Internship at Suchailohakarn Co., Ltd.

Internship at Suchailohakarn co., ltd (A)

November - December 2020 at Bangkok, Thailand

CAS Learning Outcomes:

  • Show commitment and perseverance in a CAS experience.

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

During November to December of 2020, I participated in an internship at Suchailohakarn Co., Ltd. also known as "Basket Brand", a business that manufactures aluminium kitchenware engraved with Thai patterns. My eye-opening experience was wonderful as I got to relate my business management and economics knowledge to real life operations within a big factory.

It was a great opportunity to be see how big factories like Suchailohakarn operate. I got a detailed tour of the whole factory and how each group of workers were in charge of different processes. I went there every Tuesday and Friday to help out with any of the paper work and oversee some production areas.