
Piano AT School (c)

CAS Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify own strength and develop areas for growth. (1)

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in experiences. (4)

As the piano accompanist for the High School Choir at various shows starting in my freshman year, I enjoyed this experience practicing, performing, and being part of school events like International Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas Concert, and Spring Concert.

I was able to identify my own strength which is playing the piano. I formed a band with my friends to perform during International Day. Though I am quite experienced with my piano playing, being an accompanist gave me the opportunity to develop skills such as synchronizing with the singing and experience what was like to be part of a choir. Aside from performing at school, I played for the choir's performance outside of school at events where the Choir performed Christmas Carols at BNH Hospital and Emquartier Mall. I was able to show commitment and perseverance that I always went to practice and perform my best every time with the Wells High School Choir.

International Day Piano Performances

October 11, 2019 at Wells International School

This year, I played three songs on International Day. The first song was called 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing' which was the opening performance of the exciting event where the a singer lead the choir to perform. This song had an upright and playful beat which made the International Day parade marching in feel more colorful.

International Day Band

October 11, 2019 at Wells International School

In my junior year, I also formed a band with my friends to perform a Thai song called 'คุกเข่า' (Kook Kao) during International Day. It was super fun to perform music with my friends!

Father's Day Piano Accompanist

December 4, 2019 at Wells International School

For 2019's Father Day's Ceremony, I was the accompanist for the Grade 5's performance who sang a lovely Thai song to their fathersThe song carries a very nice message for everyone's beloved fathers.

Christmas Carol at Emquartier

December 6, 2020 at Emquartier

Wells High School Choir took part in a Christmas Carol performance at Emquartier where I played piano for the piece 'Joy to the World' which the choir beautifully performed.