Accomplishments at Wells

Seahawk Scholar Award

Grade 9 (Winter Awards Assembly December 2017)

During the Winter Award Assembly 2017 when I was a 9th grader, I was honored to be awarded the Seahawk Scholar Award. A scholarship and award that Wells International School awards to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements

Seahawk Scholar Award

+ Activities & Athletics Award

+ Leaders & Ambassadors Award

Grade 10 (Winter Awards Assembly December 2018)

On Winter Award Assembly 2018 when I was a 10th grader, I was honored again to be awarded the Seahawk Scholar Award. A scholarship and award that Wells International School awards to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements.

Additionally, I was awarded the 'Activities & Athletics Award' and 'Leaders and Ambassadors Award' for demonstrating excellent leadership skills and participation in extracurriculars.

Super Seahawk Award

+ CAS Recognition Award

+ Seahawk Team Sports: MVP Award

Grade 11 (Winter Awards Assembly December 2019)

This was the first time I was awarded the Super Seahawk Award, the highest form of scholarship Wells awards to students who demonstrate an outstanding balance between academics, extracurriculars, and athletics.

I was also awarded 'CAS Recognition Award' for coordinating an overnight Service trip and leading K9 Club to a stray animal shelter.

I was also honored to be awarded the 'Seahawk Team Sports MVP Award' in my junior year.

Super Seahawk Award

+ Seahawks Sports Award: MVP

Grade 12 (Winter Awards Assembly December 2020)

Due to the Covid-19 situation In Thailand, the Winter Awards Assembly of 2020 was conducted online. This time, I was super honored to be awarded Super Scholarship for the second time.

I was awarded the MVP for Volleyball in my senior year.