally, another one of our bigger goals was to help advertise the shelter in order to increase the donations they receive, as well as give them a voice on a larger platform. In order to accomplish this, our team created a promotional video in which the entire shelter is shown, together with the work we did there. In order to raise as much money as we could to give the shelter during this trip, K9 Club hosted a series of events at Wells. This included making smoothies, selling shirts made with our logo, as well as having movie nights. All of the profit from the events as well as our past earnings were successfully donated to the CHSAthai Stray Animal Shelter.

The days spent with the animals went by quickly, and it was time to say goodbye. By the end of the third day, the K9 members and chaperones thanked the owner and staff of the shelter for sharing with our club an unforgettable experience that both reminded us of the reason we made this club, as well as motivated us to continue our hard work. The owner of the CHSAthai Stray Animal Shelter was extremely appreciative of everyone’s effort and dedication. It was then time to head back to Bangkok.

Here are some of the promotional videos created by our K9 members:



If you would like to donate to CHSAThai, they are very welcoming and appreciative of monetary donations or donations in the form of animal food and related materials. Please follow the link to their Facebook page for more details:


We would like to give a special thanks to the owner of CHSAThai for his warm welcome and sharing of knowledge, and for our chaperones, Mr. Ray, Mr. Chase and Ms. Chawisa, for their dedication and support. We believe the trip turned out to be a success and the K9 Club will surely revisit the shelter again next year!

Written by: Riddhi Tandon & Pam Chatdecha (Class of 2021)

taken from: https://wells.ac.th/news/k9-service-trip-to-chsathai/