K9 Movie Night

K9 Movie Afternoon

November 29, 2019 at Wells International School


CAS Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan an experience. (3)

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. (5)

One week prior to the K9 Trip to CHSAThai animal shelter, K9 Club hosted a Movie Afternoon on Friday the 29th, 2019 to raise funds right before our to trip as much profit as possible to donate to CHSAThai on the last day of our trip. In the auditorium, we showed the movie A.X.L. which is about a robotic dog, while serving the middle school students with popcorn and soft drinks.

During this experience, the K9 leaders planned the event and it was a great experience to learn how to initiate and plan an event. Working together with all the members made everything successful.