Cooking During Quarantine

Cooking on Quarantine (c)

April 1-19, 2020 at Home

CAS Learning Outcomes:

    • Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

Before online school started, I have been cooking occasionally on the weekends. During online school and April's Spring Break, given the opportunity, I have decided to cook my own lunch on the days I have the ingredients prepared. This way, I can improve my skills and learn something new about cooking during the time spent at home with my family.

It has also been a while since I tried to follow an online recipe. This break gives me the opportunity to try to follow online recipes which turned out to be very tasty. The result was very successful.

At home, I have the opportunity to cook lunch for myself and my family. It is very enjoyable and it is beneficial for me in the future as well as I practice and develop my skills.